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Kimera Industries

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Everything posted by Kimera Industries

  1. "We are reverting to NACA to introduce confusion on how to say the acronym."
  2. What are you using for the cockpit? It looks cool.
  3. Here's a fun graph I made on Desmos: https://www.desmos.com/calculator/nsfk7y1sem I was playing around with equations that had x and y on the same side, and stumbled across this hourglass shape. The neck has been modified with two parabolas to make it look like it has an opening between the two lobes. There's also a few other equations I was experimenting with thrown in there.
  4. I can't remember how many times I've gone "Yup, I'll get this tech for sure" and then promptly research an entirely different branch of the tree.
  5. Imagination ruins trolling bridges because it washes with love and creates creativity. Nebulae
  6. Imagination ruins trolling bridges because it washes with love and
  7. "All activity on Hubble and James Webb is being halted for a systematic search of the sky.. We lost the planets and need to find them again."
  8. That is so cool! I have the same sets, I want to try that as soon as I can. For the same launch vehicle (the SLS looking one) I turned the capsule into an adapter for the Utility Shuttle from 2015. It looks kind of like Dyna-Soar. I have the full space shuttle from the 2015 line of space sets as well, and I made extensive modifications to the orbiter to look more accurate. The entire bottom is now black, unlike the patchy grey-black it used to be, and the entire vertical stabilizer has been replaced with a custom design. I also made the entire payload bay interior larger, which involved taking the model apart and putting it back together again.
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