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Everything posted by Watermel00n

  1. Leg 3: Cape Kerman->Meeda Naval Base User:Jebadiah Kerman Location:10 km above Kerpain Peninsula Speed:200 m/s Operating:OneOscar FGC2x. User:Jebadiah Kerman Location:11 km above Kerbslantic Sea Speed:190 m/s Operating:OneOscar FGC2x. User:Jebadiah Kerman Location:8 km above Kerbslantic Sea Speed:150 m/s Operating:OneOscar FGC2x. Navigation:Meeda Naval Base Runway User:Jebadiah Kerman Location:Meeda Naval Base Runway 29 Speed:0 m/s Operating:N/A A printed sheet with these attached documents and pictures was placed on a small wooden table. "We found the transponder. now we just need to know where it's going." A small television screen mounted on the wall flickered on, blasting out the news. "Jeb wants to circumnavigate Kerbin? Well, that's interesting." "Interesting? Bob, no kerbal has done that and lived to tell the tale!" "Bill, I know you were good pals with Jeb for a long time, but whatever he's up to now is honestly none of our business. Anyways, we should be asleep by now."
  2. Leg 1&2: KSC->Jeb's Junkyard->Cape Kerman Jeb Kerman is officially out of a job. He probably shouldn't have buzzed the control tower with the KSP's latest, most expensive MK3 cargo SSTO or attempted to land it on the VAB roof. Quite obviously, after they cleaned up the remains of the SSTO and put out the fire of whatever remained of the VAB, he was fired there, on the spot. Now he was in a little bit of a pickle. How could he ever get his job back? Turns out, he happened to be part of the first members of OneOscar Fan Club, and for some reason, Gene let him keep the OneOscars he had. And if could do something crazy, something wacky, something no pilot had done before... he might be able to convince Gene to let him back on the program. While the engineers and technicians took their coffee break, Jeb smuggled his OneOscar FGC2x out of the KSC hangar to the runway and started up the engine. Before anyone noticed, Jeb had lifted off the KSC runway and set a course for Jeb's Junkyard. After he reached the Junkyard, he might be able to gather funding for his trip. He was going to circumnavigate Kerbin in a OneOscar. And hopefully, get his job back. After about 10 minutes of flying, Jeb arrived at the Junkyard. Unsurprisingly, Jeb couldn't have possibly owned the Junkyard AND be an astronaut at the same time, so it happened that his friend, whose name also happened to be Jeb, owned the Junkyard. This time, Jeb may have done a little oopsie on the landing. Luckily for him, the workers there happened to have a OneOscar ready to be scrapped, so they simply replaced the rusty parts on it with newer ones from Jeb's plane. Jeb was also able to persuade the other Jeb to lend him 50000 funds, in exchange for him to attach the company's logo to Jeb's suit. The next stop would be Cape Kerman, where Jeb could refuel his plane. Crusing over the grasslands. Jeb: It sure is cold up here. Jeb comes in from a landing at Cape Kerman. Unfortunately, it happens that Kerbals need to book a landing slot before landing. It turns out that Jeb simply forgot. After landing at Cape Kerman, a furious ground krew member runs up to him carrying a jerry kan. Ground Krew: Hey! ATC was trying to contact you! You can't just land without permission. Jeb: *grabs the jerry kan, throwing 500 funds to ground krew* I paid my fine. And for the fuel.*proceeds to turn on engine and fly off* Ground Krew: Hey! Get back here! Do you want a receipt or not? Jeb actually doesn't want a receipt.
  3. I think the only thing stopping me from playing KSP2 is the lack of any career/science campaign. I constantly find that I spend more time on career than on any sandbox mode because i find it more fun to "fly to the mun because i need that science to unlock cool parts" than "go to the mun for fun". I can't wait for the science update as well!
  4. Around the World in a OneOscar: Hey everyone. I've recently created some tiny planes in @Socraticat's OneOscar fan club and I wondered how far I could go with one. Could I circumnavigate Kerbin using only OneOscars? Fan Club links: Q&A Modlist: So without further ado... THE PLANES: Left: OneOscar FGC2x "Phoenix" Right: OneOscar FGCXL "Silver" The "Phoenix" will be used for shorter range flights as it is easier to land while the "Silver" will be used for longer haul flights as it's pretty dangerous to fly but has a much longer range. Anyways, it's flying time!
  5. 3b. Minmus Mission in Style! Part 2 Notes from me: Minmus Transfer [Year 1 Day 234 - 248] Minmus Landing [Year 1 Day 248] We kame because why not? - Jeb Kerman [Year 1 Day 248]
  6. 6x Saturn V with Starship Heavy as middle/upper stage
  7. 3a. Minmus Mission in Style! Part 1 Notes from me: Minmus Station [Year 1 Day 204] Kerbin Shuttle Launch Vehicle -B [Year 1 Day 210] Tanker 1 [Year 1 Day 233]
  8. Submission: 185 m/s Craft: OneOscar FGC-2 Canard 2
  9. Okay, I've built some more conventional craft. KerbalX: https://kerbalx.com/Watermel00n/OneOscar-FG I recommend you to adjust the settings on the back stabiliser because it can be a bit sensitive. I don't know if I designated it correctly, but this is probably the most fun I've had in a small plane yet.
  10. Ahh, sorry, maybe I did not read the rules properly. Thanks for the challenge anyways! The visual mod I was using is Restock and Restock plus. I didn't think it would cause any problems. Thanks for the explanation. Maybe I'll try this challenge again next time!
  11. Introducing OneOscar SGXL6W, or as I like to call it, The "Oscarliner"! KerbalX:https://kerbalx.com/Watermel00n/OneOscar-SGXL6W Turns out I didn't read the rules properly - see reply
  12. Is the commercial space shuttle design challenge still open? I have a design that I think would fit well here.
  13. 2. Mun time Notes from me: Hopper 4 [Year 1 Day 107] Hopper 5 [Year 1 Day 109]
  14. In fact I already have an interplanetary mission and a colony almost self-sufficient, but that will be later...
  15. 1. Going up and staying there Notes from me: Hopper 1 [Year 1 Day 16]: Hopper 2 [Year 1 Day 52] Funny Car [Year 1 Day 78] Hopper 3 [Year 1 Day 83]
  16. hi everyone i'm finally back after a near-fatal addiction to gregtech. So recently I've been working on a new save involving MKS and KSPIE. I will make a mission report-like updates here and when I finally stop procrastinating I will post these to my youtube channel. Without further ado... Because We Kan! Modlist: Chapters: 1. Going up and staying there 2a. Mun time 2b. Minmus Probed 3a. Minmus Mission in Style! Part 1 3b. Minmus Mission in Style! Part 2 4. Expand the Station! 5.To the Mun! Will Update!
  17. Version 0.62 of WPT for Kerbal Space Program 1.12.5 Released on 2023-05-14 Stayputnik no longer has fuel cell Capsules with fuel cells/converters no longer have fuel cells
  18. Sure! I'll try to upload a update tommorow
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