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Posts posted by Puggonaut

  1. 18 hours ago, TheShadow1138 said:

    I placed a note with the link that a rescaleFactor of 0.6 is a good size for the NX.  When I make the MM patch I can make that edit as well, so that others don't have to worry about changing it themselves.

    The docking ports are built into the ship.  There are three external docking ports on the saucer (port, starboard, and aft), one on the engineering section (aft), five on the refit engineering hull (2 port, 2 starboard, 1 aft).  Finally there are two internal docking areas where you can park the shuttles.  There is an "Open Bay Doors" button in the sea of buttons on the saucer.  This opens the aft bay doors, not the show accurate ventral doors.  Then you can fly the shuttlepod into the bay, pretty far into the bay along the three yellow lines on the bay floor until the docking action begins.  I would also recommend turning off SAS once the shuttlepod starts showing signs that the docking is beginning, that is if you have SAS on at the time.  I hope that helps you to get it docked.  Also, any "size1" docking port will dock to the ports, so the stock Clamp-O-Tron will work, if you or anyone wants to dock something besides the shuttlepod to the NX.

    Aha , ok so I mananged to launch the NX Shuttlepod from Kerbin and dock it inside the shuttle bay on the ship after asking " Hal Kermin " to open the bay doors .

    The RCS on the Shuttlepod is a bit severe , had to tone down the thrust on it ,  as pressing the transition to move upwards or downwards dips or raises the nose of the craft , balance seems to be a bit off . apart from that it got there to it's destination .

    Could also explain why the impluse engines  only offer " Take Off or Landing " I was wondering why there isn't a option to switch to I dunno foward or something neutral ?

  2. I'd also reccomend resizing it via it's cfg to either 0.6 or 0.65 as it's way to big for a NX Class , well unless you wish to park two of them in it :lol:

    One Question Docking Ports ? are they required to be installed via another part of actually built in the mod itself , the reason I ask is I tried to dock the Shuttlepod to the ship and had slight difficulty finding someone to park it lmao .

  3. 32 minutes ago, TheShadow1138 said:

    That's just too perfect.  If this is still available for download somewhere (Spacedock, GitHub) I'd post a link to it in a heartbeat.


    The NCC-1701 is next on the list, though it will not be that TOS show-accurate version.  It will be a design influenced by various incarnations of the 1701.  It will be closer to the DISCO version of the Enterprise, but not exactly.  My goal with it is to essentially make a version of the Enterprise so that the film-era refit is more of a refit than a complete rebuild.  The saucer and engineering hull will have profiles that more closely resemble the film-era refit while the nacelles will be a bit more original, taking some cues from the nacelles of the NX-class.

    I will be making a Galileo-type shuttle to go with the 1701, though it might get a bit of a facelift, not sure yet.  I'm also thinking about doing the Travel Pod from TMP as it could be used even with the NX.

    As for the Constellation-class, or Intrepid-class I haven't given much thought to them.  it took about 5 months to do the NX and Shuttlepod, and I imagine it may take at least that much time, maybe more to do the 1701, shuttlecraft, and travel pod.  It might be possible, but I haven't looked into it, that I might be able to write ModuleManager patches to add TrekDrive compatibility to some of these ships/shuttles.  I'd have to look at the parts though.

    I just want to make sure I understand what you're saying.  You're asking for parts so that you could Frankenstein a ship from components of other Star Trek ships, correct?  Basically, that's what I'm doing.  I'm not making monolithic single-piece ships, they will be separated into Bridge, Saucer, Engineering hull, Neck (for those that have a distinct "neck" connecting the saucer and engineering hull, so an Intrepid- or Sovereign-class would not have separate "necks"), Nacelle Pylons, Nacelles, and separate Impulse engine modules if warranted.  So, if I'm understanding what you want correctly, it would just require a uniform texture scheme so that say the darker gray of an Intrepid-class doesn't clash with the lighter gray of a Galaxy-class.  If that's the case, it could be fairly simple for me to set a generic base color for the hulls.

    Also, I'm trying to picture what you described and am having a bit of trouble.  The stern of Voyager is the aft portion of the ship, the saucer would be towards the bow, so what I'm picturing is the aft portion of the Defiant slapped onto the back of the Voyager's saucer, sitting on top of a Galaxy-class engineering hull as you described.  It would certainly be an interesting look.

    https://spacedock.info/mod/1815/USS Nimitz and Drydock

  4. 3 hours ago, TheShadow1138 said:

    That is a quick way to get to orbit.  Thinking about it, when a drive is set to have a max warp of 10 things will really go from 0 to "was that Alpha Centauri?" reaaaally fast.  It gave me an idea.  It might be  possible to have a warp factor selector slider that moves in maybe 1/4 increments.  This would allow you to say, select warp 1 and then throttling to full throttle would only be warp 1 as opposed to the drive's actually maximum warp.  That would allow at least a little more control while maintaining the ability to use the throttle.  You'd be able to limit a Warp 5 or even Warp 10 ship to just Warp 1 for use in-system with fine control.  I'll have to see about doing this.

    This is awesome.  Did you make that drydock?  If not, where's it from?

    Spacedock is from Skunkworks a older mod published on here , I have a external hard drive with around 2tb of stuff going back to KSP 1.04 so did a search in that ( took a while ) to find it as I remembered something from the past vaugley .

    That Warp SLider idea sounds really like a great idea , I usually just adjust the throttle thrust via the right click menu .

    Lastly yeah you was right , the original domes without lights look great , once I got my head around the option to go from bronze to blue grey and blue grey with the TU cfg's looks fantastic .

  5. 32 minutes ago, TheShadow1138 said:

    Fantastic videos again!  It seems that TexturesUnlimited doesn't like the alpha textures for the registries.  I've never used TU myself so I'll have to take a look and see if there is a way to fix this.  A better solution would be the ConformalDecals mod's text decals as it would negate the need for a bunch of registry textures, the trouble is fonts and getting ConformalDecals to recognize them.  There is a font in ConformalDecals that is passable for the Airborne font, but any TOS-film era ship and beyond would need a new font.  It's still something I'm planning on working on from time to time.

    Edit:  Solving the small issue with TexturesUnlimited may be easier than I thought.  Apparently in the TU configs, which I assume you had to make for the NX, you can exclude certain messes, which I assume will fix the registries.

    For the saucer:

    excludeMesh = Saucer_AftNameplate
    excludeMesh = Saucer_MainRegistry
    excludeMesh = Saucer_VentralRegistry_Port
    excludeMesh = Saucer_VentralRegistry_Stbd

    For the Refit hull:

    excludeMesh = RefitEngHull_AftNameplate

    For the Refit Nacelles: (One for each nacelle)

    excludeMesh = Warp7Nacelle_Registry_Port
    excludeMesh = Warp7Nacelle_Registry_Stbd

    Alternatively, you could assign a second TU shader, perhaps the Transparency shader to just the registry meshes using "mesh = " in the MATERIAL definition in the CFG.  Hopefully, one of these two options would alleviate that unsightly registry issue.

    Blimey that was a quick response . i'll add these configs and get back to you with the results

    I have one other question , just a observation though , the NX Class Bridge ? would the dome on top not look better if it was the same as the botttom in that it had a light . Just a obs and not meant to disrepect your amazing build in anyway whatsoever .


  6. Ok so I decided to try out Textures Unlimited , all was fine except one slight issue , which is a shame as for me at least it look well....erm shiny :ph34r:

    Short video kind of explains it better than I can .

    In the meantime Columbia decides to share the Warpfield with Enterprise , now the rumour that because Jeb is piloting the NX-01 and Val is piloting the NX-02 just to keep a close eye on him is unfounded , honestly it is :ph34r:


  7. 1 hour ago, TheShadow1138 said:

    This is absolutely gorgeous!  It's so cinematic, and the ship passing the camera at warp is exactly how I imagined it when I set out to do this.  If I can get the video to embed so that it can be watched in a post, may I put this in the OP?

    Your more than welcome to , least i can do after you have given me a chance to fly this ship in KSP .

  8. 7 hours ago, TheShadow1138 said:

    Bridge IVA Progress:  I've got the IVA geometry and textures done, but I don't want to show any pics of the textured bridge until I've got the IVA built out with the screen and console props.  On that note, I've got the props modeled, since they're just LCARS-like screens, each one is just a simple rounded off panel.  I'm currently working on the textures for the props and have three of them completed:  A generic start screen for a large wall panel, the Master Systems Display, and the helm console.  I'm trying to stick somewhat to the Enterprise screen style, though I am using the LCARS font.  I'm also going for a plausibly workable UI layout making it a bit more realistic without extraneous buttons with random numbers making the console borderline or completely indecipherable.

    Generic Start Screena9TOMDs.png

    Master Systems Display:  (Uses orthographic renders of my NX model)

    Helm Console:

    Getting really excited about this .

    First thing i'm gonna do on release is build a spacedock in orbit .

  9. I'm sure it's my fault as all the textures are erm pink when I lauch the game  , so can you please tell me which version of Kopernicus I will need to run this on KSP 1.12 ? as I figure this might be the issue .

    I also noticed there is a huge difference in the Parallax 1.30 the install size is way smaller , Do I just install that and then the Textures pack .

  10. 8 hours ago, TheShadow1138 said:


    I can't wait for everyone to get their hands on this too.

    I did solve the game crashes.  Apparently the configs I copied to get the parts in-game had crash tolerances, breaking force, and breaking torque values that were extremely small sometimes causing apparent breakages that would send parts flying off at game-breaking speeds causing the crashes.  Increasing these values significantly (multiplying by 10,000 or 100,000) solved that issue, and also solved an issue with the ventral mounted nacelle variant where going full throttle on the impulse engines would cause the ship to break apart.  Now, I have no issues with launch clamps causing game crashes and the ships remain in one piece at full impulse and max warp, not that warp speed was any problem.

    I was going to let this be a surprise for release, but it looks soooo good, I can't wait to share any longer...





    OMG YES...........The Refit lives .................Yehaa .

  11. 10 hours ago, TheShadow1138 said:

    Thank you.  I hope that it all turns out great in the end as well.

    NX Update:  I have the Engineering Pylons modeled, not completely though, still need to do a cutout and some geometry for the first stage plasma accelerator and a couple of other things, but for the most part the hard part is done.  I'm not that great with more organic shapes so these were the part I was dreading on this model.  But, I think that they turned out pretty good.



    Looking great . 

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