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Everything posted by Strawberry

  1. This isn't relevant to the thread butI dont think the no star claim is right, doing some back of the napkin math, Jool gets 4% of the light of kerbin, and if we assume a similar bond albedo to jupiter of .34, this means nighttime laythe should have ~1.4% of the light compared to daytime on earth (a lot of this math is definitely wrong here but this is just to get the point across). Like as you mentioned, we have a moon that reflects a lot more light then Jool would and you can still see stars semi fine, Jool would be a lot more dim then our moon, Im pretty sure you'd be fine here.
  2. If you want additional context, read the comments Development cycles are unpredictable and theyre switching to a different one, but it still should be less then two months between updates
  3. Some more context in short, basically instead of nearly all the dev team focusing on one area (bug fixes), they're spreading their resources out more to focus on more stuff. This means we'll likely get less bug fixes and longer time in between updates but the updates will have more features in them.
  4. Dakota clarified a bit more on discord, Im guessing likely 1-3 more weeks between update?
  5. A few relevant things from the discord here: Im pretty sure dakotas science there means hes playtesting science which makes sense, cms have played early builds of things in the past. We know that Heat has been in the playtesting phase for a while now, so thats still very much up in the air as to when it'll come out (it probably doesnt help that the QA team has there hands full with the game as is as well). I seriously doubt that science is next patch, but I wont be surprised if its 2-3 patches from now for real this time (from what we've seen in code at least the tech tree is done, and few years back we've seen a few completed science parts, so all things considered science is likely in a high state of development). Vacuum methalox engines will presumably come before all of that
  6. I am concerned theyre rushing too much into new features but its hard to say if they actually are. There's a lot of unknowns behind the scenes that make things difficult to say. Without new features the players ksp2 already has will continue to dwindle, and these metrics are important for both being able to track bugs and also potentially take two support. But without bug fixing they can't maintain a playerbase for long. Its a tight rope to walk, though personally I dont think we should get science before heating, I dont think we need a perfectly solid and mostly bug free game before science, but I do think we should at least have the foundations of one before science. Science will cause the player count to spike, and I think itd be best if the game was in a state to where it could maintain that spike of players.
  7. Its supposed to be a crack from the subsurface ocean. Fluids can exist in vacuums briefly, including water, but Id support a layer of mist above the crack to show that it is offgassing.
  8. No This very much feels like a take two policy. It makes sense for a game like GTA VI where you have hundreds of people working on it (meaning some will definitely not be the most sociable/intelilgent), and any details about gameplay will lead to a PCGamer article (vs for ksp2 where itll just lead to a forum post with 5 comments on it). It doesnt really make sense for an office like intercept games where they only have like 30 people working on it (meaning basically all of them are just average guys), and information getting out about the game isnt nearly as important compared to whatever rockstar is working on at the moment.
  9. I think she's speaking more about the team as a whole here then her in specific. It very much wasn't unusual for devs to just casually go "Yeah we plan on introducing telescopes" in a forum thread during star theory days, but once take two took over communication definitely decreased a lot. I assume take two policy meant they couldnt speak much while it was in development, but since KSP2 is now technically released, I think those specific policies have been loosened a lot. I don't think she has a discord but on the discord there are a few people more on the development side that speak there semi regularly. A few guys on the QA team are regularly on discord, they tend to be pretty helpful and chill (also they love hearing about spec stuff understandably). Outside of the QA team its pretty rare for a proper dev to show up though. We know that there's media training required before employees can casually interact on discord/forums and some rules involved, so I think its a case of The QA guys are the most useful people to have to be able to interact with the community right now so lets prioritize getting those guys media training so they can get live feedback for bugs and stuff, or its a case of designers/engineers/etc arent allowed to interact casually (I doubt this is the case though because this seems kind of weird, QA guys probably have some of the widest knowledge about what's going on development wise so why would they be special here). I dont think its a case of "No one on the development team wishes to interact with us" because again, some were semi active here during star theory. Hopefully as time goes on more people get media training and they talk here more.
  10. I do wonder when we get thermal systems, hope we get that before science, as thatll probably introduce a few bugs
  11. The game still has a long way to go but to say its as broken tells me you haven't actually played initial and patch 1/2 a meaningful amount.
  12. Resource gathering is nearly the last thing on the roadmap, so thatll be like a year at least until we see that. We know that nerteas vacuum engines and heating should be coming Soontm, personally Im guessing the former within the next 1-2 patches and the latter in the next 2-3 patches. I think they'll wait till the game is more stable and performant (very hard to say when thatll be) until they release science, so no clue when thatll come out but I feel like itll be a few months. The basic framework for science seems to be done at the very least.
  13. In the VAB, part descriptions are cut out, and the full thing can be read by pressing shift if the thing has additional part info (like electricity generation). For parts that dont have this however, you just cant read the part info. This means that for things like fuel tanks, the full description is cut. It looks like they can get cut out even if you press view more if the text is long enough
  14. Since you dont want to do the math, Ill do it for you. 8/33 questions were from forums, that's around 25% of the questions answered that were from the forums. If we assume an average of 3 questions per post (more realistically itd probably be like 2.5 but eh thats harder math), that gets us to 120 questions, meaning only 20% of the total questions were from the forums. I dont think the forums are underrepresented here
  15. 40 questions were asked here, according to dakota on discord around 600 questions total were asked. Ill let you do the math
  16. Nearly all of the KSP2 team has a linkedin account, and since release the only person who has been let go was the technical director (according to him, due to his high pay and the lack of a need of a technical director at this stage of the game). The reducing the team aspect at the least is very much not happening so far.
  17. This is a bug/bugs I experienced during the game. I don't know what caused it but I think I have a clue. 1. Take off normally, reach around 100k AP 2. Begin circulization late, end up dipping back into the atmosphere. 3. Get to an AP of 300k while in atmosphere, the orbital map is normal at this point. 4. Circularize at AP, check orbital map and realize that the orbital lines showing you in kerbin is gone. 5. Switch to KSC then back to your vessel to see if things normalize. 6. Realize that your velocity is near zero and you are falling down I think its step 4 that threw me off, this inspired me to make a X37 recreation so I should add more to this later
  18. Because I like game and game being made better is good so I will compliment them for making the game better, there's no complicated philosophy here, they're doing a good thing so I will praise them for it
  19. Nate has said that the plan is for 4 agencies 16 players, and multiple players can be in the same agency. I dont think theyll need to be any hard limits on the amount of launch sites on any planet, its not like telling the game hey drop the rocket off at these cords is a particularly difficult coding task.
  20. While wobbliness from acceleration is still very much a thing and can easily destroy parts, kraken spontaneously crumpling up non accelerating large spacecrafts seems to be gone in my experience (though the wobbliness from acceleration can cause parts to crash into each other). In terms of physics, struts feel weaker but besides that it feels more stable overall. I cant speak much to the performance of large parts because GPU is by far the main bottleneck for me and thing killing my frame rates.
  21. Apparently if you start accelerating inside mercury's orbit speeds of 10% the speed of light are possible https://www.wired.com/story/travelers-guide-to-the-stars-interstellar-travel/
  22. Because the creative team have decided to go through the planets and change them to look better/be better to explore/be more realistic? Personally I think they did a pretty good job here from an artistic perspective, dres looks great now. The fact that you worded it like this shows me that you are either unable or unwilling to get what Im actually saying, and for yours sake Im hoping its the latter
  23. Oh I'm very much not trying to criticize Nate here, everything we've seen of the planet, part etc design has been great so far. The creative side of ksp2 has been pretty good, Im just trying to clarify what Nate actually does, and hyperfocusing on one guy and making the point that going "theyre the ones who ruined this game!!" isnt all that useful or accurate.
  24. He directs the creative side of the game? His job is one of the more wider ones but everything involving the creative side of the games is domain, this can include parts, planets, game design etc. While I do not know much about intercepts office structure (a lot of this stuff Im assuming from the credits), most of the latter of managing production would go to the production director, the other producers and also the directors of each department (such as designer director, art director, etc). Tutorials is definitely his side of things, as it sets a lot of the tone of the game + he has a background as a video game artist + it isnt super technical as well. Not to mention its not like he worked on the tutorials alone, he didnt animate it and I assume he didnt write most of it (even though he probably helped with feedback for both). Just because Nate Simpson is the one we see the most doesn't mean he's top dog. While he's certainly higher up on the companies hierarchy, he very much does not do everything (nor does anyone on the team).
  25. I feel like theyll do them seperate because heating will likely introduce some bugs but we will see
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