If it is a help thread where you are sharing knowledge and experience on issues and you have proven that your solutions and methods work. Then I would see no issue with you starting the thread. You are not taking over the mod, you are simply creating a suplemental designed to help the average user overcome problems that they may encounter. A lot of modders lose passion for their creations over an extended time, and no longer feel like answering questions when people ask. I believe you should be appreciated if you are willing to put in the effort. It is of no threat to the modder and can only improve peoples reaction to it. I keep up with various threads and see question after question that are never answered by the author. So your thread would be a boon.
It is in fact one of the core reasons for the forum to exist at all, that of the sharing of knowledge to help out fellow players, so that we may all get the best experince and promote a kind and caring community that we can hold up as an example of how the world should be.
(Just make it clear that you are in no way anything to do with the creation of the mod, just another user sharing the insights you have gained over time.)