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Everything posted by ColdJ

  1. In the Kerbol system. How many Kerbals standing on each others shoulders would it take to reach the top of the VAB?
  2. ColdJ

    Shower thoughts

    @kerbiloid. Well we have no proof either way. Also they may have liked their meat warm and since most of the things they hunted were cold blooded and very still at night, they probably prefered them warmed up and moving in the day time.
  3. Banned by the Aardvarks too.
  4. Paininis loaf casserte eat the meat bug truffle stimulator of all chimes
  5. Gene became a bionic man. He expects the Cybermen to appear before dark. The Doctor thought that massive 3D printers might counter the lack of superior parts on Kerbin. The mission would gradually devolve into something revolutionary to Kerbal cranes and rainbows. How extraordinary that is, considering the effort required to make big ol' pitch forks
  6. ColdJ

    Shower thoughts

    @kerbiloid They probably had poor night vision and so like most birds slept at night and hunted in the day.
  7. UIO met E, he said IOUE. E said UOE? UIO said EI, EI, O. O said E. They both got hit by a Bus. El Kerman. Love in an Elevator.
  8. Watermel00n Kerman realised he was a character in a story and disappeared in a puff of logic. Buck Kerman. Waking up in the far future.
  9. Because the alternative is to be ponged, and that would smell bad. Name an obscure game?
  10. Banned for Saturday Night fever.
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