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Queen Ultima

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    Scared of anything past the Mün.
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  1. On the topic of IVAs, it seems that AstroWell's IVA patch (that adds internals to most of the Salyut/Mir parts) has disappeared off the internet late last year. Does anyone know what happened... Or by any chance happen to have a copy and are willing to upload it?
  2. Is that a Tantares Battery pack flying off above the clamp with a seperator-SRB? o.o The actual satellite looks great!
  3. It is indeed NF RCS but there's no clipping; the white ring that the Landertrons are attached to is actually a CL-R10 (from KNES) tweakscale'd up to 5.000m. It's really thin for it's size but it's only filled to 1183/1972 monoprop since the RCS are only really used as de-orbiting motors and minor course-corrections when landing (they're really strong though, it's one of the few craft I can get to land back *on* the pad manually xD). The craft is on KerbalX if you want to take a closer look. It's basically my workhorse medium-lift vehicle. I usually have the payload in the top in the Energia fairing like a standard Energia-M but felt like this one had to be side-mounted.
  4. Rare footage of a mother Energia-M (Energius Nubilum) carrying her newly-laid egg to Low Kerbin Orbit, where the egg will hatch and grow into a fully operation space station module. Sadly the majestic Energia is endangered as its environmental niche is being disrupted by the invasive, ugly, smelly and wasteful Proton. For just 4 Spesos a day (less than the price to smuggle a jar of coffee onboard when Werner isn't looking) you can sponsor an Energia-M and ensure it can safely return home, as it's pre-return molt of dead tankage leaves it venerable to bullies.
  5. There's a page on the wiki showing the parts you need to build it, it should still be up to date IIRC. There should also be pre-built ones in the Craft Files folder.
  6. Looks like it's only two seconds, according to stackexchange. The pre-made rocket is able to survive a two second hotstage, so it seems like it works.
  7. I posted on the subreddit while the forums were down but no one replied there, hopefully someone here has one! Mostly because I'm building this monstrosity and hate how some parts are blank.
  8. I love the implication that you found an engine, put it on a trolley and stole it; and used it to build your own S-IC. Also congrats!
  9. Typical, you buy for the view and then your jerk neighbour ends up blocking it by building a garish extension. (But all seriousness, this all looks freaking awesome)
  10. I'm having the same problem, and everything required is freshly installed. Every other button works, the instrument panels, the light switches (even the one *on* the Elevator), the seats moving up/down but the elevator up/down buttons just don't seem clickable. Could it be a hitbox (or equivalent, I'm not coding-savvy) error?
  11. Honestly, I haven't kept up with KSP for a while and didn't know of their existence! Downloaded now, thank you!
  12. Are we still looking for totally credible and financially viable ways of getting the Mercury-Lab into orbit?.... ... Yes, it works. Yes, it costs ten times as much as a Mercury-Atlas to put Jeb into space for two days and forget that he's a pilot who knows nothing of science. No, we aren't going to stop launching them.
  13. Putting down my mods for clarity (I don't have any LS mods installed) but for the record I'm not having any trouble with the rocket (it's a fun new project). I even managed to make a Munar Flyby with a Saturn V-B variant of the INT-20 (probably could've gone into Munar Orbit but was using the ASTP profile for the CSM and didn't have enough Delta-V to return); with an LEM Lab/Apollo Telescope module. It's useful though! The "official" names like INT-20 and Saturn V-B and M-S-II-2 (I know that's just a tank but still) are confusing (at least to me) while Saturn III makes immediate sense. It's a Saturn rocket but with 3 big engines. All. Rockets. Are. Beautiful. (Except OTRAG, there is no beauty in an office block)
  14. I was quickly toying around with it at JNSQ scale (specifically this craft file, forgive the quick upload I don't have time to go back in for screenshots after a crash) and I've found that the TWR rapidly increases as the first stage progresses. At launch I had about 1.04 (IIRC) TWR, while at T+ 01:30 at 6000m above sea level I had 1.60 TWR (roughly halfway through the first stage). I haven't reached orbit with it (again, it was just a quick build and test) but the ratios just go crazy. It might actually be worth adding a way to drop the other two F1s (like the Saturn V-B) at higher atlitudes. IIRC the real Saturn V had a low TWR at liftoff too. I vaguely remember one of the Apollo 11 crew saying that the lack of Gs from the low TWR was actually unnerving. I'm no expert but it feels like a fatal flaw in the "Saturn III" design, too weak at liftoff and too strong at max Q.
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