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Everything posted by Fabled_Mike

  1. Is it possible to rescale after kerbin without the sun looking weird?
  2. Sometimes the kj 10 doesnt have a plume but if I reload the game it does. I don't know if this something with the mods I have or this mod
  3. where do i put the extras folder? if i just put it in the RMM folder it doesn't work Also why is the STME so weak compared to the stock vector?
  4. Is this compatible with waterfall or real plume?
  5. I have the same problem. Where exactly is the answer? nvm I found it
  6. Can you transfer Resources from a mod like LH2 with this?
  7. Can you transfer modded resources like LH2 in eva transfer?
  8. How can I connect a rocket to it to refuel it? Do I need a mod?
  9. Is there a way to get the old cargo bay that looks like an alligator mouth?
  10. How much thrust does it produce? It doesn't say anything on the wiki
  11. Does it work with waterfall or only real plume? Also do I just put the extras in the hephaistos folder?
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