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Posts posted by Puggonaut

  1. 1 hour ago, pingopete said:

    Yeah I plan to make my own sunflare at some point, does that profile use colour grading? wondering how you got that nice ark blue horizon without a different scatterer shader

    Honestly I don't know , I just dragged and dropped the cfg and other parts in and tried it .


    Oh I also tried your mod without KS3P & got this .


    I do like KS3P a lot but the cfg seems to oversaturate the scene at certain times it looks like a Atomic Bomb was dropped lmao . No offense intended as I know your MOD is WIP and it's amazing , the night light views are well , stunning to say the least .


  2. 11 minutes ago, pingopete said:

    I can't remember exactly what antialiasing setting I had, probably the highest, I think the rest was all just standard for a good pc, the reflection setting were 512 resolution and medium or low refreshrate, I tried 1024 resolution and on every frame but my frames took a massive hit. I also use the ks3p antialiasing which, while reducing sharpness massively helps reduce moire patterns on the city lights, this setting is set on by default in the configs I provided in the DL

    Thanks again , that helps lots got my reflections set to max , so that explains a few erm issues lol , will also look at the refresh rate . 

  3. 26 minutes ago, pingopete said:


    Nice! Yeah the short-key for the ks3p gui is (Left Alt + 3), go into the profile selection bit and select the PnigoPete RVE config, then select which effects you want to adjust/disable/enable, the config I wrote includes some configured effects which I disabled by default as they produce some visual artifacts, but you might want to try them: Depth of Field, motion blur etc

    Ok thanks for that will give that a look at . 

    One other Question in the Standard KSP Graphics Settings , what do you set yours up as ?

  4. This is amazing , even my nutty PC is struggling , but it's playable .








    One question how would I mod the bloom settings as in sunlight it basically reflects so much I can't see some of the spacecraft parts lmao

    Edited to erm show yer the rather bright Sunrise


  5. Wernher we need to chat about your latest idea 

    Did I also mention , if possible , you know the walkways that join to the Domes , how about two other versions 15 & 30 @ Angles  , se erm weird an wacky things can be made , not that i'd do that sort of thing , or try and build a rail system to a launch base on the water or to the old airfield , nope not me ……..

  6. Docking Ports would be a great add on so you can dock the domes together , that's about all , well apart from HUGE Domes , thanks for taking the time to reintroduce this to KSP , i''ve missed this mod a lot . 

    Pie in the sky dreams , think Logans Run the movie so erm round tubes so I can work out a way of building a tube system for crafts to travel from one dome to another , yer  yer I know mad idea but you did ask lmao .

  7. Do I need KAS to attach the lines and stuff to various parts to actually build on the ground ? 

    I've got the mobile workshop on the ground crammed full of engineers and a kit nearby with the component parts for the craft I require to build . 

    That's as far as I've got so far ?

  8. This is great , been playing about with it quite a bit , have a few questions

    I'm playing in KSP Ver 1.7.3 with the required kopernicus version .

    Now then on your huge list of add on's I've noticed a lot of patches for kopernicus  , will they work in this version as I can't seem to get KK to spawn some of the landing sites and I don't want to muck up my install , because apart from that everything else is working fine . 

    So erm which ones do I have to add regarding the patches if that is possible ?


    Thanks . 

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