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Everything posted by ColdJ

  1. Lifting up the hill. Hills Hoist.
  2. +26 Not everybody knows the shortening of something. Highway Side Portaloos?
  3. Because it is hard to pick up a ball of water and throw it at someone. Also if you lie on the ground and move your arms the pattern won't set. Why don't people who live in snow just drive tanks? Abd apparently I got ninja'd by Kerbaloid. Octoplat. Why don't people who live in snow just drive tanks?
  4. The true star arrives. Green Valley.
  5. 5/10 Only a youtube algorythm would promote Statzenblitz. I am human because I am not trying to advertise to you.
  6. Granted. You have never hung so many paintings before. I wish people remembered to have fun.
  7. I like you because you are nice person.
  8. Banned for combining matter and antimatter.
  9. Don't know the name of the no name to know what name the no name is, you know?
  10. Thou shalt only remember what you forgot to add once you reach orbit.
  11. I freeze the billabong and everything in it. Blue Billabong Hill.
  12. Remove all mods that use kk. Make sure you have the latest. Links at beginning of this thread. Make sure you have the dependency Custom Prelaunch Checks, Found in the older versions of KK. Go to spacedock and download fresh something simple like KSC Floodlight. Link below. https://spacedock.info/mod/264/KSC Floodlight Chose this because all it does is add 4 clickable light towers around the KSC launchpad and is fully self contained except for needing KK. Once all in see if it turns up around the launchpad. If yes, then the core KK is working. If yes then using fresh copies from something like Spacedock. Install another mod. Do each that work 1 at a time to make sure of no conflicts. Never install all at once, because if there is a conflict, you will never know which mod caused it. Hopefully this works. If not then it is the log and maintainer route.
  13. Hi. This is the wrong thread for that question, you want the threads that make new models to go with KK. But I remembered from some months back that someone was making an oil rig static and if you follow the link below it will take you to the post that mentioned it.
  14. KK uses what are called "Instance" configuration files. Whether you custom create something yourself or you have mods like Kerbinside remastered, KSC extended, KSC Harbour, Hafco etc. They need to have their instance configuration in a folder that is somewhere in the GameData folder of Kerbal Space Program. It doesn't matter where, only that it is within the GameData folder structure. So on the simplest begining before more technical knowledge is needed, which would require Logs and the maintainer of this thread. Start with KSC extended only. Check within it's folder structure and make sure you can find it's instance file. All configurations have a suffix of .cfg but the ones that have "Part = Static at the top, when you open them with a text file reader are the actual models, not the set out. Different authors label their files differently and some get quite complicated but here is one of the simplest I have. It sets out where the centre of the KSC Harbour set up is and demonstrates the layout you are likely to find in an instance file. It is needed for everything else in KSC Harbour to be built. Then on it's foundation there are instance files for all the structures to be placed by co-ordinates. So if something has happened to your instance files KK can not place them. If you can confirm that you have all the instance files for a mod and it still doesn't work, then you have a deeper problem. I am assuming you have the latest, recently updated KK continued version that repaired the problems created by 1.12.1 onwards. // Generated by Kerbal Konstructs KK_GroupCenter { Group = KSCHarbor CelestialBody = Kerbin Orientation = 0,1,0 RadiusOffset = 48.9380417 Heading = 270.00116 ModelScale = 1 SeaLevelAsReference = False RefLatitude = 0.20481130104445266 RefLongitude = -74.836560544757376 } @The_only_spaceace
  15. A picture showing you have added 4 structures, gives no information at all what your problem is. If you are to have any chance at being helped you will need to write in detail what your problem is.
  16. Yes. Yes but it is Top Secret, so don't tell anyone. When they attacked the second Death Star, Where was all the Scafolding, Portaloos,Construction Workers,Building Inspectors,Delivery Trucks...?
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