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  1. Do you happen to have this mod installed? Because I'm pretty sure it either has a memory leak or eats way more RAM than it reasonably should, which might also cause problems with your OS.
  2. After the first time I launched a submarine with a Bon Voyage controller (on Kerbin), memory usage shot up to 80 - 95%, and even recovering the submarine and restarting KSP didn't fix it, but uninstalling BV did. (I have 32 GB of RAM and KSP was using a *lot* more memory than usual) I had to restart KSP a lot while it was installed because every time memory usage got up to 95% Windows would slow way down, presumably from it dumping the memory of active programs into virtual memory. I didn't notice exactly at what point the memory use first started increasing (after I designed the vehicle? After I launched it? After I used the autopilot?). In any case it continued even with no BV vehicles in the world.
  3. The big saucer is still tagged like it's incomplete or in beta or something, isn't it?
  4. Would it be difficult to turn warp dragging into a tractor beam projected by an emitter that you could lock onto specific targets?
  5. Kerbal Flying Saucers can do this, in theory. When you do a particular experiment near a crashed UFO and return the results to KSC, there's supposed to be a chance to discover a UFO technology if you don't have it, or some other technology if you do. I don't actually know if it works because the chance of success is so low, and because I'm using Kerbalism and it might interfere because of how it changes science and the experiment modules.
  6. First zip it up and see how much smaller it becomes, then upload it to some cloud service like OneDrive or Google drive and share it. Anyone who wants to look at it can download and extract it. If it's that big, in all likelihood it contains a lot of repeated exceptions and stuff, and will compress really well as a result.
  7. It would be easier to copy the mm patches in the mods that depend on CTT and modify them to depend on Skyhawk instead and put the various parts into whatever part of the tech tree you want them in.
  8. I'm also using Kerbalism and RR, and I was never able to figure out how to get GC to work, and ended up switching to EL.
  9. When I last tried OPT Spaceplane, all of the normal parts in the spaceplanes I was building had antimatter storage, for some reason (I hadn't unlocked any antimatter storage or use for it), and while I didn't load them with any antimatter, they still demanded huge amounts of power to contain the zero antimatter. Iirc bad things happened when it ran out of power, but it's been years and I didn't make any notes about it. I do remember a red message of doom when they ran out of power. Anyways, I'm wondering if you happen to have noticed and fixed anything like this in the new version. Or taken antimatter storage away from all of the normal parts and relegated it to antimatter-specific containers? (I was assuming this wasn't the fault of some other mod mainly because opt spaceplane parts are the only parts I've ever seen this with)
  10. There's an outstanding pull request from two years ago to fix a different cfg error, so I don't think Nertea is maintaining this anymore.
  11. It does it on my perfectly ordinary 1080p display also. The most common issue for me is when the part overheating gauge appears, it covers the waypoint text. Which, since I use SystemHeat, is often, because the radiators get hot. I love this mod, by the way. I use it to mark biomes to target for landing, and (with the icons and colors) to keep track of which ones I've sent science probes to, and which ones I've sent kerbals to, etc.
  12. It sounds like this would make it possible to produce LFO or methalox anywhere? I have no clue how to interpret the numbers to know if this would be a fast process or not but I assume the intention is for making fuel from rock to be slower than making it from directly mined resources that don't have to be sifted from rock first?
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