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Everything posted by LucalisIndustries

  1. Sooo im not that good at writing entire timelines so this mostly gonna be space with some background lore. This AH is about concept I always loved, between 1895 and 1896 Argentina had the biggest GDP per capita on the world with the inmigrant chosing between the american dream, and the argentinian dream, but with the start of the century 20, the great depression and bad political and economical measures made Argentina descend till the current days situation. But, what would have happened if Argentina never gone into decay, with this idea in mind I've made an save to play with that lore in mind, after a time I added more lore just for fun and likely turned into an little alternate history. Before starting ill explain the world lore and the main differences to the real life timeline: - The apollo lunar program entered on a hiatus after apollo 17. - The apollo CSM's never stopped lanching, but they took an different role as LEO vehicles, as well the Saturn hardware were upgraded with the newer shuttle tech. - The american cryogenic engines replaced the soviet engines as the main used engines for launch vehicles. - The block I space shuttle is an very more reliable and fastly reusable vehicle. - ESA has launch vehicles derived from the USA shuttle tech, as well as manned spacecrafts World lore: - Argentina never entered in decadence, turned into the second great power, and its collaboratively running the space race with USA. - The Soviet Union never stopped existing, but there are some differences, the baltic countries independiced, the Finland Karelia and Kola regions were annexed to sweden, kaliningrade was give to poland instead of the USSR, and you should check st petesburg on the map below. - The nationalis china won the civil war, keeping it as an west friendly country, with a lower interest in space, but having a role as an NASA collaborator. - India is an local power, but they dont have any interest in space. - Japan - and Korea are NASA collaborators. - After the the Succesfull landing of apollo 11 and the Failures of the N1 rockets, the Soviet Union with their economy on the brink of a crisis decided to reduce their spending on space, still holding an important position on it, but not being the big as the power they used to be, the introduction of their low cost partly reusable vehicles Buran and Burya, and the partially reusable launcher Energia helped with the cost reduction to keep their presence in space. This is the map mentioned before. Now with the world lore and differences explained its time for the history... on the next post cause i have to sleep. I'll expand this TL as much as I can, I have some plans and an interesting lore to tell. hope if anyone reads this find the idea interesting, and thanks for taking a little of your time to read this TL made by this argie dude there's a little sneak peak
  2. this is going so coool!!!, theres some plan about using an ET as in the skylab reactivation plan?
  3. okay, now this looks simply beautyful, likely perfect
  4. duuuuuuuuuuuuude!!! this looks really cool, i feel the navball is too squary, but the everything looks so cool!!
  5. Cool, I feel the stock orange already works very fine, maybe a bit darker would work
  6. this looks very cool, but i feel the orange looks excesively dark
  7. where are the shuttle block 2 parts? i mean, the normal shuttle parts are and work fine (excepting the payload bay parts) but the shuttle block 2 seems to have disappeared
  8. hi people, any plans on repairing this error Exception: NullReferenceException: Object Reference not set to an instance of an object it doesnt lets me repair my things, and i dont like that much to cheat (also takes ages to load the files if you cheat with th epersistent file)
  9. ooooohh, that has more sense basically i have to get sure to move it to a plain zone thanks dudes
  10. Can this mod understant the parallax collisions? also, are them really important or arent considerated?
  11. soo near and soo far at the same time, im enjoying this a lot, and needing the next episode
  13. im starting from the ov-100 shuttle aft model and textures and modifying it, so, ¿i think im technically using SOCK things? also, i havent plans to publish it, it is for private use
  14. hi benjee im lucalis, i want to make an buran aft-tank (using as a base the shuttle aft-tank), to use with your mod as an extra part to be able to make the buran with your mod, i want to ask if there is some problem on doing it? Edit: i have the model already done
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