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Everything posted by ColdJ

  1. Would certainly like to hear more. Very interesting. I have never tried to set it to true. I just use it because the stock parts do. I think I got it from a Mk1 command pod config. @Lisias Now something jogged in my brain but I can't remember if you had mentioned it or I read it somewhere else. You can have more than one drag cube, one for flight and one for water. They have unique names for each, but I cannot remember where I read it or the exact labels to give them.
  2. I don't know what you look like, but truly androgynous people are rare in society, and certainly are not all non binary. I am very glad that you are doing well in the space industry and hope that no one ever based your right to work there on how you personally identify yourself or your personal sex life. I wonder, if the person who had made kerbals and a variant had never mentioned the word female, would we be having this debate? If they were called cylinder and ovoid would you still insist that one is male and the other female? ( to all who keep saying square headed, It is a cylinder with rounded ends. Have a good look.) A post said that only I and one other mentioned labels but this post has 2 in the title "Non-Binary" and "Gender Non-conforming". These are labels designed to separate and ostracise people. It doesn't matter which side of the argument you are on, the result is the same. You hopefully know by now that you are valid human being, no matter what those that have been brought up in close minded households say. We all are. We are born the way we are born. We do not choose to be a certain way, we just are. So insisting that a game character that has only got a different head as a variation is somehow not representitive of you is just taking something innocent and trying to make it complex. I am all for customisation as being possible, to make unique Kerbals that suit your style. But if we keep making it about human society then the makers may as well leave all future kerbals with opaque helmets on, then remove all names and just call them "clone" with a number after the word. I am old enough to know that when a topic is heavily ingrained in someone that no matter what logic or examples you provide, they will not take in what you are saying, so I will make this my last post. I hope you do well in your future venture and wish you luck. I also hope that one day that nobody ever cares how you were born, just that you are safe and healthy.
  3. Only if they choose to. This is my concern in the world. How do we get to a place where we all just care about each other and don't get hung up on trivialities like your particular mixture of human. If both those who see anything other than binary as a threat and something to be removed, and those who aren't binary, keep promoting that the differance is a big deal and ostracising. This could have been just "Can we have many different ways to customize kerbals into any look we like" but instead it became "I refuse to identify with 2 genderless creatures that have different heads" I want one that is labeled as non binary." That is why it became a big debate. It pulled in human predjudice to a game that is in no way related. Getting hung up on what it says in the game files is just looking to make an issue where there needs not to be one. KSP is about creation, exploration and inclusion. This forum goes out all over the world. There are tons of things going on in the world right now that I would happily rant about but that is not allowed here. So why it matters is because the topic is phrased to pick sides. There are no sides. There is just us. Now. I am not ignoring you from now on, but it has gone past 2am where I am and it is time I was asleep. I hope you get what I am saying. Have a great (insert your time of day here.)
  4. Oh and by the way @regex I truly don't think you meant it, but to say that by looking at someone you automatically know how they feel and present as a person is very insulting. Seeing someone who looks feminine and labeling them a woman or looks masculine and labeling them a man is making an assumption. Our identities as human beings go far deeper than our outer features.
  5. No naughty bits, no full stop. As said, I could put up human pictures where you wouldn't be able to tell who has what. Not saying that they didn't say a gender originally or that it is not in the save file because it made it simple for the programmer. Just that is not stressed and it is up to the individual player to believe what they want about their Kerbal. Completely fine with that and would be happy for it. That would be cool. Thank you. So in mods, not stock?
  6. Ok. Anywhere when playing the game itself, that doesn't require opening up game files?
  7. @Scarecrow71. You should follow your own threads so you know if someone has posted Try this as a point in the right direction. Hopefully @Poodmund will be nice enough to give you some tips.
  8. It wouldn't. (I would prefer we don't go adding bumps and lumps under the suits though, they are Kerbals, not humans.) So simply this thread should have just been. "Can we have no restrictions on which facial features or hair styles go on which shaped heads please?" With the addition "And could we be free to mix and match in any way we want?"
  9. Geonovast became afraid. He expected the safety inspector to appear before dark. The team thought that massive boosters might counter the lack of struts on Kerbin. The mission would gradually devolve into reaction wheels, something literally revolutionary to Kerbalkind. How extraordinary that is, considering the effort required to make big ol' pitch forks and feather dusters with large torches, and wiggly tentacles playing the piano for fun. Exactly one week later, the inspector woke to find a great disturbance in the force - a PowerPoint presentation. The horror of it overcame him with great quantum superlinearecitation. A Massive vortex opened to reveal a terrifying cake-producing monster. The inspector immediately panicked and reached for his pogo-stick, deftly bouncing off the bed that he was floating on down the Nile and into the grasp of Curveball-Anders who spontaneously barfed. Rutabaga, meanwhile, emerged in the river of dreams. Snark saw Kerbiloid and thought, is that Adsii? What strange and bizarre manifestations appear when Aerodynamic Kerbal suffers from a ColdJ virus. Deddly, Vanamonde and TakeTwo ninja'd the cake as Admiral-Fluffy forlornly tried to soak a stolen dry bagel in lox. The cake-producing monster began slithering towards the first person to run a bakery in the best area of Dakota. Competition wasn't anything the monster felt like wasting time on. However, the mountain of cake was devoured by the kraken, leaving a steaming pile of useless debris. Boris (the monster) started a clearance war while Adsii cleaned his plate with an explosion of flavour that could've potentially rivaled the famed Tibetan chocolate croissant. Meanwhile 18watt, Nazalassa and Starhawk were hatching a plan to take over Minmus with an icecream van. Scoops of Minmuscream were flung in every possible direction, while Vanamonde insisted on waffle-cone diplomacy complete with toppings and spoons. The outcome of the event was uncertain; the icecream was completely consumed by Gargamel and the cones became crushed from lack of enthusiasm by the moderators. The inspector later wrote a scathing report; despite having no memory of previous events, it was imaginative and entertaining in its depiction of strange hallucinations and bizarre potatoes. He was deliberately throwing doubt across the entire Kerbol system as to what had happened, so more inspectors arrived to grab a bunch of managers to remove the sting of the report. However, before they were ready for publishing, the Kraken released a piece of artwork based on macaroni cheese to surpass the wiggly tentacles playing the piano for fun. This caused a hyperbolic frenzy in publishing the report, resulting in an outrage towards its writers, who then asked, "Where are the snacks?" Boris suddenly saw an opportunity to sell copious amounts of Snacks. Hot cupcakes sold like hotcakes and cold cake sold like cold cream cups (which are good for puffy eyes). But something unexpected did occur: the inspector tasted his lunch and threw a party for everyone, although Geonovast excluded Gargamel. Curveball-Anders took everyone to the icecream parlour for pizza (you kind of tanked me there. A long time a go in Pizza Hut far far away. I worked in a restaurant version and they served personal pizzas. They also had a salad bar and an icecream machine. For lunch some times we would put a thick crust personal pizza through the cooker and then when it came out we would put icecream on top of it. It was like having icecream with a waffle. It was yum.)
  10. Which is fantastic. The only reason for the debate is the the title and opening post of this thread. Just go through the randomised kerbals till you get one that speaks to you and there you go, you are represented.
  11. Geonovast became afraid. He expected the safety inspector to appear before dark. The team thought that massive boosters might counter the lack of struts on Kerbin. The mission would gradually devolve into reaction wheels, something literally revolutionary to Kerbalkind. How extraordinary that is, considering the effort required to make big ol' pitch forks and feather dusters with large torches, and wiggly tentacles playing the piano for fun. Exactly one week later, the inspector woke to find a great disturbance in the force - a PowerPoint presentation. The horror of it overcame him with great quantum superlinearecitation. A Massive vortex opened to reveal a terrifying cake-producing monster. The inspector immediately panicked and reached for his pogo-stick, deftly bouncing off the bed that he was floating on down the Nile and into the grasp of Curveball-Anders who spontaneously barfed. Rutabaga, meanwhile, emerged in the river of dreams. Snark saw Kerbiloid and thought, is that Adsii? What strange and bizarre manifestations appear when Aerodynamic Kerbal suffers from a ColdJ virus. Deddly, Vanamonde and TakeTwo ninja'd the cake as Admiral-Fluffy forlornly tried to soak a stolen dry bagel in lox. The cake-producing monster began slithering towards the first person to run a bakery in the best area of Dakota. Competition wasn't anything the monster felt like wasting time on. However, the mountain of cake was devoured by the kraken, leaving a steaming pile of useless debris. Boris (the monster) started a clearance war while Adsii cleaned his plate with an explosion of flavour that could've potentially rivaled the famed Tibetan chocolate croissant. Meanwhile 18watt, Nazalassa and Starhawk were hatching a plan to take over Minmus with an icecream van. Scoops of Minmuscream were flung in every possible direction, while Vanamonde insisted on waffle-cone diplomacy complete with toppings and spoons. The outcome of the event was uncertain; the icecream was completely consumed by Gargamel and the cones became crushed from lack of enthusiasm by the moderators. The inspector later wrote a scathing report; despite having no memory of previous events, it was imaginative and entertaining in its depiction of strange hallucinations and bizarre potatoes. He was deliberately throwing doubt across the entire Kerbol system as to what had happened, so more inspectors arrived to grab a bunch of managers to remove the sting of the report. However, before they were ready for publishing, the Kraken released a piece of artwork based on macaroni cheese to surpass the wiggly tentacles playing the piano for fun. This caused a hyperbolic frenzy in publishing the report, resulting in an outrage towards its writers, who then asked, "Where are the snacks?" Boris suddenly saw an opportunity to sell copious amounts of Snacks. Hot cupcakes sold like hotcakes and cold cake sold like cold cream cups (which are good for puffy eyes). But something unexpected did occur: the inspector tasted his lunch and threw a party for everyone, although Geonovast excluded Gargamel. Curveball-Anders took everyone to the icecream pizzeria
  12. Banned for feeding him after midnight.
  13. Granted: Grandma gets new eyes. I wish for the opposite of the opposite of peace, love, and understanding.
  14. Hello @Scarecrow71. What amazing challenge have you completed lately?
  15. @t_v I agree with the not adding boxes and happily only having one. To tell the truth if there is something in game that says one is male and the other female, then I somehow have missed it. When I go recruiting they are all in the same line and the only thing that differs is courage and stupidity. Val was added not purely as a here you go, a female, but more a here you go, more than one country has been to space. As for names, as I stated, unless you are in a very traditional place that adds a A or an O to the end of a name to assign gender then a name can be used by any one. And even when that A or O is added the core name is being used by both. Francesca, Francesco. Ever hear of the actor Val Kilmer? He is a male and yet there you are, same name. As for facial features, who says that all males have squared off heads and all females have round ones? Or short hair or pony tails? I was shopping the other day and there were more short haired females about then male ones and long hair and pony tails abounded in the male population. I have 3D modeled Kerbals and checked out the original model, there is nothing under the suits to assign gender to. They are asexual and most likely just get more through cloning or spores. The Superman analogy doesn't work because canon has superman fathering children with Lois and no mention that it was other than in the traditional manner, ergo he has male parts under his suit. The people who made the game have not stressed that there is gender, even if they have called Jeb male and Val female in the past. It is left up to the player to decide. I have seen many things in my life. I have seen humans who may have female parts below but you would never know from looking at their heads and ones that have male parts below but look like female super models. The world is an amazing place full of amazing people, and the only thing that matters is how we treat each other. Either side trying to separate people into labeled groups to ostracise and make it side against side is pointless and just keeping us in the dark ages. Give me a world when the only time anybody cares about gender or attraction is if they are hoping to date the person. And as I stated before. More ways to personalise Kerbals would be great. Just don't go trying to label them. If I am going to space or building something with someone then who cares what their particular mix of human is? I only care that we will work as a team to make our world better.
  16. @Lisias Hi the buoyancy parameter does cause differences but it is inconsistant between sizes, or that is how it appears. I have seen it work between 0 and 1.5. It may go higher but I don't think you would notice by then. I have had to use the parameter in a few mods. For Stockalike Aircraft Carrier Decks, after experimenting I had to set it like this. buoyancy = 0.1 buoyancyUseSine = False Without the parameter or greater than 0.1, then when I spawned a deck into the water it would jump about violently and never settle. If I set it at 0 then it would sink. For a couple of decks I also had to use the drag cube of 1 that that was stable at 0.1, yet there was another one that when I used that very drag cube on it, was unstable, but its real one worked, now that will give you a headache. These single parts are very large and so there is a lot of volume. I have also set my Cyber truck to 0 so that it would drive into the water to launch the jet ski. As far as I know, negative numbers don't do anything better than 0. A very large wheel wouldn't sink even with 0 so I had to give it the drag cube of a smaller wheel, and then it would. So that is the maze of logic you would be delving into. If you ever find a logical answer, could you please explain it in terms that someone who glazes over when looking at algebra can understand?
  17. Hi. N are trying to get to -75 and P are trying to get +75 We are currently in the negative zone so your number would have been -34 and so theoretically playing for the P side. P -34
  18. When you rescale a part it doesn't get scaled in one dimension, it gets rescaled in three. You are adding or subtracting, Height, width and length, which just in a cube increases the volume greatly, so imagine for more complex shapes. The game calculates the drag cube based on the meshes dimensions, not on its colliders, so even if you just had a big box collider around the whole model, it wouldn't affect the drag cube. So say you took a simple cube and made it longer in just 1 plane, you are still increasing the volume across the whole 3 dimensions. Now I don't know the exact formula the game uses but basically small increases require much greater masses to balance them out. As such you end up having to have a huge amount of mass to counter the increase in volume. This becomes impractical in a game where you use rockets with limited thrust to weight and finite fuel. As to the cross section of the MK2 hull, the game is imperfect in it's calculations. and so something you wouldn't expect in the real world happens in game. I have 3d modeled many boats and ships for KSP and unless you make them extremely heavy they will sit balanced on their keel on top of the water. my solution to that is to make a copy of my model and remove the lower half at the level I want it to sit in the water. I load that model up and then go get its drag cube, I place its drag cube in my config for the full model and then it sits in the water at the realistic height. It is just the way the game is programmed.
  19. There is an easy fix, hold down Ctrl while selecting and it will deselect any vertices you choose. So if you catch some you didn't mean too you can remove them from your selection. There are so many instances where you need to be able see what is going on around and behind an area you are working on, that it would require a page to list and show examples, so I will leave that for now.
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