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Everything posted by Domonian

  1. I hate to ask this, but: source? I've seen so many people say its confirmed or something similar to that is coming, but I haven't actually seen it confirmed by the devs in a feature episode or dev diary or whatnot. Do you happen to know off the top of your head where that information came from? I have a hard time seeing them implement sectional automation like reaching orbit or landing boosters, at least initially. It depends on a lot of factors (like what's coming with the resource system and career/science modes), and while I would like to see it (so I can min-max my resource usage and efficiency), it'll be a huge undertaking to have an effective and user-friendly system like that. Just off the top of my head, maybe one of the best ways to do complete automation is to have "supercomputer" colony parts (or just an upgradeable building at the KSC) that allow the user to plot a course with all the maneuver nodes and have the probe core/AI execute it, while doing more precise stuff behind the scenes (like landing on a colony launch pad) or even just manually if necessary. The more complicated the entire flight, the more power used by the supercomputer (maybe beyond colony power production/storage, so it fails) or the less certain the simulation is (maybe there's more or less fuel at any given node than it thought).
  2. There has to be some form of automated resource transfer, since we'll be managing tens, if not hundreds of colonies, orbital stations, and outposts across multiple systems. You can't manually send resources (that can't be made there) to every single one, since that would take away from the majority of your game time. I've always had the idea of deltaV limits. If you can reach a destination on this amount of deltaV, then any flight with more than that limit can also reach it within specific intervals (for transfer windows and whatnot). It could get very complicated on the developer side of things, since there's a lot of moving parts, but there has to be some kind of automation for KSP2. There's no way around it, given the scale of things.
  3. Beyond personal goals and the career/science mode, achievements are my number one priority if I happen to really enjoy the game. I only have about 80 hours in KSP1, which is mostly limited by my lack of knowledge, skill, and the lack of things to do. If there's a list of things I can do, I'll do them, no matter the challenge. However, since KSP2 isn't a rougelike, it's only a matter of time before all achievements are completed, no matter how many there are. No matter how fun the game may be, I likely won't play when I run out of things to do, since progress and results are my driving factors when it comes to video games (probably not a good thing but whatever). There's a lot of ideas I have, most of them complete nonsense, but I would really like to see career mode return, with more emphasis on resource management. For a wacky idea: New Game Plus, with modifiers. Maybe random planet orientation, orbits, varying resource densities with respect to the original amounts on planets, random atmospheric densities and composition (where did Duna get oxygen from?), etc. That would keep me coming back time and time again, but I highly doubt something like that is really feasible with how complicated everything already is.
  4. If they decided to go with the original system, they need to add more passive ways of leveling Kerbals. On-ground training the Kerbals can do when they're not on missions (levels up to 1-2 stars, maybe?), training through automated atmospheric missions once they reach that point (up to 3-4 stars), then beyond that they can do automated interplanetary missions or whatever is planned for that. There's a lot they can do with other systems currently planned. Since we'll likely be dealing with hundreds, if not thousands of Kerbals scattered across the galaxy, there has to be a way to train Kerbals without manually putting them on the space-bus to everywhere.
  5. Unfortunately, devs already stated that the robotics from KSP1 won't be returning, at least initially. I think it was in one of the interviews with Matt Lowne or Shadowzone, possibly one from Feature Episode 6.
  6. The fact that they have resource gathering under the "Exploration" section worries me. If we are limited to bringing resources from Kerbin, what's the point of a colony in the first place? If we can't make refueling stations around the place or gather resources to build new craft in other solar systems, how are we supposed to fully test things like the science mode or general progression? There's a lot of questions I have about that, since certain features seem to be in very odd places.
  7. They already specified that modding will be there from day one. Either in the interviews with Shadowzone or Matt Lowne, or in Feature Episode 6 itself, I can't remember.
  8. I'd be fine with any kerbal having any combination of face shape, hair, eyelashes, or names, but I don't think there's a need for any kind of bar or identifier of gender. In the words of the developers, the kerbals "just are; they always have been and they always will be" (I believe that came from the first or second feature episode). Adding in mechanics and overcomplicating them (like waste management, and from the sound of it, male vs. female types of waste) just for the sake of diversity isn't necessary, and would end up with players selecting only male or only female (or those on that side of the bar) to make things easier, which sounds like the opposite of what is wanting to be done. As I said before, combinations of visuals/names are okay (and encouraged, they're plants after all, what does it matter what they look like) but I don't think any gameplay mechanics need to be centered around gender. That's my two cents.
  9. I hope that we get Mk2 nosecones, like the Mk2 cockpit but without the, y'know, cockpit. Sure, you can use the adapters and make some funky looking noses, but it really loses that Mk2 look for me. Maybe we'll see something or the other when early access rolls around.
  10. The bloom is a bit much, but that may just be for cinematic purposes. I think it would look better without that effect, but the general lighting won't change. Some surfaces are simply reflective, like Minmus's ceramic surface. Based on the second and third pictures, I think it's just a filter, since the light spots are in exactly the same positions. I personally have no issue with the first one.
  11. Will Mac or Linux versions come out in Early Access? These versions are part of our extended roadmap. We’ll share more information at a later date. This was in the FAQ for KSP2's updated news/roadmap/whatever you want to call it. I would assume that means "yes, when we get the chance."
  12. Some clips were identical to stuff shown months or even years ago, and in Matt Lowne's video discussing the release and his interview with the devs, they confirmed that they are clips from old builds.
  13. I thought I heard that somewhere; regardless, I still think we'll eventually get more near future techs with updates, DLC, and mods, and far future/unrealistic techs will also come from mods, or even possibly DLC, since Nertea is on the team. There will always be a want for faster, more efficient engines, and there will always be someone willing to make that happen.
  14. For the first wave of high-quality mods, I expect to see "Far Future" and missing "Near Future" technologies, historical parts, FTL travel, and cosmetic part/decal/painting/material mods. Once the hype dust has settled and modders are more comfortable working within the limitations of KSP2 and whatever they use to mod it, I think we'll start to see planet packs, large community tech trees, fun mods like BDArmory, boat parts, and other niche part sets. For later modding, I could see further graphical mods, physics overhauls, community part and planet packs, and game overhauls like Realistic Solar System and Realism Overhaul. However, fan favorites (like RSS/RO, BDA, MechJeb, etc.) may show up sooner than I expect. I don't know who makes mods and if they're still around, but a fresh set of eager modders never really hurt anything if the old guard are long gone. Just my opinion from my general idea of how long things take to develop and refine. It does depend on how the KSP2 devs have approached modding as well, so we can only wait and see.
  15. That's kind of what I was thinking; maybe someone might find a way to mod it in, who knows. I just hope the procedural wings are good enough to kinda fill the gap
  16. Given the fact that we will now have access to procedural wings, does anyone else want smoother transitions between the fuselage and said wings? Due to differing paints and materials on various parts, I'm not sure if it would be possible, but I thought something like a "weld" or fillet (seen below in SolidWorks, a CAD program) could be a solution. I feel that it would allow players to create smooth-body airframes, like the F-22, YF-23, X-32, etc. Just a thought I had, and something I would like in the game. They could also work as struts, providing strength against bending or flexing. Would you like to have a system like that in the game, and do you even think its possible to implement?
  17. Does anybody know if procedural wings will have the option to change thickness like in some procedural wing mods for KSP1?
  18. Personally, I think we'll see a ton of gameplay footage and trailers after the Feature Episode for Multiplayer is out. Being able to show off multiple rockets or planes at one time would be fantastic for trailers and overall hype. That would be nice. One of the earliest gameplay footage we got was of a rocket taking off and exploding shortly after. My issue is that it was bendy, like Garry's Mod levels of bendy. Hopefully that isn't in the release build. I'm a big fan of atmospheric flight, so seeing a feature video based around that could set me at ease, or it could have me worried for the game. I'm hopeful overall, but with no information at all (besides a decent bit every half year or so) I'm starting to get weary.
  19. Given their 4-6 month waits between each feature episode, around October would be when we see the next one, if they stick with their current timing. It's possible that we won't see anything until December if they decide to give us a little Christmas treat or something. I would assume marketing would begin in 2023, but it is getting closer and closer, so who knows. All we can do is wait.
  20. Tracked vehicles! I don't know how possible it would be modeling and programming-wise, but could tracks be viable for ground vehicles? They'd be slower, but could support larger frames and have better traction over rough terrain, at least in concept. I've never really messed with rovers in KSP1, so idk if the gravity differences due to scale make wheels flat-out better or if tracks are a decent alternative. Would definitely be neat to roll out a rocket on a large tracked launch pad...
  21. This! When I said sandbox games I suppose I should have said mods, since this is strictly about personal choice. My bad, got a little carried away I guess.
  22. I can't make my own planes in DCS. I don't just want an aircraft simulator, I want everything KSP2 has to offer PLUS weapons. There are no other games that have what I'm looking for. If I wanted to play DCS, I would go play DCS, and the same can be said about pretty much everything else. This game does look interesting, but isn't quite what I'm looking for either, for reasons I've stated above. If I want to nuke a rover or outpost because I don't need it anymore, I want to be able to. That's what sandbox games are about, right?
  23. None of those games provide the scale or systems compared do what KSP has to offer. Space engineers is about the closest game there is to it, but that's just because its also big and in space, the actual building and combat isn't my style. Stormworks and From the Depths are also close, but the blocky style of building still doesn't suit my needs. The plug-and-play aspect of KSP in combination with the technical systems (plus the planets) are all things I want to be able to play with, both exploratory and explode-atory. Given that multiplayer is a major aspect of KSP2, I don't see a world where mods about combat aren't made. It's going to happen sooner or later, so I'm excited
  24. Weapons! My friends and I are all military aviation nerds, and having a game where we can design crazy aircraft and then smack on whatever weapons system we want would be fantastic. In combination with that, if the stock aerodynamics aren't great, an aerodynamics overhaul mod would be in order. Plus general atmospheric flight parts to make things even more interesting and varied. I do plan on doing the whole space exploration thing with my buddies, but being able to set up wargames as an alternative to the base game is something I've always wanted from KSP. Dogfights, bombing runs, high altitude recon, and nuking the moon are all things I look forward to in KSP2. I know it's supposed to be a light-hearted game about space and exploration, but I know there are other folk like me with coding and modeling experience that can make this dream a reality.
  25. Mods are fine and all, but talking about the base game I would personally like those things to be challenges everyone has to overcome. Even if the devs don't do it themselves, I will likely use mods to fix it, but it would be nice if I didn't have to. Speaking of heat and materials, I thought being able to pick between different materials for components would be a neat idea. The farther you get into the tech tree, the more materials are available, with various pros and cons to each one (with more advanced and expensive materials having more pros, of course). However at this point I'm just posting my wishlist for my ideal version of KSP2, so I'll move on from all that.
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