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  • About me
    I love British Rockets, K-On and Physics!
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    Kent, UK
  • Interests
    K-On and other Anime
    British Rocketry
    ELDO Concepts

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  1. any sane person can see that KSP2 is dead the dev team doesn't exist the community team don't exist the dude heading the whole thing was laid off they have been trying to get rid of the IP since the closure and there are no buyers Unless you yourself intend to fund development, you will never get KSP2
  2. removal of the launcher, editing the credits, and patching a lot of stuff really does indicate this is the final update. Rest in Pieces KSP2, you didn't need to exist but you did anyway
  3. I would love to see proof that you have supposedly copyrighted this mod. I checked your github and it lists your location as Belgium. I checked the Benelux Office of Intellectual Properties and "Kerbal Star Systems", "Kerbal Star Systems 2" and each of them minus the word "Kerbal". There are zero results. Due to this, you are not able to actually use the All Rights Reserved license and should change it also you can't just edit the post to say Some Rights Reserved, that still has the prerequisite of you being the copyright owner, which you are not
  4. im still not satisfied with KSP2 but this news has reignited some optimism within me. I am glad to see you weren't just twiddling your thumbs this whole year
  5. Reported Version: v0.1.3 (latest) | Mods: none | Can replicate without mods? Yes OS: Windows 10 | CPU: Ryzen 7 5800X3D | GPU: GeForce RTX 3070 | RAM: 32GB 3200MHz DDR4 I have built a simple two stage rocket, which should not really have any structural problems. however there is a huge amount of flexing and wobble in the parts when doing something as simple as turning the rocket Included Attachments: 2023-06-22_17-47-51.mp4
  6. please for the love of god listen to your community, especially on twitter. Wobbly rockets should NOT be a feature, it shouldn't be lessened, or togglable, it should be REMOVED ENTIRELY. Nobody enjoys it, it ruins big builds, and just makes the game unplayable with anything other than a tiny little moon rocket. There are detailed tutorials online on how to manually fix the games code to make it even playable. Please just listen
  7. Regarding the big roadmap features development (science, interstellar, etc), are the dev team working on those alongside regular patches and bug fixes, or are the big ticket items the sort of thing you've put on hold while stabilising the game with smaller patches?
  8. Those reentry effects are certainly complex and interesting. Can we expect something similar in terms of Shock Cones?
  9. Nice news that you are going with concurrent binary trees. I have just quickly skimmed through some papers and videos (you've likely already watched them lmao) and it does appear to be a very interesting and very exciting system. Good work and good luck, I cannot wait
  10. the update on progress is nice but having to wait multiple more weeks for the game to even begin to be playable isn't fun. What is stopping you from just pushing the current fixes now? and then work on more later
  11. well said, I am currently very sad that modding is nigh impossible. I hope for change soon
  12. I can't wait to finally have better modding tools and better modding file formats it's gonna speed up my workflow so much
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