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Posts posted by Puggonaut

  1. 8 hours ago, Gameslinx said:

    Don't worry, it's a Kopernicus bug, but the actual setting you are using will be the right one. Set the slider all the way to the right and hit apply just to make sure. 

    Deleting your settings.cfg will let you set the quality with the proper title, but any time you launch the game after setting it, it'll break itself again. 

    Don't worry about it, I've passed this on :)

    Aha , thanks for the prompt reply . thought I had installed the mod wrong lol 

  2. On 2/28/2020 at 10:26 PM, Gameslinx said:


    It might be a bit of trial and error I'm afraid!

    Go to BeyondHome/Configs/Rhode.cfg and scroll to the bottom. In the SpaceCenter node there should be a value called repositionRadialOffset, or something to do with offset. Try decreasing this a bit until it's back on the ground!

    I'll make a patch for rescaled versions soon :)

    Thanks for the tip appreciate that .


    Only took 3 attempts repositionRadialOffset is now set to 27 and its done &)

  3. On 2/23/2020 at 4:14 AM, AlphaKerman said:

    What version did you use? I'm using version 1.8.1 as it isn't working on 1.9 yet because Kopernicus isn't supported on 1.9 (I was using 1.9 and reverted back to 1.8.1). The rest is simply putting it all together. No cfg editting needed.

    *I do it on a fresh install to ease seeing what went wrong, much easier than a cluttered Game Data folder (I install the other mods later on)


    Yup i'm on 1.8.1 as well , any chance of you copy and pasting your sigma cfg ? I might just try that , it's doing my head in lol :blink:


    D'oh i'm fick forgot to install Rescale...……………….:lol:

  4. 16 hours ago, AlphaKerman said:

    Yep I noticed that. I basically just install ksp yesterday and tested it. Well seems terain density and quality set to low on default. I'll try it again later. At least nice to see people still use this mod at 1.8, last time i played it was like at 1.2 lol, nice to meet you :D

    Edit: Whoa, I switched terain scatter on (previously off) and set quality to high and I couldn't believe how nice it is. But I can confirm the fps drop on Duna but it still enjoyable to play. Thanks to remind me of that :)



    Can you tell how you got sigma to work please , as i'm trying it without any luck .

    I am thinking my cfg is wrong .

    Thanks .

  5. On 11/18/2019 at 12:37 PM, Jognt said:

    If I remember, I'll take a look at the precise steps you'd need to follow and list them. It should be straightforward to give you a step-by-step for keeping the stock model & effects.

    Could you let me know which of the following options you'd prefer?

    1. Stock Vector model & effects. ReStock version unavailable;
    2. Stock Vector model & effects. ReStock version available under a slightly different name;
    3. ReStock Vector model, stock plume; (Not sure how it would look, but from the pictures above I think it'd look ok)
    4. [Some different idea]

    Quoting this or @mentioning me should be enough to get me to remember. ;)

    Thanks , I've managed to work it out now , just wanted to keep the stock Vector only , so after some trail and error , its done &)

  6. 54 minutes ago, Francois424 said:

    Interesting musical tune.
    I think it might be a good music for that after Kerbol mod, where you start on Duna Solitude and where Kerbin Wasteland is too hot

    What's the name of the song ?

    Honestly , I don't know its part of the SoundEditorMod one of the tunes supplied .

  7. Kerbal Space Program 1.8.1
    A Bob D Production 
    Distant Object
    Special Guest Star
    CFG.s by me 

    With Grateful Thanks to all modders who make this possible 


  8. 17 hours ago, pingopete said:

    Wow, is you pc the blue horizons super computer?! My performance with a barebones install was soso, but then my pc I'snt really that high end anymore these days. 

    Are you using the detail texture mapped over the entire planet in that last pic? I can see the mirroring.

    Love a little secret ingredient in my installs too ;)

    I thought up using the terrain texture as a city mask by cutting out a 64k city lights map from it effectively getting 2 64k textures in one, with only the performance drop from one

    I have two PC's the silly one built to replace my 8086K is a 9700k , SSD Evo , 32GB 3200mhz Ram and a oldish GTX 1070 8GB Card , been mucking about with cfg's for a stock kerbin but with visuals for about 18 months now and you Atmo cfg helped cure a previous issue with DX11 , just by adding four lines . The visual mod itself has 5 x 148mb cubemaps for the clouds and about a total of 25GB of Textures with them included . 

  9. For KS3P , I borrowed the config from AVP , tweaked a few settings and well got this .


    Still tweaking and playing about and still impressed with this mod as i'm using DX11 and the craft had near 600 parts but doesn't seem to lag and stutter , so your mod is obivoulsy well thought out thanks .

  10. On 10/1/2019 at 5:27 PM, pingopete said:

    Pretty sure that's just the Eye Adaption, I thought this myself when looking at Earth from this exact angle - side on to the terminator, obviously you'd want the camera to ajust the aperture to the bright side in this instance but I think it always calculates it based on total screen space brightness so would average between night and dark in this instance.

    However I found without the Adaption it's virtually impossible to see the stuff on the dark side of Earth.

    Either way it was just my first shot and ks3p configs, and due to these preferences that no doubt differ between users I've left the ks3p configs as an optional extra.

    Yes thanks for the allowance of moddable cfg's i'm messing about with them , slowly but surely .

    Yup another question , well ok two 

    1) what is the actual cloud cfg  , cubemaps ?? is what i'm thinking .

    2) Ballpark lol , Optimal orbit height for video's and screenshots , to get all the candy and glory of this mod .

    Thanks .

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