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Everything posted by ColdJ

  1. @Warro I have the NMB cockpits working. It was a stupid typo on the folder path that stuffed it. And I don't know if you read further back, but now that I know what to look for I can find the material names in the .mu using a hex editor. Sure enough, there it was just as you had written it. All FS models that were such a pain before are now quaking with fear bwahaha. To the other lovely people. I have upped the monster wheel to 100 kg as the original was light for the AquaCat. and made a copy of the AquaCat wheel rename HardWheel upped to 50 kg, to stop them shuddering when hitting a snag. Will see what I can do, though finding the right section to alter can be tricky. I tried it on the AquaCat wheels and it ended up on the tread. @Warro The beginnings of A tumbler. Also if you didn't change the scale of the spotties that came with the defender, they fit perfectly in the 1.65 scale in the headlight position to make up for the lack of working lights.
  2. Knowledge is power. Now that I am aware of what to look for when it comes to material names I can look at the model.mu in a hex editor and find it's material name. As such I am now able to change the military wheel's colours with part variant, only the forest green as an extra so far but I wiil do more. Little bit of trivia. Through an interesting set of circumstances, I actually own 1 of the special mountain bikes that go with Explorer Special, orange and black with the Land Rover badge on them. And I don't mean 1 made up to look like them, I mean 1 that actually went on the challenge. It is a strange world.
  3. @Caerfinon@Astrion@Dientus Thanks to @Warro's work and him getting the material name required. Here is the new config for the Defender. COM is now set for just the Defender with wheels or with it's accessories. I am putting up a new vehicle offset device that is adjustable in the SPH to get the balance right for loading the roof rack or for other stock creations that like to flip out. I have the safari skin in at the bottom as RoverZebra and at second bottom the RoverForestGreen I just put up. I like a traditional colour cause I am old fashioned. GameData\Squad\Parts\Engine\miniJet\SmallJetEngineoffset.cfg Uses the Scrap Metal resource. Anywhere in the gamedata folder as a config file, if you don't already have it you can create your own or drop it in Squad's generic resource config.
  4. @Warro There you go it's on a trailer. But when I go bush bashing It is going on the roof. GameData\KerbinRover\Parts\Rover\RoverForestGreen.png
  5. Just tried, ended up with no texture at all. will have to experiment. @Warro
  6. Settled on 0.0, 0.07, 1.1 Just configed the 14d and going to go test if it worked. I assume the space in the material name was a real space and not an underline to keep it connected.
  7. Haven't had a chance yet, have to copy some stuff from my heavy mod game across. When I was playing more, I had alternate colours for my jet fighters, mostly an inverse of the stock white with the edges adjusted. Gave a nice grey colour which felt more real world jet to me. This should mean I can get the NMB to work now. Examples here. I have sorted the COM adjustment, every accessory raises the COM on the model so had to play around till it worked with and without. Will also upload the config for a revamped adjustable COM offset part that you stick on/in the model to account for the COM raising dramatically when you put anything up on the roof rack. You can adjust the mass to get the balance right. It uses the Scrap metal resource which can be found in ColdWarAeroSpace or my Mod "Working Underwater Lite" I will pop it up here too for those who don't have those. @Warro
  8. ok, if I am reading the set out correctly the material name for the F-14D is F14UV 79 and the rest follow this convetion in your post?
  9. Ah, sorry just got back from getting dinner. Right so you have resources I have yet to get. I literally only just started using BforArtists2, the fork of blender and it is like being thrown into the middle of the ocean and only being able to dog paddle. I only started doing reconfigs in April and everything I have learnt is from looking at other config files and extrapolating. Finding out that a mesh has to be set up to do something like have an intake, that you can't just give a module to anything and make it work. I don't know if the latest ColdwarAerospace wheels have been fixed, but maybe you could explain why they like to catch when you drive off the runway on to the flat. Also if you could find me the material names of the NMB cockpits I would be most grateful. The wheels can be fixed in the config file for the power and resource use. If you have a thread for your hard work in creating and adjusting parts, please put a link and I will follow it. Thankyou for finding out the correct name, that is what I had been trying to acertain from talking to Stone Blue. @Warro
  10. Thank you for your work I will explore further. I have your set up working. I had the emmisive set up in mine, have to see if that caused problem. Also how did you decide on LandRover as your material name? I thought it had to be the mesh name? @Warro
  11. Com offset makes it less likely to do wheely not more. Are you pulling back on the pitch or roll, you only use those to right yourself if you have managed to tip it over. I have adjusted my IVA to fit it but I don't rush that out as any props don't move with the resize and that takes time to get adjusted. If you want to get it perfect and pop your reconfig here for us to use, feel free. Does your part variant work, because the model was setup for firespitter I hadn't been able to get it working yet.
  12. Fireworks in KSP, apart from being able to go "You know what Minecraft and KSP have in common?" I bet all the people who like to simulate military machines are going "Ooooh, colourful tank shells, I wonder how I can use this to have a massive tank battle with explosions going off everywhere and the tanks being able to fire them from their barrels?"
  13. Thank you. I thought that was yet to be officially released?
  14. Here is a link to the imgur album with all the straight colours for the Grounded modular parts. I know that everybody who reads this is smart enough to rename them to match the part variant configs. Anybody new is smart enough to read what was done in the posts before and work it out. https://imgur.com/a/VDs2H6u The last 2 are out of order because imgur had an error and I had to load them again.
  15. Sorry but I don't keep up to date with the latest thing. Where do the fireworks launchers come from?
  16. As Warro said you need to rotate it 90 degrees. All wheels loaded up in the SPH are popped in on their sides. If you look at the back of the wheel at the supension you will need to turn it so the wide flat side is at the top. Ksp wheels only work 1 way up and only allow for about a 30 degree tilt either way before they become useless. It has always been annoying and has meant getting creative for vehicles you want to be able to go over large obstacles. once you pop a wheel on the correct way up, just use the copy function(left Alt plus left mouse click on the part in Windows) to pop the rest on the right way up.
  17. Granted. But now you have to work out how to get out of the safe. I wish for @Admiral Fluffy to draw a Kerbal dog.
  18. Though I have managed to get .mu to now load up using your 2.7 version. I am a seriously long way off from knowing what I am doing. I have been trying to make configs that keep it as simple as possible, so that the average user doesn't need lots of plugins to have fun. I am generally just using it to swap textures in the SPH. nothing fancy as yet.
  19. So is there any way to fix it so that it will accept part variant?
  20. A bunch of hungry Kerbals descended on the Safari vehicle. (you have no idea how hard it was to get this shot, they are like kittens and refuse to stay put.) @Caerfinon
  21. Going to need a link to their work to have a clue on this one. Strike that. Granted, but it is so avant garde that KSP's animation style rejects it immediately. I wish I knew why Firespitter stops Part Variant from working.
  22. @Stone Blue A model question. I have run into a problem that I have run into previously, before I had learned new parameter tricks using Part Variant. Previously it was with NMB models that refused to make use of part variant or even have a second config file in the same folder. Now It is a model of a Land Rover defender. In both cases the parts have the provision for the Firespitter texture changer. Is there something that is set up in the model mesh that prevents the part variant use by having something activated to use the Firespitter plugin? Thank you for any insights you may have.
  23. Looks like what they use to make prototypes harder to photograph. Just popping this here to make it easier to find in the future.
  24. I find myself asking if I really want to put part variants into a config that uses 7 different texture files to clad the model. hmmmm.
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