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Everything posted by ColdJ

  1. They refused to play. I miss @Maria Sirona
  2. 1: Tigger Kerbal was happily bounding across the Mun towards their landing capsule.
  3. ColdJ


    Create a Paragraph about a moment in the life of a unique Kerbal Rules: Come up with a unique Kerbal of your choice, give them any job you like that you think a Kerbal may do on Kerbin or anywhere in the Kerbol system. 1: Just a paragraph at a time, it is a moment, not their entire story. 2: You can write another paragraph in their story or someone new only if someone else has written a paragraph on a Kerbal inbetween. 3: Based on rule 2 you can write paragraphs on the same Kerbal for as long as you like, maybe even get to the end of their story. 4: Please end your paragraph with MEANWHILE so the next person can start. First Paragraph. Methusala Kerbal was admiring the latest rocket that the team in RND had come up with and it made him think about how it had all started when he was young, so long ago. He remembered when Kerbin was covered in forests, that was before the drive to go to space had hit and all the trees had slowly been harvested for materials needed in the manufacturing process. He was one of the first to test out designs, and the last to survive those tests. He raised his head up and stared at the Mun in the sky. Today was the day they would finally get there, he just knew it. Meanwhile:
  4. Sadly no. What about @Nobody?
  5. Pizza oven made pepperoni sentient mutations with mushroom brains and peanuts caramelized onion
  6. 3: The engineers built it based on the design.
  7. Rounding functions is cheating.
  8. Calling 911 to complain that your neighbours are not being noisy.
  9. Because originally they didn't hide and showed it all. If you put a show on can you showoff?
  10. Crypyo goes bust. Cash is King hill.
  11. Hello Robin, where did all the other people go? Ah, Robin, why are you looking at me and salivating?
  12. Granted: But you can never leave and are stuck as a flat graphic. I wish for worlds of imagination.
  13. Floor 4754: This floor is empty except for a sign that says "For Lease".
  14. 3: But it did give them rides like in a fun park.
  15. Pizza oven made pepperoni sentient mutations with mushroom brains and
  16. Because cow tipping is all the rage. Waiter, why are you bobbing for apples, in my soup?
  17. Cheating is a floor that is something else.
  18. Calling 911 to find out what is topping the charts.
  19. French Foreign Legion Fort.
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