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Everything posted by minkar81002

  1. Is there a way to make the analog altimeter work as it does in real life? In KSP, the altimeter's thin needle represents the smallest increment and moves the fastest, whereas in real life, it represents the biggest increment and moves the slowest.
  2. Bug report 1 Description: The amount of electric charge used per second is 1,000 times too low when the time-warp is set to 1,000x, it is 10,000x too low when the time-warp is set to 10,000x, and it is 100,000x too low when the time-warp is set to 100,000x. Expected behavior: Electric charge use by Kerbals should scale linearly with time-warp instead of suddenly becoming negligible at time-warp of 1,000x and higher. How to replicate: Increase the time warp to at least 1,000x in USI-LS version 112.0.1, and when the craft is loaded. EDIT: I found out on page 218 that this behavior is caused by the stock game in order to prevent batteries from discharging in a single tick. The behavior is not seen when the craft is unloaded, such as in the Tracking Station. Bug report 2 Description: Kerbals use electric charge even when supplies are at 0. Expected behavior: According to the wiki, Kerbals are not supposed to use any electric charge when they have no supplies. How to replicate: Have at least 1 Kerbal in a craft and have 0 supplies (starving).
  3. That handle wasn't working for me. Maybe collision boxes are smaller or messed up with different graphics settings, or something like that.
  4. By the way, looking at the GitHub issues page, I'm pretty sure I solved the Warbirds Mk1 Inline Initialization Error issue by fixing the config file with
  5. @610yesnolovely Thanks for the help I keep a list of the mods I'm using (and their URLs to download them) as a little text file, so I'm just including that with the KSP.log file of the last time when I was troubleshooting around the fragile save file I included earlier. Here you go: https://www.dropbox.com/s/mqwqmc70xliuli3/log and mod list.zip?dl=0
  6. @610yesnolovely I'm at a loss. I've still been looking into this issue, and I've uninstalled the following mods to see if it made a difference: Reviva, B9PartSwitch, DE_IVAExtension, ThroughTheEyesOfAKerbal, KSPCommunityFixes, Harmony, and QuickIVA. So while this might not have anything to do with Reviva directly, I hope that you'd be interested in figuring out this issue for one of your fellow "23 IVA users" as you like to say I have located a save file wherein the Happy Squid IVA is working, and then did some tests to see if I could get the left side of the IVA to stop working. Here it is: https://www.dropbox.com/s/9i5u08rk2sh2sl2/Fragile Save File.zip?dl=0 Although the IVA kept breaking, I couldn't figure out a reliable series of steps to make it break: It just seems to happen randomly by doing various things. I don't understand it. My best result was Broken2a.sfs which is not totally broken upon loading the file, but various actions can make it break: if you press the Reserves switch cover, the SAS on/off switch, or the resource monitor display selector dial a few times in various orders. Nothing shows up on the console when the left side of the IVA becomes unresponsive. Breaking the IVA in Broken2a.sfs yielded Broken2b.sfs. Comparing these two files, I don't notice a significant difference between the two save files, and yet the 2a temporarily works and 2b is broken. Using Notepad++'s compare plugin to compare the save files, I noticed some things: As you can imagine, it's pretty frustrating to fly an IVA mission with an orbital-construction long-term ship, only to have the save file become permanently broken at some random, unpredictable point. You're an IVA master so I think you're my only hope to diagnose this issue.
  7. @610yesnolovely I have a very annoying problem that is ruining my IVA experience and I don't know where to turn, and I hope you could help me. Here is the save file: https://www.dropbox.com/s/40hpb5uie7b4nsm/Happy Squid Mk1 Can Broken.sfs?dl=0 You can create a new test Career save and plop that save file in there, and load it up. You should load to the "Happy Squid" ship which has as its main cockpit the Mk1 Lander Can. For some reason with that save, the ASET Mk1 Lander Can IVA keeps breaking. The left half of the IVA becomes completely non-interactable. I have pursued these following leads in trying to solve the issue, all in vain: *I tried going to the Space Center and then back. Still broken. * I tried uninstalling QuickIVA, thinking that it forced the view into the IVA before it was done loading properly. This fixed the situation I had when none of the props in the IVA were interactable, but eventually the left side stopped working too and I can't fix it. * Looking at the log, there was a warning about the BoxColliders for "tggl_CM_EventTimer_UP_DOWN_RESET_T1-T" not supporting negative scale. I tried editing internal.cfg for the ASET Mk1 Lander Can replacement, removing the event timer props. This did not solve the problem. * I tried removing Reviva, B9PartSwitch, and DE_IVAExtension (and also QuickIVA) to just have the ASET Mk1 Lander Can and that's it. But no, the Happy Squid ship's ASET Mk1 Lander Can IVA just seems irreparably broken. * In addition to the above, I also removed the KSPCommunityFix and Harmony mods, in case there was some caching issue or something. No dice. Thus I don't know whether this is an inherent problem with the ASET Mk1 Lander Can IVA Replacement, or RPM, or maybe Reviva or something broke the save file at some point. I really just don't understand how a save file could have a permanently broken IVA. Can the RPM "Computer" become corrupted? I looked at the RPM computer for the lander can in question (search "ba2386b7-6076-40af-923c-d6c2c03784cb" in the save file .sfs) and I don't know what I'm looking for tbh. Can something in there get corrupted?
  8. Thanks for maintaining this mod. Seeing as how the stock game has a built-in action-group editor, I thought that I wouldn't need this mod. But I had an issue where I couldn't edit custom (keys 0-9) action groups with the stock app. So I installed this mod and it worked perfectly.
  9. @linuxgurugamer I believe that I have discovered a bug: Engine Ignitor is sexist! It's not allowing female Engineers to hold the EngineIgnitors resource and therefore use the Toolbox to reload ignitors into engines. I tried to figure out the problem but I haven't had any luck yet. The ModuleManager config file <~\GameData\EngineIgnitor\MM_Configs\MM_EngineIgnitor.cfg> has entries for both @PART[kerbalEVA] and @PART[kerbalEVAfemale] to have the module "engineIgnitorEVA" and resource "EngineIgnitors". Maybe the problem is due to the source code EngineIgnitorEVA.cs, line 21, where it looks like the mod checks to see if the Kerbal is not male, in which case, the EngineIgnitors resource is removed. Edit 1: Also linuxgurugamer be sure to check out the extensive config files/changes I made above; I'd like some feedback if you'd be so kind. Edit 2: There is also an issue where if a (male) Engineer holding EngineIgnitors (which are just shown as "En" for some reason) enters a pod/cabin/cockpit, then those EngineIgnitors are simply lost forever.
  10. Also do you think you could add a heading indicator to the Mk1 Command pod? It's pretty difficult to launch into a specific inclination just using the FDAI, as one starts a rocket launch pointing at the zenith, whereas the heading markers are on the equator of the "eight-ball". Real-life rockets didn't need a heading indicator because the rocket launch is/was done by computer, but we humans kind of need to know where we're going if we're flying these things manually. The trouble is that I don't think that ASET Props has an analog heading gauge, and the heading gauge from ASET Avionics would look a little funny with the airplane icon on it. However, ASET Props does have the capability to display the heading on a digital indicator, with DigitalIndicator_Heading. I'm thinking that maybe the whole IMP module could be moved upwards a little bit, and the heading indicator could go right above the FDAI. I guess that theoretically the Angle Indicator (used for phase/ejection angle) could be modified to create a custom version that displays heading, but this is well beyond my capabilities.
  11. Hello. I have made some improvements to the Mk1 Inline Cockpit, SI edition. It is available here: https://www.dropbox.com/s/tk31h32dijiv8hv/internalIASET_SI.cfg?dl=0 PLEASE NOTE that there are actually two redundant versions of internalIASET_SI.cfg in the present version of Warbirds. The first one is located at <~GameData\Galen\WarbirdCockpits\Spaces\Squad> and the second one is located at <~\GameData\Galen\WarbirdCockpits\Spaces\Squad\InlineCockpits>. ModuleManager only uses one of them. I believe that this redundancy was an error made while packaging the mod. The one located in the InlineCockpits directory was worse as it had a random floating RasterPropMonitor MFD off to the right-hand side, as well as a redundant altimeter, a lacking turn coordinator, a lacking mach indicator, and a very flickery brake force selector knob. I therefore worked on the one located extraneously in the Squad directory and rejected the one located in the InlineCockpits directory. TO INSTALL this config, please delete the extraneous internalIASET_SI.cfg located at <~\GameData\Galen\WarbirdCockpits\Spaces\Squad> or re-name it by adding a .txt extension. Then go into <~\GameData\Galen\WarbirdCockpits\Spaces\Squad\InlineCockpits> and replace internalIASET_SI.cfg with this new version, perhaps renaming the old one with a .txt extension as a backup. --- This is what I CHANGED: Problem 1: There was a redundant Limited Thrust indicator light that was floating far to the left of the cockpit, as well as a floating bolt and a floating screw. Solution 1: Removed those random floating objects. Problem 2: There is no Abort button/switch in the cockpit. Solution 2: I added an Abort button to the left of the SAS On/Of button on the main console. I used the button instead of the toggle switch because the toggle switch ironically did not hold its state. For example, if you set your RAPIER engine state to the Abort action group and then clicked on the Abort toggle switch in the cockpit, the RAPIER engines would toggle to the closed-cycle mode only for as long as you held down the click, but then it would go back to air-breathing. So I opted for the button, as this worked as expected. Problem 3: There was a redundant RCS toggle switch on the right-hand side of the cockpit. Solution 3: Removed this switch, which made room for an AVAS button. Problem 4: There is no AVAS system in the SI-edition cockpit. Solution 4: I added an AVAS button, an AVAS indicator light, and the gpws10 prop which does the annunciation. Unfortunately, the AVAS switch used in the non-SI Warbird cockpit cannot be used in the SI cockpit, as it is associated with a custom Warbird config file for the switch and the gpws10_WB annunciator; these both use FEET and not meters. I did not want to create another custom prop .cfg file, as this would increase the complexity of fixing this cockpit, and I doubt that I could do a good job at it anyway. ASET Props includes a special toggle switch for toggling AVAS, but it has this huge ugly label on top of it. Therefore I resorted to the default ASET Prop button. Problem 5: The old version gave an INITIALIZATION ERROR upon exiting the cabin and re-entering. I believe that this was caused by the random floating objects from Problem 1, which were far outside the normal bounds of the IVA. This annoying error is now fixed, at any rate. --- @theonegalen, I hope that you enjoy this improved Mk1 Inline Cockpit (SI edition) config file and I submit it for inclusion in a future version of this mod if you think it's good. Please don't get rid of the full-featured MFD in favor of the limited CRT as used in the non-SI version, as this would prevent the IVA from being used on spaceplanes and thus would severely limit the IVA's utility. Just imagine that it's 1980 and they just invented MFDs but could only afford to install one. Also, by the way, there is a random floating screw (v3) floating far outside of the cockpit for the imperial-units-version of the IVA, on line 1386 of the internalIASET.cfg file. You should remove it in future versions of your mod. @610yesnolovely I'm pinging you with the hopes that you'll check out this config file, as you are a connoisseur and a scholar on such matters.
  12. If I'm not mistaken, MAS has newer versions of most props used by RPM. So pretty much I'm just saying that there are these obscure bugs out there, such as the time-to-DN not being displayed correctly by the DSKY prop, so there's a chance that these bugs may have made their way into MAS. I'm not currently using MAS since I uninstalled it after having issues, so I haven't checked if these bugs are in MAS. I'm just bringing it up in case you're flying a mission that uses the DSKY prop sometime, and if you remember, you could see if the time-to-DN information is correct or not.
  13. Thanks for your reply and I'm glad that you're out of the hospital. By the way, for some other obscure IVA bugs, I did report another one with regards to the ASET Props DSKY display, at least as used in the ASET retro-style Mk1 Lander Can. Namely, the time to Descending Node with respect to the equator and to a target was wrong, but the AN was correct somehow. I haven't checked if this happens when MAS is installed, but maybe MAS somehow inherited this bug from RPM so you might be interested in checking it out. It's worth noting that the AN/DN times given by the stock game match that given by KER, but KAC was slightly off, and the values displayed by the DSKY displayed another, but different, incorrect value. I looked at the RPM source code and I couldn't figure it out, but on a historical note, I'm pretty sure I found something from the very beginnings of KSP itself: https://www.physicsforums.com/threads/position-of-ascending-and-descending-nodes.534665/ And then if you scroll up, I also noted that the time-to-impact was wrong for RPM so I guess there's another calculation that went awry. Anyway, thanks for your service. I especially appreciate your wiki guide on how to read the FDAI, ARRT, DSKY, etc.
  14. I noticed that there is a known issue posted on GitHub for the Warbirds Mk1 Inline IVA, with the SI edition, regarding the JSI Callback Animator error. I'd like to add that I noticed some other issues with the Warbirds Mk1 Inline SI edition: * the Raster Prop Monitor MFD in the SI edition is the normal glass one, not the green CRT version which only has the Target management screen. To be honest I prefer this full-featured version, since having just 1 MFD greatly expands the IVA's utility, allowing it to be used for arbitrary space missions in a spaceplane. Maybe digital screens were just recently invented, so the cockpit manufacturer could only afford to install just one. * if you look closely out the right window, you will see a small object off in the distance. This appears to be a side-view of the frame of a RasterPropMonitor MFD. * the analog altitude dials are using the wrong needles. For instance, on the upper altitude one uses the thin needle for 10,000m increments, while the fat needle is used for 100m increments. I don't know why there's a duplicate altimeter above the brake force area, but its needles are also incorrect, but in a different way. * the auto-pilot panel on the right (which I don't use since I don't have it installed) is simpler with the SI version. * the text for the "Brake Force" selector switch is glitchy-looking, although this is the same for the Imperial unit one. Also the little book says "Take-Off Checklis" instead of "Checklist" but I think that's an ASET thing.
  15. This is an excellent IVA. After flying several missions with it, I have only a few suggestions: * A common thing to do with a lander is to rendezvous with a mothership back in orbit. To do this, one needs to wait until the tracked orbit is overhead, and then launch along the target's orbit to match inclination. The way I've done this is to watch the Map view until the target's orbit is ahead, and then use Waypoint Manager to create a custom waypoint some distance along the desired orbit, and then activate navigation, which outputs the correct heading. However, in this IVA, it's pretty difficult launch onto the correct heading using just the FDAI, seeing as how one typically launches a rocket with the FDAI straight up "into the blue" and thus without any heading information. This would be much easier with a heading indicator. * It would be nice if the AART ranging mode velocity could go into the negative (white) section when the crafts are moving apart from one another. * It would be nice to be able to turn off the FDAI e.g. after landing, when the needles are all twitchy. * As of 1.12.3, there somethings which have broken: (i.) The most annoying is having the reference part revert to the lander can each time the view is changed such as by pressing C, or even by double-clicking on a window. (ii.) The digital altitude indicator gives a negative value for terrain height sometimes. (iii.) the latitude/longitude indicator does not work except on Kerbin (iv.) the electric charge output from alternators will always output the last-known value even after the engine throttle has been cut (this is probably a KSP bug) (v.) the FDAI displayed time to equatorial descending node and target descending node is wrong, though ascending node times are correct (vi.) I don't think that the little timer thing works. All that said, this is probably my favorite IVA. It's really good.
  16. I wrote some config files that, in my view, improve the EngineIgnitor experience for stock engines. It includes a part.cfg for the Ignitor Toolbox so that it can be used in the stock Cargo system. It also fixes several issues. I uploaded a .zip file here: https://www.dropbox.com/s/fh3ku3bo8r1yvh8/Better EngineIgnitor stock configs.zip?dl=0 I included a folder structure so that if you want to change the config files, you can just drag-drop your desired GameData folder onto your own, and have your file browser replace the 3 files I changed. I included a readme.txt with instructions, but most people will probably figure it out anyway. There are two versions: one that sticks with the parts-upgrading mechanic which is currently in use, and another that just gives you the max-power stock engines to begin with. I also threw in the original configs in case you want to back to the previous (though buggy) EngineIgnitor experience without having to save backup .cfg files or to find them from the mod download. Here are all the changes I made: Changed part.cfg for the Ignitor Toolbox so that it can be used with the stock Cargo system. It has a volume of 125 L because it's similar in size and shape to the Z-400 battery. The LV-T30 and LV-T45 engines had 3 ModuleManager (MM) patches when they only should have 1 patch each. Removed the extra ones. Rearranged the stock MM patches so that the engines appear in order of increasing thrust (vac). Added the missing _v2 versions of engines. Rearranged the TechUpgrades file so that the various upgrades are sorted within each engine, instead of having the upgrades sorted amongst themselves. This seems to have solved the issue where you wouldn't have the max upgrade when all upgrades were purchased. Added the "showUpgradesInModuleInfo = true" flag so that when hovering over the parts in the VAB/SPH, you can see whether there are upgrades available. Removed empty "description__ = " fields. The 24-77 "Twitch" engine previously had an upgrade at High-Power Electrics which increased ignitions to 36 and then another upgrade at High-Performance Fuel Systems which actually decreased the number of ignitions to 24. Switched these two around because the High-Performance Fuel Systems is later in the tech tree. Made it so that the LV-1 "Ant" engine does not need ullage settling, so that your tiny probes don't need RCS equipment, and because the "Spider" engine doesn't need it anyways. Just imagine that the Ant uses helium pressurization or something. Buffed the Aerospike "Dart" engine by giving it 10 internal ignitions to begin with, and then 40 once Experimental Electrics researched. Otherwise it's too niche of an engine. Changed the LV-1 "Ant" auto-ignition to 500 to match the "Spider". Made the S3 KS-25 "Vector" upgrade to have 8 internal ignitions, not 4. Gave the RE-I5 "Skipper" an upgrade at Large Electrics so that its ignitions increase from 4 to 8. Gave the KR-2L+ "Rhino" an upgrade at Experimental Electrics so that its ignitions increase from 8 to 16. Gave the "Mainsail", "Twin Boar", and "Mammoth" engines an upgrade at Experimental Electrics so that they get 8 Internal Ignitions instead of only External Ignition. This is so that people can still do creative missions in space with these huge engines. Linuxgurugamer, I invite you to look over the changes I have made. You are more than welcome to incorporate them into future EngineIgnitor releases if you think they are good enough. Please note that I have noticed two issues which I could not resolve, as they appear to involve EngineIgnitor, or even KSP's part upgrade system (which Squad included in the game, but only for mods, as the community rallied against its inclusion in the stock game): When playing with the upgrade mechanic: if you load into a game where you have an upgraded engine and you go to the VAB/SPH, and then you load a different game such as a new career where you shouldn't have any upgraded engines, Engine Ignitor will think that you still have upgraded engines even though the stock hover-over part info will show otherwise. This will persist until you close KSP and re-launch. For engines that initially require External ignition, and then are upgraded such that they have Internal ignition: when this upgrade happens, the Internal ignition will always require EC if this is specified in the MM_Stock_TechUpgrades.cfg file, EVEN IF the optional patch RemoveEC_EngineIgnitor.cfg has been enabled. In other words, the 0 EC requirement is bypassed any subsequent upgrades. Therefore, I've made it so that these engines do not require EC to start at any time.
  17. Thank you for this mod. I discovered that the huge amount of inventory slots for the Hitchhiker container meant that the dialog box for transferring Tourist Kerbals to other pods was mostly off my screen and therefore unusable. Therefore the basic early-mid career contracts of ferrying 3-4 Tourists to the Mun/Minmus were made impossible to do with the Hitchhiker. I was disappointed that there was no way to collapse this huge waste of UI space, and then I was delighted when I found out that the community came together to fix the issue.
  18. Hello. In using the DSKY from the Mk1 Landing Can replacement IVA and other retro-style IVAs, I have discovered that the time to equatorial Descending Node (DN) and to target Descending Node is incorrect both with respect to the displayed DN marks on the Map Screen and also the Orbital Readouts in Kerbal Engineer Redux. However the time to both equatorial AN and with respect to target AN are correct and match those in the Map Screen and KER. I did some sleuthing and found that the DSKY uses the RPM variables TIMETODNEQUATORIAL and TIMETODNWITHTARGETSECS. These are then handled in RasterPropMonitor\Core\RPMCEvaluators.cs; these then make calls vessel.orbit.TimeOfDescendingNodeEquatorial( ) and vessel.GetOrbit().TimeOfDescendingNode( ) which are located at RasterPropMonitor\Core\OrbitExtensions.cs. These then make the calls o.TimeOfTrueAnomaly(o.DescendingNodeEquatorialTrueAnomaly(), UT) and a.TimeOfTrueAnomaly(a.DescendingNodeTrueAnomaly(b), UT). Those functions are handled in the same OrbitExtensions.cs library; they handled at Core\UtilityFunctions.cs. While AN variables are calculated with public static double AscendingNodeTrueAnomaly(this Orbit a, Orbit b) { Vector3d vectorToAN = Vector3d.Cross(a.SwappedOrbitNormal(), b.SwappedOrbitNormal()); return a.TrueAnomalyFromVector(vectorToAN); } and public static double AscendingNodeEquatorialTrueAnomaly(this Orbit o) { Vector3d vectorToAN = Vector3d.Cross(o.referenceBody.transform.up, o.SwappedOrbitNormal()); return o.TrueAnomalyFromVector(vectorToAN); } the DN variables are derived from the AN with: public static double DescendingNodeTrueAnomaly(this Orbit a, Orbit b) { return JUtil.ClampDegrees360(a.AscendingNodeTrueAnomaly(b) + 180); } and public static double DescendingNodeEquatorialTrueAnomaly(this Orbit o) { return JUtil.ClampDegrees360(o.AscendingNodeEquatorialTrueAnomaly() + 180); } The JUtil.ClampDegrees360() function is located at Core\UtilityFunctions.cs and works as: public static double ClampDegrees360(double angle) { angle = angle % 360.0; if (angle < 0) return angle + 360.0; return angle; } After all this, I don't see why the AN calculations could be correct but the DN ones could be incorrect. I was hoping to find an error in the calculations somewhere, but I really am not seeing anything wrong with the DN calculations. Can anyone else figure it out? It'd also be good to find out why the time-to-impact calculation is giving wrong answers. Without MechJeb installed, this calculation appears to happen with FallbackEvaluateTimeToImpact( ) at Core\RPMVCEvaluators.cs. Again, I don't see what could be wrong but maybe there's something different about altitude as of adding the terrain height display in KSP 1.7.
  19. Hello. I'm trying out this mod. 1. I don't see any toolbar button to control this mod from within the game. In the toolbar controller, I can see Engine Ignitor as an option, but regardless of having it in the stock toolbar and/or the Blizzy toolbar doesn't show up anywhere. 2. As of version, there are duplicate patches in MM_Stock.cfg which were introduced here. Namely, the LV-T30 and LV-T45 now have 3 duplicate patches each. Also, @JeromeHeretic 's name was misspelled in one of the comments of that config file. The fix is to remove 2 duplicates for each of those engines. Also I believe that there is no longer a patch for the old versions of the LV-T30 and LV-T45 engines. 3. Sometimes the system will say that I don't have enough EC to light the engine, when I do. I agree with others in that the requirement for EC to start the engine should be removed because i.) it's apparently buggy, ii.) it's difficult to see how much EC is required, and iii.) it's an over-complication. 4. Some balance changes I would suggest: a.) I feel like the LV-909 Terrier should have more than 8 ignitions, seeing as how it's an upper stage/lander engine. I gave it 16. b.) The LV-1 "Ant" has two versions, and the new version now requires ullage by default. The LV-1R Spider equivalents do not require ullage, so I think that the Ant should not require ullage either. I also think that the Ant's "auto-ignition temperature" should be the same as the Spider, at 500. c.) I don't understand why the Toroidal Aerospike should have 0 ignitions. That just makes it even more niche than before. I have previously used it for SSTOs on e.g. Laythe, and this 0-ignition thing obliterates that already-niche use. So I think it should have like 10 internal ignitions. 5. I think that the Engine Ignitors Toolbox should be able to be put in the stock inventory system and slapped onto a rocket using an Engineer. This can be done by adding the following to the part.cfg file. I picked a volume of 125 L because that it's similar in shape to the Z-400 Battery. MODULE { name = ModuleCargoPart packedVolume = 125 } Overall this is an interesting mod in that it doesn't change much, yet it demands a fairly significant change in mission planning.
  20. I've installed the new version and it's working perfectly with QuickIVA, both for the IVA default loading and the shortcut keys. I mainly use QuickIVA to have it default to the IVA each time, and also for the Home (go on EVA) and End (recovery) shortcuts. QuickIVA offers the ability to make the UI turn off by default (an auto-press of the F2 key) or to disable it altogether. Myself, I usually keep the UI turned on because if it's turned off, I end up needing to turn it back on for using the map mode, transferring crew or fuel between parts, performing EVA activities, etc. When it comes to map mode, I like to imagine that it's someone at Mission Control using a nice computer simulation to determine maneuver nodes, which are then transmitted to the crew, who can use the IVA to perform the burn. Besides, there are things that seem impossible to do in the IVA anyway; for example, the retro DSKY cannot display the times to AN and DN which could be used to zero out the relative inclination between your vessel and a target, but instead, the displayed AN and DN are always with respect to the planet's equatorial plane. So I have no qualms about using the map mode to "assist" the IVA crew by providing a maneuver node. As for the inline Mk1 cockpit issue, I suspect that it's another problem originates with MAS. When I removed Reviva, the cockpit defaulted to DE+MAS, but the green heads-up display thing was messed up, but this might've been caused by CKAN when I tried to update to Reviva 0.7.3, which installed a bunch of stuff over my manual installations. Just to be done with it, I decided to backup my saves, and then proceeded with a full uninstall-reinstall of KSP and all mods. I decided not to re-install MAS due to the plethora of bugs I was experiencing (broken buttons in the Mk1 command pod IVA as I described, the crash I described, docking seems perilous, the random "MAS initialization error" error message that'd be on my screen much of the time, orbit lines randomly visible through a window, and probably more that I'm forgetting) so I'll mainly be using the DE_IVAExtension IVAs and the nice retro Mk1 lander can IVA. I'll check out MAS if/when it gets updated to 1.12. Edit: I have found out that the retro DSKY actually does display the times to the target AN and DN. However, I have discovered that while the times to both AN are correct, the times to the equatorial and target DN are not correct. I did some investigation and reported at the RPM thread but I could not find out the answer why.
  21. It looks like Reviva is having trouble with the inline Mk1 Cockpit. No IVA is available in-game, and the Kerbal-cam on the bottom-right of the screen is gone. Switching the IVA using the right-click option does not do anything either. There is this error in the KSP.log: [ERR 13:46:38.415] Module ModuleIVASwitch threw during OnLoad: System.NullReferenceException at (wrapper managed-to-native) UnityEngine.Object.GetName(UnityEngine.Object) at UnityEngine.Object.get_name () [0x00001] in <12e76cd50cc64cf19e759e981cb725af>:0 at Reviva.ModuleIVASwitch.GetCurrentInternalModelName () [0x00016] in <90ab1064e8d74a7a85197674b2a39411>:0 at Reviva.ModuleIVASwitch.HasInternalNameChanged () [0x00007] in <90ab1064e8d74a7a85197674b2a39411>:0 at Reviva.ModuleIVASwitch.DetectIVASwitch (ConfigNode node) [0x00000] in <90ab1064e8d74a7a85197674b2a39411>:0 at Reviva.ModuleIVASwitch.OnLoad (ConfigNode node) [0x00007] in <90ab1064e8d74a7a85197674b2a39411>:0 at PartModule.Load (ConfigNode node) [0x001ab] in <39c0323fb6b449a4aaf3465c00ed3c8d>:0 [ERR 13:46:38.416] Module ModuleIVASwitch threw during OnLoad: System.NullReferenceException at (wrapper managed-to-native) UnityEngine.Object.GetName(UnityEngine.Object) at UnityEngine.Object.get_name () [0x00001] in <12e76cd50cc64cf19e759e981cb725af>:0 at Reviva.ModuleIVASwitch.GetCurrentInternalModelName () [0x00016] in <90ab1064e8d74a7a85197674b2a39411>:0 at Reviva.ModuleIVASwitch.HasInternalNameChanged () [0x00007] in <90ab1064e8d74a7a85197674b2a39411>:0 at Reviva.ModuleIVASwitch.DetectIVASwitch (ConfigNode node) [0x00000] in <90ab1064e8d74a7a85197674b2a39411>:0 at Reviva.ModuleIVASwitch.OnLoad (ConfigNode node) [0x00007] in <90ab1064e8d74a7a85197674b2a39411>:0 at PartModule.Load (ConfigNode node) [0x001ab] in <39c0323fb6b449a4aaf3465c00ed3c8d>:0 As for your computer situation:
  22. I tried doing the Clear Input Locks and it didn't help. However, in looking at the debug console, I noticed that my KSP.log was being spammed by an error message: [EXC 13:30:26.247] NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object Vessel.Update () (at <39c0323fb6b449a4aaf3465c00ed3c8d>:0) UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:LogException(Exception, Object) ModuleManager.UnityLogHandle.InterceptLogHandler:LogException(Exception, Object) UnityEngine.Debug:CallOverridenDebugHandler(Exception, Object) Here is a section of the log which starts when I click the Recovery switch in the MAS-included Mk1 Command Pod IVA:
  23. In case you missed it, I replied at the MAS thread about the following: 1. the game crash/hang after clicking the RNDZ button in the MAS Mk1 Pod and then having mutually-targeted docking ports and then switching vessels, still occurs when Reviva, B9PartSwitch, and DE_IVAExtensions are all removed. So I guess it's specifically a bug with MAS. 2. the broken interface problem after pressing the Recovery switch in the MAS Mk1 Pod also occurs with those mods are removed. So as it turns out, pretty much all of the issues I described were caused by MAS... with the exception of QuickIVA being broken. That issue still does seem to have been caused by Reviva and/or B9PartSwitch.
  24. I've done some tests and I have determined the following: 1. the game crash/hang that I described above--which is caused by the broken RNDZ button in the MAS-included Mk1 Command Pod in conjunction with mutually-targeted docking ports and then switching vessels or docking--still occurs when Reviva, B9PartSwitch, and DE_IVAExtensions are all removed. So I can say pretty definitively that this is a bug caused specifically by MAS. 2. the broken interface system caused by pressing the Recovery switch in the MAS-included Mk1 Command Pod (what happens is that, after pressing the button at the KSP Launch Pad [and perhaps more locations], you are unable to click on most buildings and cannot even exit the game via the Esc menu) is also present with all those mods removed. So again I'm pretty sure that this is a problem specifically caused by MAS.
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