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Everything posted by Royalswissarmyknife

  1. I really wish they kept high atmosphere. It would have been made so much better with the new atmospheric experiment making you create planes that can fly really high up for long-ish periods of time like the U2.
  2. Floor 4391: You look at ColdJ's PFP and forget what the last floor was.
  3. Today I worked on a Saturn 1 rocket for a Mission Report I might make. So far I have completed Sputnik-1, Explorer-1, Little Joe, Mercury Redstone, Mercury Atlas, and Titan II GLV.
  4. The newest Patreon version of EVE has the thunder storms. ZTheme for the UI. NavballTextureChanger to change the look of the Navball. Those are the mods that i could figure out there is probably more I missed.
  5. "We have decided to send all flat earthers to the center of the earth instead of space because we couldn't get past this dome thing."
  6. Last time I checked ants can't destroy submarines. I also dont think ants can survive being vaporized by a ICBM no matter how many there is. @Ryaja Wins! Rock-paper-scissors-shoot, anything you want to do!
  7. "I told mission control we should have done a mission that's more then flags and footprints but no! We have to stay here for years doing absolutely nothing while waiting for a earth transfer window!"
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