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Everything posted by ColdJ

  1. Standing out in a sand storm is good for your skin.
  2. Banned because nobody else will.
  3. Granted: They do but you... I wish for understanding.
  4. Gene designed a vinegar-and-bicarbonate rather than a bionic. The agency expects the Cybermen to appear before dark. The Doctor thought of massive booster shots to counter the lack of superior thrusters on brooms. The mission would gradually devolve into something revolutionary to Kerbal cranes and rainbows. How extraordinary that is, considering the effort required to make
  5. Goddard Kerman was very poor at reading and accidently filled his rocket with liquid fail rather than liquid fuel. When he attempted take off, nothing happened. So he went out through the hatch. Unfortunately his rocket was so finely balanced that his weight on the side caused the rocket to start to tip over. First he fell to the ground, breaking everything, then the rocket fell and crushed him to death. Sally Kerman: Searching for Sunshine.
  6. As nobody corrected an incorrect post last page my post will be the same number as above to bring it back to fair. N 7
  7. Was actually here on what is Monday for me. @SkyFall2489
  8. Jeb saw the plane tilting and the tilting plane.
  9. Floor 3033: Seems the mat ate the cat that had eaten the rat, it is no longer flat but looking quite fat, I guess that is that.
  10. Thank you @taniwha for some more great information, didn't know you could get a model with no materials set to show up. I actually covered making sure that you have materials set up in my thread, will see about getting the info closer to the begining. I basically got thrown in the deep end with 3D modeling without much in the way of clear instructions and I asked many questions on this thread with only very little reply of knowledge. So alot of what I worked out was through trial and error. At the time I started my thread you hadn't posted here since April 2021. Knowing how hard it had been for me to get clear information I set up the thread to try to pass on what I had found out so that other people had an easier time of it. As I have learned more I have tried to clear some misunderstandings up, I will see about going through and editing conflicts. Very glad you are around again now.
  11. I found a page that may help, I am still trying to absorb it myself but may help you work out your adjustments.
  12. Ban toad cassette be the mloaty bug trap stimulator of all crimes
  13. Summer Kerman once removed a large tree from their property, this left a large hole, Summer filled in the hole and forgot about it. As the seasons passed, rain soaking and ground drying slowly eroded the dirt from underneath, leaving a thin crust. One day Summer walked over the spot and the ground gave way. Summer fell into this seasonal depression and died. Clive Kerman: Expecting the unexpected.
  14. Banned by Eric Bana and Bruce Banner.
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