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Everything posted by Leganeski

  1. Part 29: Jool Jool, Vall (near top), and Laythe (above and behind Vall), from Tylo. Remaining in the Jool system is Tylo, which could be a bit of an issue because its atmosphere is relatively dense. However, the surface conditions there are not that different from Brovo, so TGGT should be able to land there. (29.1) Tam Theoretical Δv: 852 m/s Actual Δv: 1692 m/s (inefficient transfer) (29.2) Tylo Theoretical Δv: 2337 m/s Actual Δv: 882 m/s (aerobraking) (29.3) Vall Theoretical Δv: 2444 m/s Actual Δv: 3270 m/s (drag at Tylo) Total gravity assists: 39 Flags remaining: 0? (3 planted this chapter)
  2. Interesting! I was mainly referencing Lindor's description in the Tracking Station:
  3. Part 28: Lindor TGGT returns to the Lindor system but fails to find any traces of chocolate. (28.1) Nara Pol Theoretical Δv: 1492 m/s Actual Δv: 1426 m/s (gravity assists at Laythe, Laythe, and Tylo) (28.2) Prax Riga Theoretical Δv: 1649 m/s Actual Δv: 712 m/s (aerobraking) (28.3) Sun Talos Theoretical Δv: 1733 m/s Actual Δv: 2095 m/s (drag at Riga) Gravity assists so far: 39 (3 performed this chapter) Flags remaining: 3 (3 planted this chapter)
  4. Part 27: Moho I was worried that Moho would cause routing issues like Icarus did, but the adjacent bodies in the route are Minmus and Mun, which are perfectly positioned on the other side of an Eve gravity assist. (27.1) Laythe Lindor Minmus Theoretical Δv: 4332 m/s Actual Δv: 3412 m/s (Oberth assist at Kerbin) (27.2) Moho Theoretical Δv: 5445 m/s Actual Δv: 4361 m/s (Oberth assist at Kerbin, gravity assist at Eve) (27.3) Mun Theoretical Δv: 5503 m/s Actual Δv: 3248 m/s (gravity assists at Eve, Oberth assist at Kerbin) (27.4) Edna Theoretical Δv: 3138 m/s Actual Δv: 3504 m/s Gravity assists so far: 36 (3 performed this chapter) Flags remaining: 6 (4 planted this chapter)
  5. In general, it is possible to use multiple planet packs simultaneously: just install both of them. However, it is possible for two planet packs to have planets that occupy the same space, in which case those particular packs will not be compatible with each other. If you're using Kcalbeloh as a secondary system, it is quite far away, at a distance of 251 - 292 Tm away from the central star. No other planet pack that I know of occupies that range of distances, so anything should work fine with it. If you're using Kcalbeloh with the homeswitch, you can still add other planet packs as long as they don't also move the homeworld (i.e. GEP or OPM should work, but not Beyond Home). They will orbit Kerbol as usual. If you're using Kcalbeloh as a primary system, where Kcalbeloh takes the position of Kerbol, planet packs such as OPM that expect the stock system will not work. Other packs may work as long as all the systems they add stay far enough away from Kcalbeloh to avoid overlapping SOIs. Aralc's SOI extends to a maximum of 1.4879 Tm away from Kcalbeloh, so anything farther away than that should be compatible. For example, GPP Secondary (3.304 - 10.696 Tm) would work, while GEP (0.7 - 3.3 Tm) gets too close.
  6. This took me over a week to figure out because it doesn't seem to be stated explicitly anywhere, so I'll put it here: Module Manager does not support inline math operations. For example, if you wanted to calculate 71 * 58, the syntax product = 71 * 58 does not work. Instead, use the corresponding math assignment operator: product = 71 @product *= 58 Other supported operations include += (addition), -= (subtraction), /= (division), and != (exponentiation).
  7. If the bug only happens when you plan a maneuver node, you could enter orbit by burning retrograde at periapsis without a maneuver node and then continue as normal once you get a stable orbit. Even with a periapsis near Mandrake's orbit, this would cost at most an additional 300 m/s or so. (I've never experienced the crashing bug when my orbit is safely contained in the secondary star's SOI.)
  8. Interesting. I can never figure out what's going on with that bug; it doesn't appear most of the time and varies wildly in the amount of lag it causes before crashing. Perhaps someone on the Kopernicus team might know more.
  9. JNSQ increases the day length to 12 hours due to Kerbin's larger radius. However, given the context, I would guess that "10 hours" refers to 10/24 of each day.
  10. I've encountered similar issues with quite a few other planet mods when attempting to plot a trajectory into the SOI of a distant secondary star. I haven't able to figure out what the cause is, but I think it could be related to a planned trajectory that exits (in this case) Gememma, enters a really long orbit around Kaywell, and then encounters Gememma again at a time that's so far in the future that it causes floating-point errors. If so, that would explain why turning the conic patch limit down to 3 before plotting the maneuver seems to prevent crashes. Edit: As @Stamp20 points out, disabling "always show closest approach to target" also works, but it can be undesirable if you want to intercept a planet directly from the transfer.
  11. It appears so: Also, while the textures might not be finished yet, the entire system is very well done from a gameplay perspective. I would recommend checking it out!
  12. Great concept, creative craft design, and superb video editing! As someone currently hauling around a 355-ton mothership for my own grand tour, this mission is seriously impressive. I noticed (from the Distant Object Enhancement planet labels) that you had Quack Pack installed; are you planning to do a mission there in the future? How could anyone? It's so much more convenient than having to deorbit and then reorbit after dropping the lander.
  13. Did you disable the brakes on the front wheel? When I first learned about that a few months ago, it helped tremendously with yaw stability during landings. (Before that, I had to resort to putting parachutes on planes because I simply could not get them to land going faster than 35 m/s without crashing.) Similarly, leaving the steering enabled on the back wheels was causing my planes to roll out of control. It looks like you're using fixed landing gear for those wheels, so this would not apply.
  14. This is normal and will not cause any problems. Rockets are effectively rotationally symmetric about their roll axis, so there is no inherent difference between "pitch" and "yaw". For this reason, the more well-known term "pitch" is commonly applied to both. In fact, when YouTubers "pitch east", they most often do so with the D key, the same one you were likely using already.
  15. Part 26: Eeloo and Hamek If you have been paying close attention, you might notice that the next body I haven't landed on yet is Edna, not Eeloo. The reason I went to Eeloo instead is because I completely forgot about Edna, and thought I had already landed on it when in fact I had just gone to Dak. By the time I realized this, I was already on my way to Mun, so I will go to Edna after Mun. (Edna's location actually would have made it a great stop in between Duna and Eeloo, so skipping it here wasn't useful.) (26.1) Eeloo Theoretical Δv: 4711 m/s Actual Δv: 3824 m/s (drag at Duna, but then aerobraking at Eeloo) (26.2) Enon Theoretical Δv: 2042 m/s Actual Δv: 2517 m/s (26.3) Eve Gilly Hamek Theoretical Δv: 1693 m/s Actual Δv: 2256 m/s (inefficient transfer) (26.4) Huygen Ike Jool Kerbin Krel Theoretical Δv: 1382 m/s Actual Δv: 1582 m/s Flags remaining: 10 (4 planted this chapter)
  16. I don't think it does; it instead affects the rate at which air intakes harvest explodium from the air. You don't need much: I was able to operate a Sphinx engine with a single diverterless supersonic intake at 1% concentration.
  17. Make a copy of one of the PLANETARY_RESOURCE nodes from Resources/ExplodiumVapour.cfg. Replace the PlanetName field with the (internal) name of the body you want the resource to be on, and replace the MinAbundance and MaxAbundance fields with the concentration (in percent) of hydrocarbons in the atmosphere. I did this for GEP, and it worked great. Alternatively, you could probably do all of what I describe with a Module Manager patch, but I'm not sure what the exact syntax for that would be.
  18. The year consists of 365 12-hour days. The patch does not replace any text; it can be either added to any existing config file or placed in a new file anywhere in GameData.
  19. That's an interesting routing decision; I probably would have gone to Kerbmun earlier so that the plane could be left at Gannovar. On the other hand, I also see why you want to do this as quickly as possible. That lander has a lot of parts.
  20. Even with CKAN, you will need to at least choose which scale you are using. This involves choosing either the GEP 2.5x rescale or the JNSQ 1x rescale, and selecting it on CKAN (if CKAN has it; I don't remember which ones it it has) or inserting it manually from the optional rescale folder in the appropriate download. At 1x scale, Grannus remains at its normal average distance from Sun, 2,000,000,000 kilometers. At 2.5x scale, this is of course increased to 5,000,000,000 kilometers. If you choose to use the systems at 1x scale, you will probably want to include a recent fix for JNSQ-GEP integration that has not yet been incorporated into any release.
  21. I didn't know you could do that! I was planning to set the orbital SMA explicitly rather than the period so that the orbit line would be in the right place, but I could still do that in the way you described, just with more math. I'll try testing it the next time I have a chance. Edit: It works! The syntax is #$/Body[Shol]/Orbit/period$ or, more generally, #$@Kopernicus/Body[Shol]/Orbit/period$ Absolutely! I was already planning to do both of these things when I released the patch.
  22. OPM Eeloo is currently cratered fairly evenly, but I think it might make more sense for it to have distinct leading and trailing hemispheres like a few of Saturn's moons.
  23. I wrote a Kopernicus patch to integrate the recently released Quack Pack (licensed CC BY-NC-ND 3.0) into Whirligig World (mostly licensed All Rights Reserved). This was mainly for personal use (I have an existing Whirligig save and wanted to try out the new planets), but I was hoping to share it so that others could combine these planet packs as well. I would prefer not to have excessively unrealistic orbits, so my patch puts Quack Pack's planet Cind into a 5:4 resonance with Whirligig's planet Shol by multiplying the semimajor axes of the Quack Pack orbits by a constant value (roughly 1.8). However, to get the resonance right, this number depends on Shol's exact orbital period, which as a part of Whirligig World's Kopernicus configs seems to fall under its ARR license. (The patch is just this and a few lines setting Cind's orbital eccentricity to zero in order to avoid an SOI collision with Shol, but I am confident that that part of it is perfectly legal to share.) My patch and the numbers in it are only meaningful when both planet packs are installed, so I don't personally see any problems that could arise from it being publicly available. However, that's not how the law works. Would sharing this patch violate copyright?
  24. Part 25: Duna (and some dwarf planets) There are a bunch of moons remaining in the main Sun system, as well as a few planets. I already landed on all the bodies with thick atmospheres, so there are no major problems left, meaning that I don't have to do complicated route planning. As in the Ciro system, I will go through the bodies in alphabetical order to ensure a variety of orbital transfers. You might have a few questions: Surely Duna isn't the first body in alphabetical order? It's not; it was the most significant celestial body out of the ones in this chapter. Aden is the first alphabetically, but I already went there in part 15.3. Duna is the wrong color! A lot of bodies have the same name as stock bodies, but they are from JNSQ, which completely overhauls the system. JNSQ? The bodies are too small! I'm using the JNSQ 1x rescale option in order for the system to fit with GPP and GEP. This means that most bodies from the stock system are roughly the same size as they are in stock, but the outer planets and moons might be smaller than you're used to if you're familiar with JNSQ. They have the same surface gravity, though. What's up with all the spiky terrain everywhere? That's a side effect of downscaling the system; the terrain gets compressed horizontally. The bodies look a lot better from up close at their native 2.5x scale. (25.1) Aden Amos Theoretical Δv: 601 m/s Actual Δv: 948 m/s (inefficient transfer) (25.2) Bop Theoretical Δv: 1711 m/s Actual Δv: 2048 m/s (gravity assist at Lindor, but then inefficient transfer) (25.3) Celes Theoretical Δv: 1302 m/s Actual Δv: 1733 m/s (25.4) Dak Theoretical Δv: 2772 m/s Actual Δv: 3089 m/s (25.5) Dres Theoretical Δv: 778 m/s Actual Δv: 1558 m/s (inefficient transfer) (25.6) Duna Theoretical Δv: 2960 m/s Actual Δv: 2256 m/s (aerobraking) Gravity assists so far: 33 (1 performed this chapter) Flags remaining: 14 (6 planted this chapter)
  25. Wow, that was really close! And that's after you avoided 43% of Derbin's atmosphere by landing at a moderate altitude; I can't imagine what would have happened if you had launched from lower down.
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