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Everything posted by ColdJ

  1. Banned for fear the year was not clear, or so I hear.
  2. Z 0 This is why I thought best not to tally zero, the score would be much bigger than the others.
  3. Z 0 First/second push to zero. I got ninja'd I think we can both count as we posted within seconds of each other. Don't know if Ben's counts as they just passed through zero on the way to negative. We were actively going for zero. @CFYL
  4. Um. Banned by the inventor of the Foil Tank, I guess. (wasn't me. I'd re-enforce the outside of the foil with a kevlar weave myself. Best way to re-enforce in car Hydrogen tanks so that they don't blow and take the car with them.)
  5. Banned by quantum string theory.
  6. Z -3 They can't post till it is a different number, as they want to keep it at zero. It is why few people ever play "True Neutral" Characters. You can change your play style as you please by simply changing preface it you feel blocked in. @CFYL
  7. That was a typo folks, he meant binned, nothing to see here.
  8. Yep, sadly this thread is still locked tight, can't post at all cause it has never been opened. "Sigh" Maybe one day it will open so that I can. Click!
  9. Hi. Never knew this thread ever existed. I use custom drag cubes for buoyancy issues and for making shapes that aren't aerodynamic work as lifting bodies. I have no idea how to calculate drag cubes myself but instead create a basic shape in 3D modeler that has the dimensions I want and config it to appear in game. Load up so the game calculates a drag cube for it. I then go back out, open PartDatabase.cfg (found in the main Kerbal Space Program folder, not GameData.) and use the search function to find my uniquely named part. I then copy the Drag cube from in there into the real parts config file. Now I don't know how you know that they are being calculated incorrectly but If there are any other parts that are basically the same size and shape you can use their drag cubes from the database and paste into your parts so that they override auto calculation. Be interested to know why the drag cube of a decoupler is important in what you are doing? Also @Lisias is the master of rescale and the guy who does all the hard work on Tweakscale, so may be able to give you some info on the subject.
  10. Hey, wasn't @kerbiloid meant to be here to meet us?
  11. Using Harry Potter, moving picture trickery. Cheater!
  12. Putting The Kerbal Next to Pipes goes horribly wrong.
  13. Banned till you click on the "Don't Click This" thread.
  14. Unclick @modus @kerbiloid @Admiral Fluffy @Spaceman.Spiff @SSTO Crasher @Nazalassa@Watermel00n @Kerb24 @CFYL@Autochrome@Zozaf Kerman@SkyFall2489@Ben J. Kerman@Lisias@cantab@Jack Joseph Kerman and anyone else.
  15. SO SCRAP latch Scarlette is the flat bus kit simulator of Vall time (in my mind)
  16. Soldout, Performance, Angry, Mob
  17. Incredibly fluffy, yes. Here, no. Going in to @Hyperspace Industries.
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