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Everything posted by SkyFall2489

  1. I have a vessel, which is effectively a stack of a probecore, some science stuff, and a structural fuselage, with a metal platform below it. The platform should have wheels on it, which it doesn't, and I need to move the vessel over to a site maybe a few hundred meters away. I at first tried using the probe core's reaction wheels to flip the thing all the way to its destination, but that was too slow. I'm wondering if I could sacrifice part of my lander to give the vessel some thrusters to get it over to its destination. I have repair kits, but if there's no wheel to repair it won't be very helpful.
  2. So, I had a large mission at Minmus ongoing when I got a contract for something to do at Minmus. I figured that I could get it done - only to see that it was a rover repair contract. To do these contracts, you need to bring along some rover wheels - which I did not. However, I have an abundant supply of various parts, mostly docking ports, and a lander with a docking port on the top and bottom. As I only need to move the rover, would it be possible to use my lander to pick up the wheel-less rover and haul it over to the destination zone? If not, how else could I use my current vessels at Minmus to get the contract done? I have: 1x ITV (large modular ship, low on fuel but has enough for at least 3 landings.Lots of docking ports, but definitely not landable. 1x Cheetah. Inclined Minmus orbit.) 2x Return Pod (2 seater CSM with 1.4 km/s, I need both of them to return my crew to Kerbin at the end of the mission. Dockings port on the top and bottom, possibly landable. 4x Ant. Docked to ITV.) 1x Lander (docking ports on top and bottom, 3 crew science lander. Has some cargo space but more parts can be slapped on the sides. 2x Spark. Landed near the rover.) I could cancel the contract, but where's the fun in that?
  3. Yes, he will. Me: *opens my laptop to do some work* Also me: why do I smell smoke? @Akagi, I summon thee!
  4. You could probably just use the rover variant and stick a clamp o tron on the top node.
  5. @theJesuit Well, JadeOfMaar just released the parts. Can you get to work on incorporating them into the tech tree?
  6. Is there even a point to all of life? Even if there is not, we do things anyways. It's just a game/. 3331
  7. In that case, you may want to use the 0.9375m buffalo ports and the standard ones. My fleet only uses standard ports, although it has a few jr ports for docking to older ships, from back when I tried to make everything as small as possible.
  8. Idea: For stock, at least, take a Making History SM-18 service module, rotate it 45 degrees, disable the shroud, and clip a mk1 lander can into it. Bam, inline 1.875m command pod! a little low on crew and rather industrial looking, however. Alternatively, try Stockalike Station Parts Expansion Redux. It's got a 1.875m inline command pod, although no hatch. As for that angelo kerman action figure, maybe that's something for custom flags. As for a 0.625m clampo tron, at that point why not just use the jr ports?
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