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Everything posted by ColdJ

  1. @kerbiloid https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Digital_Compact_Cassette Still banned
  2. I must be cheating, As I own a handheld colour one along with a flatbed. (I miss telephone fax machines)
  3. It seems my representitive @Kerb24 replied for me. I will endorse their call for @SSTO Crasher.
  4. Banned if you don't know what a Digital Audio Cassette was.
  5. It has the longevity of a Digital Audio Cassette Tape.
  6. A Zip Disk is cheating. (Do you think the young ones even know what a Zip disk is?)
  7. Granted: It was in the last thing you ate. It has now become lodged in your stomach lining and will slowly cause an ulcer over time. I wish for an entire universe inside a grain of sand.
  8. Hello to the Returned, The_Architect. Neo says hello. Hello @Just Jim. Probably the only member of the production team that might say hello back on this thread.
  9. Wow @James Kerman, That was a valiant effort. Congrats @Nazalassa and @SSTO Crasher P 0
  10. Strange that they changed the name. I am on 3.13 myself. Ok. From the pic of the UV map it looks as if you have patched or added some faces to an original at some point. If you look at the very bottom left you will see that part of your UV map is pulled to the very corner. When we add faces free hand, the program doesn't create a new UV map for those faces but shoves it all into a spot down on the bottom left which is slightly off the pic. Anything in this spot will appear black when in game. Assuming you created the original yourself then you will need to create a fresh UV map with everything selected. Also make sure you select everything on the overlay before moving the UV map. Seeing as you have a pic that has certain parts for different sections. What you need to do is pick only the vertices of a particular section at a time that you want to match and then use the orthagonal view numbers on the number pad (1, 3, 7) to get a front on view of the part in the orientation you want. Then on the UV dropdown choose "Project from View" This will create a UV map section of only what is highlighted as you can see it on the left workspace. If it is too big or too small, then just zoom in or out on your model and try again till it appears around the right size on the overlay. Move it into position and if it still isn't the right size, use the resize function in the overlay wokspace. While you are doing this have the left workspace set to material view so you can see if you have lined it up properly. Remember you can turn it in in the overlay if it is the wrong way up. Try this and save it under a new number. Remember to edit your config to use the new .mu and see how that goes.
  11. Nothing Popeye loves more than a can of Kale and some Olive Oil.
  12. P -62 Goodnight. I am guessing a sudden surge will finish this game once I am gone, So see you on the other side.
  13. I am hoping that being able to make things lifting bodies in configuration stays. Otherwise sci fi ships like from star wars would become impossible. Things that look good in a movie don't often do well with real aerodynamics coming in to play.
  14. Well, to do the opposite too I suppose. Either to decrease PE at the appropriate point for insertion into the atmosphere or increase AP at the right place so as to more efficiently break free of the influence of a planet and head out to to another one. In each case without significant change in velocity. The trouble with only speeding up or slowing down is that you then have waste more fuel to compensate when you get where you are headed. Using it to get closer at PE means that if you do it correctly you can use atmospheric drag to slow you and use less fuel. Using it to choose where in orbit your AP is means setting up where is most efficient to accelerate to a course to get free of the planets influence or get captured by the Mun etc. This is just in relation to nodes of course. When not using nodes it is a way of targeting the nearest celestial body.
  15. Yes. It made them stand out as special to their pilots and crew. I think it would be great to be able to personalise your ships and make them unique.
  16. Sorry. I thought you were well versed and so didn't need to make it more complex. Say you have an uneven orbit where your PE is a bit close. You do not want to change the speed you are orbiting at, you just want to even out the orbit so that PE and AP are about the same. Radial in, I think at the halway point from PE to AP and you will decrease AP and increase PE. Inversely Radial out after AP on the way to PE will do the same. It also is usually more frugal than Pro or retro. Also remember, Prograde is the path along which your craft is flying. It is not your relationship to the planet. That is why with the point of closest intercept window you can far more efficiently decrease your intercept distance with the craft you are targeting, just using your RCS. You are changing your prograde in relation to your target, side to side in 2 planes, rather than increasing or decreasing your velocity. Makes it much easier to arrange a meeting for docking.
  17. Changing the shape of your orbit, depending on where you are in comparisson to PE an AP at the time you use them.
  18. @xstarlin Hi. I am happy for someone to correct me, but in non programming terms I think you have to think about it as, It is not the NAV Ball that is turning but rather your point of observation. Just like in a 3D modeling program where you move around a model that is static in the centre of the workspace to see different sides. Due to the nature of the game requireing there to be an away from the planet, a towards the planet, an along this axis, an along that axis etc. So as the Kerbal or the craft they are in changes directions in 3 dimensions, the NAV Ball stays orientated to the different axies. essentially it does not turn, you just see different sides based on your orientation, and by observing the different sides you can determine in which direction you are headed. I know that is not code but hopefully it might give you an idea of what might need to be done.
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