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Everything posted by ColdJ

  1. Which ever is good for buzziness. Why don't we stick with a good thing?
  2. Granted: It is actually the blue hand of Vanamonde. I wish to know that which I need to know.
  3. Quick!! I need some trees and sheep if I am to set my spawn point before dark.
  4. When you get your phone working again using a wooden toothpick.
  5. 5/10 Only seen you the last 2 days. If you are still posting in games a month from now then I will upgrade you to 10/10.
  6. Fundamental A class of over the top comedian. E.g Robin Williams and Jim Carrey.
  7. I am, thanks A.T. One day I might even get back to the projects I halted part way through, 4 months ago. Hello @JoeSchmuckatelli
  8. Usually, chopping someone in half and having them fall down a deep well, would kill them. Or electrocuting them and throwing them down a deep well that then gets blown to smithareens would kill them. Or feeding them to a giant beast in the desert that is all teeth and stomach would kill them. But I guess the potential to make money can bring anyone back to life. P.S : Count Dooku's head is in a jar on Futurama and he is rather upset about it.
  9. Hi A.T ( @AtomicTech) Hope you are well.
  10. Assuming you have read the posts on the first page of this thread and not found an answer, then ask about a specific issue you are having, and I or someone else knowledgeable will try to help you through.
  11. ColdJ

    Shower thoughts

    Get yourself a big bag of Scrabble tiles and randomly pull the tiles out and lay them down in the order they come.
  12. N -63 I used to put it all the time but stopped when I was seeing so many new pages all the time.
  13. We have released Soup 2 into early access. You will need a serious bowl update in order to eat it. Waiter, will I be able to use soup 2 in my Linux bowl, with some WINE?
  14. Nope it is I. Hello @burn n crash.
  15. Though I have the latest BforArtists (windows version) working by using W.I.NE, on my new Zorin OS (Ubuntu based). When I originally tried installing the Linux version, first .deb then .tar, it seemed to install correctly, but when I clicked on the launch program, nothing would happen. As I am brand new to using Linux I was wondering if @Stone Blue or @linuxgurugamer, or anybody else. Might have insight as to if there are other steps I have to do to make it work?
  16. As stated. Has this been covered before? If so could somebody link me to the solution? If not, can anybody provide me with a solution? E.g Trying to clone parts etc. Also found that if you install WASD Camera tools by @linuxgurugamer that I lose the ability to pan around the craft parts in the editor, using the mouse.
  17. It is a four square meal, so we employed a Barber Shop Quartet. There is A-capella in my soup.
  18. We are trying out a Paleo menu. Waiter, there is a launcher in my soup and it wont let me start eating.
  19. Granted: Everywhere you put it catches on fire. I wish to know a song with great lyrics.
  20. 1: I can 2: I do. 3: I know. And may I add some other favourites from the source. One Week, It's All Been Done, If I had A Million Dollars.
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