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  1. Well that's an Issue i never encountered. Could you try copying your current ksp instance and only keeping base ksp and NeistAir (and KJR) in there and report if it still happens?
  2. It's currently just me and I have never done IVA, I'm clueless on how to fix that
  3. Just to be sure, do you experience the same issue as I saw in the video, but in other aircraft? Maybe grab KJR https://github.com/KSP-RO/Kerbal-Joint-Reinforcement-Continued/releases/tag/v3.7.1.0
  4. may I see a video? I haven't had that happen specifically only with the parts from my mod P9.2 - Implemented @JonnyOThans tweakscale fix, thanks for correcting my stupidity Download link: https://spacedock.info/mod/3034/NeistAir Reupdated
  5. How do you suggest I fix it? I've had this bug for ages, so I just added TS modules to each part
  6. almost 8700 SpaceDock Downloads! That's quite a step having so many downloads imo. Thanks everyone that helped along the way, especially @neistridlarfor creating this mod in the first place
  7. Also a bug related to Tweakscale. I will try to fix it, but as my PC has some hardware issues I won't be able to work on it for awhile, sorry
  8. I've released an update which fixes a big bug and adds a custom icon alongside a RP2 version with confidence and Reputation for all those RP-2 players! https://spacedock.info/mod/3438/KerbalFunds for RP-2 Launch Complexes and Programs
  9. This is an issue related to the way I made it use Tweakscale. I'm trying to fix it
  10. Do you have a NeistAir folder in the GameData directory? Hey Everyone! I just wanted to let all of you know I'm still working on this, just not that fast. This has various reasons, mainly time, soon I have school holidays and more time to work with
  11. @Lisiasmay you implement tweakscale modules for neistairs new main and tail wing I created? Thanks in advance
  12. That's a known error 'cause I messed the wing a bit up, I'll just comment out the B9PS lines on that part cfg for next update until I find a better solution
  13. The mod's NeistAir ReUpdated (I maintain it), some configs for Tweakscale dont work could you look into it?
  14. is it still alive? If yes, could a Tu-160 and/or a Sukhoi T-100 cockpit?
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