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Posts posted by ColdJ

  1. 15 minutes ago, Delay said:

    Literally had this thought in the shower. How does special relativity work on a rotating sphere?

    Because an outside observer would argue that the linear speed depends on the latitude, whereas observers on the sphere would argue that there is no relative motion at all, regardless of latitude. Two points on a sphere never move relative to each other. Then again, higher latitudes have a shorter distance to travel in the same amount of time, so they are actually moving more slowly...

    I guess this is why special relativity specifically describes inertial reference frames, since a sphere is constantly accelerating anyone on it?

    They aren't travelling more slowly, they just complete a revolution in a shorter time. And you need to define if the observed event is caught up in the same rotational motion or is off the sphere at fixed point in space, which presents it's own problems to the observers who are on a moving surface that constantly changes the angle of the observation. If everything is on the same rotational surface and the curve does not obscure their view of the event then only the speed of light travelling from the event to their eyes will affect the overall observation in the relative space time. The theory was based on the observers being on a relatively flat plain with a clear linear line of sight to the event and does not translate well to the model you are hypothesising.

    Also unless your sphere is spinning ever faster the observers on it aren't accelerating but are being moved at a constant velocity relative to to their distance from the central axis point. Don't quote me on any of this. Better off asking someone from MENSA or NASA.

  2. 2 minutes ago, Som-Boi_lol said:

    There once was a kerbal stuck on the Mun,

    The rescue was coming very soon,

    Their ship was destroyed into bits,

    The rescue crew were misfits.

    Very nice but not a limerick. 5 total sentences, first 2 end with same rhyme, second 2 have a same different rhyme then last has same rhyme as first 2.

  3. 5 minutes ago, BuranAce said:

    Would you perhaps be willing to make a KSP lore video :) Wink Wink Nudge Nudge

    I don't have the required things but others a free to use my work. There are other great theories from others on there too.

  4. 7 minutes ago, BuranAce said:



    Here is my theory

    There was once a lot more Kerbals but an asteroid hit Kerbin (hence the crater) and only a handful survived, so they are trying to find another habitable planet to colonize and abandon there scarred Kerbin.

    This is a rough theory but someone could go into it more in depth, maybe even make a lore series like Minecraft's Deep Dives.



  5. I am over here, look down and to your right, see that speck that looks like a full stop that is me.

     @Admiral Fluffycan see me.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  .

  6. Regular glass that is formed properly is very tough. It is the imperfections like bubbles that weaken it. Fiber glass is literally extruded glass that does not have weakening imperfections and so can can be used to make a mat that can be formed around a shape. Enough pressure to deform sub windows would deform the metal sub around the window first. If you manage to push a window of the type used in a sub far enough, it will shatter rather than deform. @kerbiloid

    6 minutes ago, Som-Boi_lol said:

    What if kerbals are actually us in a lot of years? Earth was destroyed, but we sent an escape ship and found a Solar system-like system. We found Kerbin and moved there.

    If Kerbin is considered high G compared to Earth then over a long time of natural selection, only the stockiest of us would survive and our skin would adapt to the conditions. We are talking in a million years type time frame.

  7. 5 minutes ago, kerbiloid said:


    And I mean concave.

    Aluminium is not a glass.

    The trouble with thinking that only 1 thing can be described by a word is confusion. So to be clearer. Someting that is convex and transparent, atleast in glass and acrylic generally works as a magnifying lens and so would distort what you are seeing through it. The inside of exploration and recovery subs windows are concave. But to make it less contentious lets say that they are a hollowed out hemisphere. Anything that is solid to the touch and can be seen through is considered to be under a catch all term of glass. Yes it doesn't have the molecular and atomic components that make up silica based glass but it does qualify for the catch all term. I did say Transparent Aluminium, not regular Aluminium. It is real, very expensive and has been used by the US military to make Humvee windows that can stop a 50 caliber round. I gave you a link, please feel free to google and read up on it.

  8. There was a poor Kerbal on Gilly.

    That thought it all was quite silly.

    He said so to Jeb

    Who looked at this thread.

    Then revived it cause someone said, "Will He?"

  9. 3 minutes ago, AlamoVampire said:

    Why do we dream dreams that dreamed of dreamed dreams that dreamed dreams of dreams not yet dreamed?

    Because we seem to see the scenes not seen since seeing seams in serene memes.

    4 minutes ago, Som-Boi_lol said:

    Can a can be a can?

    Why yes, yes it can, especially in Canne where the people CanCan to the beat on the can that is played the man who knows a can can.

    Are black eyed potatoes always fighting with black eyed peas?

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