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Everything posted by Strawberry

  1. Super informative dev post! I do wonder, I know yall have talked about in the past making sure the people with the right set of tools work on the right set of things, Im guessing Chris is a special case due to already having good familiarity with ksp's code, thus allowing him to work on a wider array of things then your average artist?
  2. What even could we learn that's actionable? Also we should be getting an in depth dev diary this week about bug fixing of drag
  3. I mean, its been pretty evident that post release has seen intercept games overall hire more people at a decently high rate, which is a sign of increasing budgets. Unless if something incredibly dramatic has happened behind the scenes in the past month (which there is no sign of), I think take two will continue being commited for the next few months at least. People have been fearmongering about KSP2 being cancelled for literally years at this point, they havent been right then and I doubt theyre right now
  4. I don't think people at all mind here, I think the main strife comes when people view a disconnect between what is being shown vs what is part of the main priority of the game. This in depth reporting on bugs is great, but past 0.1.3 I think it would be good to do more mixed reporting (ie both depthful bug reporting and depthful science/heating/etc). Depending on how close science is (ie if you expect it to be within the next two updates), it may be a good idea to show off some of the more specifics of the changes, stuff like showing off a tutorial video for science.
  5. I dont think this has been pointed out yet but I do appreciate the additional comments clarifying and things like that on this thread, its always nice to see yall actively engage here. If yall don't make it oh well, but here's to hoping you guys can get the 20th date.
  6. NERV-US has been found in code and it works basically completely well. My bet is that theyre likely intentionally waiting to introduce it and it'll come in for science.
  7. I dont think that alone will be a major impact, however I doubt the graphics engineers have just been twindling there thumbs and those two changes will be all we get. There's probably a good share of boring changes to all parts of the code that has improved performance stick by stick that just hasn't been deemed as attractive to show off. The reason why I expect it to be probably similar to regular patches is that more and more low hanging fruit is being taken, so despite the increased time being taken, to get the same amount of progress more effort needs to be done. That being said, steamdb shows that a candidate branch has been uploaded to steam, while this should be taken as loose evidence, it does point to that if everything goes to plan, we will probably get a date next friday. It makes maneuvers relating to taking off and going interplanetary harder as the rotation of the planet does not match up with the inclination of the other planets orbits
  8. For clarification, we do know at least some optimization is coming, the lens flare changes and maybe the planetshine changes will improve performance, I have no clue how much performance will improve (I'm guessing about as much as the earlier patches), but we do know it will improve some at least. Also axial tilt is already in game, and most planets in kerbol have it already.
  9. Since no one mentioned this, the devs have confirmed that buoyancy and hydrodynamics will be in game (AMA 1). They've also expressed lots of interest the ocean will likely play an important role in some things. Still no official confirmation we will get dedicated parts for both, but there is confirmation that the game will support things like submarines and boats.
  10. It's a gas core nuclear reactor/nuclear lightbulb. Basically the engine runs so hot that the uranium inside of it is gas, these higher tempature allow it to achieve much higher efficiencies.
  11. I'm guessing its mostly just see how it goes for the patches, I doubt that all of them will get in. That being said, I feel like there will be some major bugs to where by the internal deadline, they're basically done but just need some more time in QA. I know yall have been reluctant to do hotfixes, but if inline drag needs a week more of testing and every other bug yall wanted to do is done, it seems good to just release the patch and do a hotfix for that specific one a week later.
  12. Is it expected for QA people to post bugs they found here or will there still be a private bug tracker alongside this one?
  13. Tag + reply seems like the best solution here, I think it should include tags just because thats viewable without clicking on the report itself
  14. You can do them in gas giants too with hot air and it works okay that way
  15. I can guarantee you if they showed off colonies people would be like "Why arent you working on the vab struts bug!!"
  16. This game just really loves its extensible nozzles.
  17. This thread is for two concepts that I think would fill the gap between the nerv engine, and your advanced orion/fission fragment engines. These engines would likely be unlocked together on the tech tree (titled something like electric nuclear engines), and be unlocked in between the NERV and SWERV engine. Both of these engines would have the unique trait of producing power when they're not producing thrust. Both of these engines would likely require the NERV and SWERV engines to be buffed (in specific buffing thrust and isp to each respective engine) to give these engines the space they need, and probably require heating and radiation to make these engines fit within the wider engine ecosystem. The first engine would be a small sized wave rotor nuclear thermal engine inspired by this NIAC concept. This engine would be designed for orbital use only, this engine would get isp in the 1100 seconds range, but produce about half the thrust compared to the NERV engine and be heavier. The EC generation should be around 30 to enable it to be combined with some electric propulsion. The second engine would be a medium sized nuclear electrothermal arcjet engine inspired by the scorpion engine. This engine works by running the propellant first through a nuclear reactor, and then through an arcjet that heats it up further. The stats of this thing would basically be a discount nuclear lightbulb, high thrust, slightly lower isp then SWERV with around 1200 isp, and very high mass. This engine should make around 75 ec or so.
  18. Just for clarification, do you currently think this is related (at least partially) to the wobbly orbits bug? Or was the breakthrough you mentioned last week unrelated
  19. Super cool stuff! Definitely the best dev update we've gotten so far. I dont think you can have all dev updates be this open like this (just because I dont think theres that much to share every week), but itll certainly be nice to have dev updates of this caliber once every 3 weeks or so. Generally speaking, when you phrase things like "We hope we can do x but we are uncertain as of this point", people will give you a lot more leniance, I honestly doubt youll get much complaint if some of this stuff doesnt come to fruition
  20. We already have large RTGS? Unless you want a medium size as well
  21. Those reviews are notably from the bad release. Currently, PA is rated 85% positive on steam after further development.
  22. I mean yes 14 people got brought over as mentioned, most of those were your artists, engineers and designers. The only directors for ksp2 under intercept that came from uber are the creative and design directors. These people don't really implement code of the game, they just go hey uses these cool models and this is what you should be implementing. Out of all the engineers, only around a third came over from ST to intercept, and out of all your producers only one out of four came over from ST. As said previously as well, nearly all upper management (for clarification defining it here as people who work for the game, but dont work directly on it), were gone from the beginning of intercept. None of what you have said has contradicted what I've been saying. While yes, some employees came over, when it comes to implementation of the technical side of things and upper management, these are radically different companies. Good news! Take two has already halted development and has given it to another company. That's what intercept games is.
  23. Just because Nate is the pr guy does not mean he is the person who all blame can be shoved upon. When it comes to the technical implementation of the game (which is easily the area of which the game is lacking the most), Nate isn't involved too much there. Nate's job is the creative director, this means he manages the overarching creative direction of the game, stuff like does this type of engine fit the game or do the tutorials serve as a good introduction to ksp2. While of course, this job does mingle with engineers, and can definitely dictate what gets implemented, it's not really his field to put his foot down and say "this is the order you will implement it and this is how". This of course doesn't mean that Nate simpson is a blameless angel who has had no effect on the course of the game, but it is to say with how the state of the game is (immensely poor on the technical side), Nate Simpson very likely isn't all that relevant here. With how disappointing launch was it can be very tempting to put a face to it and go "Its them! They made the launch bad!", but this approach is rarely productive or accurate.
  24. Few things here that are wrong, private division was around before the Star theory closure ksp2 debacle. They're a publisher (who was the publisher of ksp2 since the beginning among many other games such as outer worlds and hades) who has really no relation to Uber/Star theory in terms of employees and things like that. When star theory got booted from controlling ksp2, ksp2's development was given to a subsidiary of private division, which is intercept games. From what we know from what cms have said on discord, intercept games and private division are very close, the Seattle office they made a youtube video about is also a private division office. All of the upper management from star theory with the exception of the studio manager (who has since moved on) were gone from ksp2's development after intercept took over, and upper management's responsibility falls mostly on private division. Some people were offered jobs at intercept games when this happened, the bulk of people that came from star theory to intercept were your designers, artists, etc. While we of course, do not know who they offered jobs too and who denied those jobs, considering that a far higher percentage of designers, artists, etc. came to intercept games compared to your producers and engineers, I think it's safe to assume the vast bulk of job requests went to the former group. With all this being said, with only 14 people from star theory being moved to intercept (whose current team working on ksp2 is around 50), with nearly all of upper management and most of the people directly responsible for the technical side of the game gone, I think Intercept is quite more then a rebrand of KSP2.
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