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Everything posted by ColdJ

  1. Waiter: You already have, that is why your hair is falling out. Customer: Was the water for this soup got from old Roman pipes? Can I get the recipe for this new page?
  2. Ben's Bun has been binned, bon bon banned.
  3. Granted: Sombody did. I wish to get Thunderbird 2 correct.
  4. Deposits are found. Mythral Hill. The myth of the new page.
  5. ColdJ

    Say yes!

    That is what they say.
  6. ColdJ

    Say yes!

    Yes, this was mentioned in Thread of the Month.
  7. I am layed out, above me is wheeling, no bans today as, I stare at the ceiling.
  8. No cheat is complete without a tweet that is offbeat.
  9. Kool Aid drinking cult hill. Empty now but for the leader Hill.
  10. There are worms on top of some of your letters.
  11. A thread whose premise started with the assumption of being locked seems to be slowly turning into a way to bait moderators. So if it does get locked then does that mean it achieved it's goal?
  12. Fashion Parrots that have secrets? Cheater!
  13. ColdJ

    Shower thoughts

    I believe the Gist of it was that language can be confusing.
  14. Crooning. Cole Porter Hill.
  15. ColdJ


    I am not really experienced at Log problems. At a guess it is because I left that module in but didn't provide the texture set for the RCS thrusters. If it is a problem for you then you can either delete or comment out the module in the config file. To comment out a module just put 2 forward slashes in front of MODULE as in the following example. It doesn't stop it working and you would only notice what you have put if you open up the Alt f12 console. // MODULE { name = FXModuleAnimateRCS animationName = linearRCSGlow responseSpeed = 0.01 thrustForceMult = 2 } Hope that helps.
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