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  1. First stage waterfall plume on F9 is not showing, only the second stage works. Any clue what causes this? I haven't added mods that should interfere with waterfall or Tundra.
  2. Like the people above me, i've had alot of problems with the separators from bdb. I haven't tested all parts, but all saturn sep parts are firing without being activated. Could plume party be interfering with this mod?
  3. Lovely mod! But it feels like it's overdone. Stockalike station parts has some parts that shouldn't have a metallic look, like the insulated texture, white parts etc. Some Saturn parts from BDB is also having a metallic texture, even though it shouldn't. Any ways to fixing this?
  4. I think i found the issue. It seems it has something to do with the 64k pack. Reinstalled ksrss without adding 64k textures and now it works! But thanks for the help anyways!
  5. I don't have any other configs. The EVE overlay ingame recognize that i have the KSRSS EVE config but still no clouds. I reinstalled EVE and it didn't work.
  6. Okay i see it now. But does it work with EVE redux? I have it installed but there's no clouds.
  7. Great job with the mod! But i have one question. What mod are you guys using for clouds? I've tried to install KSRSSVE but didn't manage to get it to work, i also tried boulderCo config from eve redux frontpage. Any recommendations?
  8. I'm not sure what kjr version i have, however the hinge doesn't want to move at all at any position. I will try reinstalling kjr and see if it works! Edit: It worked! Thanks for the help!
  9. i'm not using autostrut from the game, but i'm using kerbal joint reinforcement, i suppose that it causes the same issue. Thanks anyways!
  10. Having issues with the lunar rover deployment. When the lrv is stowed the wheels are clipping into the decent stage (j-class). Trying to deploy it makes the LM spin and the rover is stuck, still in place. I have tried to shift it around but it's not working. Am i doing anything wrong?
  11. The atmosphere seems really thick and reaches really high. I play with the stock system. Did i do anything wrong?
  12. Is it just me or has the website been going up and down over the past weeks? I see that there has been updates but as recently as 10 mins ago, the website was down.
  13. I didn't realise it was an RO/RSS only mod. I thought it would work in stock but also compatible with RO/RSS
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