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    Remind Me How I Cannot Think :3

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  1. T2 owning PD,IG,KSP2: resurgence = 0 of getting updated this unknown company getting PD and rights to ksp franchise supposedly we could see for ksp 2: resurgence ≥ 0
  2. i don't need a psychiatrist to attempt to break this down to hopefully see with words, and perhaps directly by other users reading it. :3 (thankfully) See's a post about LTT doing the worse rated parts, and had ksp 2 in it.. Due to experience of building computers, i have some input in this with the parts regardless of what the video is about. I join in talking purely about how the parts are not suitable for the situation for ksp 2 due to the lack of GPU performance. Then talk in more detail about where it stands with more "common" GPU's that are easier to understand due to the intel dedicated GPU scene is new and there is tons of users not understanding where it sits, (just like saying "i have a 4090", people understand better when it is compared to other things they might be familiar with) and thought it would have been beneficial for users to have this context. In this context i talk about how the gpu isn't allowing the real struggle of the game which is CPU intensive to actually show the game, simply due to the gpu not performing well due to its lack of power. Saying the power you get is simply not up for the task for 2024. Then i end off saying t2 shouldn't have ended it with production, and wasn't happy with the performance it ended in. to then finally end this statement off with stating the GPU was horrible. Thats perfectly understandable. You then state stuff about consumers are expecting the a310 to do stuff it simply will not do in ksp 2 due to the well known issues ksp 2 has. Then you remark that out of the three games ksp2 was the only game tested that was considered unplayable. (see the whole video) then you talk about linus never played it yet enjoyed it. And then a remark towards someone in this conversation this could be stated as the entire party in this topic however, There is no one else in this comment you sent only as users you and me.This however makes it harder to say "its in general" due to being only user remarked or replied, using "your", so the concept of saying "everyone in general" cannot be applied here. This is directed at someone in this convo in this direct comment when this was stated.. Stating about gpu specs to "learn my mistake" life can be more simple. simply by trying add an "s" to the next word beside it doesn't make it a party when there is only two participants in this as we concluded a few sentences up. I then state that the section was about worse review bombed games, and stated the reasons why the three games had there reasonings of being worse, with knowledge that ksp 2 will be the worse, and then requoted a statement to show that the review bombings are not due to performance, and it isn't a fair comparison with all three games, then finally remarked about talking the a310 or in statements that it is just not a good gpu. Then end off its illogical to pursue further, due to i strictly wanted talk about the gpu but this kept getting dragged on. Then you reply within your statement, with another inflammatory statement in the mutilible replies to a single user that there is one person in this convo that is being illogical and is failing to cope with reality, however not stating who it is that this comment is being told to. i asked if there is a disconnect about what we are talking about, and asked to explain further. And finally, you agreed there is a disconnect but decided instead of commenting on what was wrong, you attempt to misdirect the user by attempting to start something with this statement: Now that i have professionally mastered this convo without needing to exercise either intellectual honesty, on talking about computer parts performance nor needing to get a bare minimum of doctorate degree in a profession that isn't needed for this, I shall now ask how there is a disconnect and what it is about? i see we talked about both, computer parts and where the gpu stands, and aswell that ksp 2 performs poorly and out of the 3 games ksp 2 didn't do well and was the only one that failed to work well. Now I'm not frustrated, not angry, not mad nothing, i will like to see where you are trying to gather to formulate this conversation, due to trying to understand where you sit with information that was given by me about gpus, and about ksp 2 being poor and didn't show ksp 2 in good light.. i will be enlightened about where you think the faults of this convo stands due to stating in total Stop covering your arses and start learning from your mistakes. Life can be simple like that sometimes. We finally reached an agreement. There's no point on arguing with illogical people. Obviously, one of us is failing to cope with reality. Let's give time to time and see who. I would recommend to exercise some intellectual honesty and reread the posts - I'm not a Psychiatrist, I'm forbidden by Law to do such advises. With your wording users can and will attempt to try get frustrated with passive aggressive talking and would attempt to outlash, I'm just honestly curious where you sit with this convo due to one party is missing a larger key that the other user is using. And with this user that is missing the larger key asks about what is missing, only to get aggressive comments that can only be directed at two users instead of a direct the answer to a question. i shall go to sleep to see what i am missing in the morning in this conversation so i am better able to understand where the connection is lost about talking about gpu part performance, where the a310 stands, where the game stands within a video, and how poor the game actually runs.
  3. huh? is there a disconnect here? i gotta see where. i am intrigued, please explain further
  4. Been playing with pretty much all avaible pat mods and things with KSRe, Life Support and Orbital Survey, Commnet, pretty much all cool mods 5~ hours in total right now, got my first two satellites up finally and aswell a plane to get more research, i show failures mostly but still most of the time i been playing and aswell tech tree.. Enjoy that its fast to load and stuff just able to get on and start thinking. i don't use AA due to just making it a smear. (50% research speed and stuff) Still far far away from actually being able to go to space with kerbals..
  5. 3 games tested, ksp 2 known that it will be the worse offender, the other one is tf2, and helldivers ll, TF-2 due to botting, nothing about its performance or a company stopping production KSP-2 due to t2 stopping production being no where near finished nor in good performance. directly about game being stopped in production and the performance is poor. HD-2 Sony wanted everyone to use PS accounts to play. nothing about its performance or a company stopping production "miserable failures of ksp2" completely fair comparison eh? nah, don't wanna here a statement about a a310 GPU is just not a good GPU. anyway. illogical to pursue further.
  6. i just don't expect a a310 ARC Gpu to run well on "anything" its intel gpu and like an extremely low end one at that. Virtually what the gtx 750 ti was when the rtx 2000 series came out.. wrong place wrong fight.. if you watch GPU is at 99% most of the time while the CPU is at like 2-8% its sitting, this is the part that kills ksp 2, the CPU part. If we want put in terms of GPU power that is understandable its around the gtx 1050ti Laptop or like a r9 290 ... just simply wasn't a good showing for ksp 2 no matter what with that GPU. So low tier and gpu from 2013, and a budget GPU laptop in 2016~ without the crypto craze cost. so the a310 is just simply not a good task in 2024. Doesn't mean I'm giving it a right to have t2 stop production where they did or its absolutely stellar performance, just pointing out the fact that the GPU is just horrible performance wise and rating wise and will never allow the CPU to stretch beyond "existing"
  7. right now actively talking actively showing right now we got the legendary Foonix. suggestions are being made (kinda due to talking at the same time to foonix).. right now iirc he is doing Performance loading times for large single crafts (nothing public) WorldVis (Visual asset and mod development tool for KSP2 ) and other small talk, HDR, Planet color changing.. (nothing public)
  8. I might put this in the suggestions of mod-ideas in ksp 2 modding society., it be nice to be in something like community UI fixes.. It further refine the game but i think the most complicated one will be experiment pop-up.
  9. it makes it funnier that its "redacted" rather than knowing what the user said also it seems t2 doesn't want anything to do with ksp franchise anymore and is selling it, so it isn't a matter of "common sense" they simply don't care.
  10. is it possible that you can make "where my crew capsule" work with TNO, SPARK, KESA/SOLAR? doesn't need to be update to 0.2.2 cause all mods are still 0.2.1 i know i could manually edit it for myself and will take a long time to implement everything, but as of the state of ksp 2, if some people want a slightly better ksp 2 experience there is only those few mods that are still updated to 0.2.1, it might be a while before we see actual modding or wanting of modding the game to 0.2.2.. having those mods tno,spark,kesa working with WMCC would be amazing gameplay experience.
  11. caught another topic lacking drinking water... drink water
  12. Ksp 2 branches finally hit Staging (this is like literally the final step before public release) this can last a while and even change, but might be interesting to post
  13. it is "fixable" but it would require refactoring ksp 1 code, which would require engineers, which costs a considerable amount of money... just like around the amount of the very first initial cost of ksp 2, around 10-20 million dollars in total for proper engineers to "fix" ksp 1 code.. The community can do it themselves but for a proper fixing would require refactoring the code. This would remove most kraken drives, and may improve performance, but will require money to do, unless the community will be willing to do it themselves, without the source code nor help from developer(s). KSP 2 has already done the refactoring, regardless of how bad the game may or may not be, but most players are allergic to hearing that due to its performance issues, and small bugs, as if ksp 1 wasn't in the same boat if it was the same age as ksp 2. it isn't that its not "fixable" its more so putting the time and effort "fixing" the game would not make ksp 1 gain more income nor a larger playerbase for the company that owns ksp, while there is a project that is already mid-development that is getting canned, that has already done the refactoring, and also adding "reasons" to buy it.. which just fixing the code of ksp 1 will not add nor do, be the same exact experience but under the hood its different. That will also break most mods that ksp 1 has and would require modders to even refactor there own code to make it work in this ksp 1 "fixed" code. Then the modders would probably want a modding API to help make there mods easier to make. It will be the same case that ksp 2 is dealing with right now. "i already can get pretty much the same exact experience here on ksp 1". and little to no purchases will be made, because the push to something that is worse in some hands, but much better in the other hands is to much..
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