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Everything posted by ColdJ

  1. No. But, being that everyting gets loaded into RAM at start up and the more you add, both the longer the load up time and the less spare ram for actual game play, I wouldn't be creating so many. KSP people have all different sizes of computer and most would have their game play ruined if they tried to use your mod with that much in it.
  2. Getting to space using solid rocket boosters. THAT'S NOT KERBAL! Getting to space using electric ducted fans. THAT'S KERBAL!
  3. Making it difficult to reply in multiple threads. Cheater!
  4. Ever changing camera angle beats spin stabilisation.
  5. Boris Kerman flies a tiny lemon-powered broom rather than a rocket to Mars
  6. This lamppost has pickled in the Narnia. (11)
  7. CAN Tatch cassette be the floaty us kat simulator of Vall prime
  8. Having reviewed the last 10 moves, using the preface info and @Zozaf Kermans assertion that his current brand of chaos is to post the same polarity as the poster before. I concur with the last 2 posts, so. P 54
  9. Nope. Oh nuts, I missed @Melontime.
  10. I would not be in a rush for this as @kerbmario was just nice enough to update an existing mod. I have looked at the Il-76 cockpit and even for an experienced 3d modeler, it would not be a simple cockpit to create.
  11. Here you go, one chicken drum kit. Some pasta please.
  12. SCAN Hatch cassette be the floaty us kat simulator of Vall prime
  13. Neo noir graphic novel destroys Teen Titans.
  14. Nice safe re-entry vehicle. THAT'S NOT KERBAL! Surfing a heat shield in to the atmosphere and deploying the personal parachute 1 km from the ground. THAT'S KERBAL!
  15. Boris Kerman flies a tiny lemon-powered broom rather
  16. Banned by Malcolm X. (see what I did there)
  17. Star Trek. We come in peace, shoot to Hill.
  18. Granted: It gets turned into a farming game. I wish the lovely homes I built in older versions of Minecraft didn't get messed up by the new versions.
  19. Floor 2982: You look out the window and see the original really really really tall building that you were climbing before coming here by silt strider.
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