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Posts posted by ColdJ

  1. Do the following to travel to another planet.

    A jump to the left and then a step to the right, with your hands on your hips, just bend your knees in time, And then a pelvic thrust to really drive you insane. Lets do the time warp again.

  2. Granted. A gamer has to have the most expensive, fastest responding, overclocked, graphics card costs more than the rest of the computer combined, 7 input mouse and super resposive mechanical keyboard with custom colour light up zones on a 3 monitor, super surround sound, cost more than their car system. A player just has fun with what they have. Sadly you feel no better.

    I wish for stability.

  3. 1 minute ago, cubinator said:

    Pretty sure this is a myth. Millennium-old glass pieces have not spilled.

    Not a myth, science. Though I probably shouldn't have generalised the spill out of the frame period as that depends on many factors. So I will say give it a million to spill to be safe. As for the first, go take a caliper micrometer to some 50 year old single pane glass and compare top to bottom. Remember that when it was cast it was floated flat on Tin to give it an even thickness all over, so any difference shows the point.

  4. 9 minutes ago, adsii1970 said:

    No, you're not going to stop volcanic lava flow or seal off the cauldron of a volcano by spraying water on it. Sure, in some parts of Hawaii, the flow is small enough they can slow it down with water, but you're not going to stop an erupting volcano.

    Umm, which part of that was you know you are a nerd?

    You know you are nerd when you attach a fusion powered Ion engine to the incoming asteroid and nudge it just enough to go into a sling shot orbit that will throw it into Venus, just so you get a quick glimpse through Venus's atmosphere.

  5. 48 minutes ago, adsii1970 said:

    I simply chose that one for the reason my daughter loves that movie, as I once did, but once you've seen it about 90 times

    You need to watch a good independent movie where plot is more important than action.

    2 hours ago, Selective Genius said:

    I was literally crying under the shower when I realized that Liquids are just gases shoved in together by atmospheric pressure.

    Then this will freak you out. Glass is actually an extemely high viscosity liquid. Given a very long time it will actually get thinner at the top and thicker at the bottom. Give it a couple of hundred years and it will spill out of the frame.

    I wonder if the people in charge ever think about an end goal of balanced sustainable living, or if they just think that building more and more over the planet will just go on forever?

  6. 10 hours ago, peridoot said:

    you can critize a video game rocket engine for being over expanded by looking at the plume

    teach me your ways

    Didn't say I could do it, just said a real nerd might :) I can sometimes get it to work if I put 100 negative variables in.

  7. On 7/21/2021 at 4:40 AM, Stormpilot said:








    Hold up is this based from fallout 4 S.P.E.C.I.A.L.?

    Definitely not Fallout 4. Fallout 1, 2, 3 and Vegas. I can neither confirm or deny :)

  8. Just popping in from a borrowed computer. I wonder if the last 2 posts should actually be in the "One sentence to annoy an entire fanbase" thread.

    Hope you are all well. Think I might soak in the tub instead. :)

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