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Everything posted by ColdJ

  1. When you play cricket with a Praying Mantis.
  2. O SCAN Hatch cassette is the floaty bus kit simulator of Vall prime (d)
  3. Well I checked the rules on page 332 and If I have read them right, then as a chaos move I can do this, lets see your true motives C 26
  4. The straw man got three meters away eating my donut (30)
  5. Banned for getting confused as to whose job it is to confuse you.
  6. The pie man is three meters away eating my donut (28)
  7. Guy comes back from a museum in the future. Booster Gold Hill.
  8. Granted: It wrenches you from your seat every time you think of it. I wish I had wrapped my head around the mods to fly multiple craft at the same time.
  9. No, but I like the song "Electrical Storm" by U2 (My favourite car would be something that could compete and survive the Dakar Rally) TUBM Has yet to experience just how expensive cars are to maintain.
  10. Seriously interested in the mechanics of how that works in KSP. Does it utilise the reverse thrust module?
  11. Guess I better finally turn up. @Nazalassa?
  12. ( I was fine with the sentence being edited more times but now you have started adding extra words, this could end up quite large.) The pie man is three metres away from my rocket. (26) @Catto. Game threads tend to morph into whatever keeps them interesting. I wouldn't take it personally. Just Look at "King of the Hill" or "Steal the Cookie". They haven't looked like the original set out for ages.
  13. Comic book company merges all the possible universes in to one.
  14. How about some Roast Chicken? Red Rooster Hill.
  15. But now where are you @SkyFall2489?
  16. Banned for eating the stuffing.
  17. O SCAN Hatch casette is the floaty bus kit simulator of Vall prime (mid)
  18. The biggest sprocket is three hundred meters (13)
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