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  1. Hey! I don't know if it's a bug, but when I am on the standard fly-by-wire mode and I fire missiles from BDA, the plane nose dives quite violently and I cannot regain control nor input control. But when I turn off the autopilot and go back to SAS, the plane flies fine. Any idea why this happens and how could I resolve it? Thanks!
  2. so does the irst pod help heat seekers to lock on long range targets (e.g. r-27et from smi missile launchers launched at 15km)? i tried to play around with the detection curves and it doesn't seem to detect heat from front and rear aspects beyond 11 km, even with full burners on.
  3. I have this weird extremely high-drag bug on the f-14 I made. The high drag only comes from the front glove of the craft, and on take-off roll, it explodes almost immediately after a few degrees of aoa (i also set the %mass to max and it doesn't help). I turned off aero failures and this causes me to stall out immediately, even without putting any control inputs. the wing glove is made out of the b9 pWings.
  4. Hey! First off, great mod continuity, I really like the new targeting logic with the missiles A few questions however: 1. Does maxOffBoresight actually work? It seems to me that even if I set it to 200 and heatThreshold to 10, the IR seeker does not track. 2. Does uncagedLock actually slave the IR seeker to radar? 3. What's the difference between AugProNav, ProNav, and AAM?
  5. The BDB Inon (or RL10) engine does not seem to change thrust even on different tech levels nor change thrust from different variations. Any idea why?
  6. First off, I wanna greet everyone a Happy New Year, and second, this mod is amazing However I have a problem with the Shuttle Modular Launch Pad, the SRB gets caught in the walls of the pad. I'm also using the reDIRECT SRB decoupler so that it wouldn't clip in the launch pad, but the shuttle still does a post-launch twang movement because the SRB gets caught.
  7. I don't know if it's just coincidence or a bug but I tried to use the IUS but I keep crashing in the VAB. Anyone got a scooby for this one?
  8. the rl-10 eisourau doesn't retract even in the vab, how to fix this?
  9. The reDirect SRB's have no thrust curve and is just full power all the time, burning through the entire tank in 20 seconds How do I combat this?
  10. -Problem with reDIRECT- -tanks still have Oxidizer and I don't have a Switch Tank option when I right click.- disregard, found solution from past posts
  11. Just wanna ask, Can I add different fuel types to modded engines? For example, the Soyuz U uses RP-1 (or RG-1 in Russia's case) and LOX, but the Soyuz U-2 uses Syntin and LOX. Can I edit the .cfg of the Tantares RD-107 and 108 to add different fuel modes? If so, how do I do it?
  12. Alright so I've figured out that Tantares performs well with 3.2x But another problem arises, where do I put the configs for RemoteTech compatibility? I've put it in the Tantares folder, didn't work. Put it in the Tantares/parts folder, and it still didn't work.
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