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Everything posted by KerbalOnKerbin

  1. I'm just dissapointed that with KSP2's cancellation, there's now no-one to be the caretaker of our silly little spacefrog game. And as you all know, after the last dev leaves, it's but a matter of time before the game fades into obscurity. RIP Kerbal Franchise 2011-2024 You were the best space sim(s) a guy could ask for
  2. Or even better, Intercept is going independent of any production label and is just taking the thing on their own. Maybe the team got laid off because they were fed up with TakeTwo and PD being mad that it took time to make such a complex game?
  3. Seems like a pretty solid final update. RIP KSP2, you were meant to be but greed strikes again. I hope that they scrap the sequel idea and keep updating KSP1, but it's unlikely with the mass layoff.
  4. Is the project still on the sidelines for now? I was just wondering, take your time
  5. @Yukkine Last I checked the mod causes seams and tears in the planet surfaces with parallax. Either uninstall Parallax or contact the author to fix.
  6. This seems to occur when I return after landing - i had a similar bug happen when i returned from Minmus.
  7. It just seems that the colormaps seem a little lower-res compared to stock. They also lead to weird artifacting when close to surfaces like MInmus, where the terrain seems to be chunked up, with seams at the borders.
  8. @linuxgurugamer it seems the mod author is already ok with it
  9. I would reccomend in the future using higher-resolution images as right now a lot of the planets look low-resolution and bland. Just a suggestion.
  10. I tried it installing manually and it worked! Thanks so much for the help!
  11. Update: Turns out the name wasn't the issue. It is still complaning saying that the parameter was of type "name" but it must not have been the description. Trying out some fixes right now. Edit : Basically everything i tried didn't work. Not sure how to fix it, so I have to sadly uninstall.
  12. It also seems that when it's installed, it errors with Koperincus, saysing that some parameter in Eve cannot be null, causing no planet modification. Is there any fix for this? Edit: turns out in Eve's config the description parameter is blank. Commenting out fixed it.
  13. This looks utterly gorgeous! Installing as I type. Going to try it out. Would Spectra screw it up or not? I doubt it tho. Also, will there be revamps to the outer planets (Jool and moons)?
  14. AMD Ryzen 1700x Radeon RX 550 (not for long tho) 32GB DDR4 30fps VAB, 5fps Kerbin, 9fps orbit (when looking away from Kerbin), idk for else. All on low settings
  15. Spent about an hour fooling around on my Radeon RX 550 system (Don't worry new system coming soon). Bad performance all around, but got to see the planets in the tracking station and build some interesting crafts (and find some interesting bugs!)
  16. Interstellar, More Parts (for building complex space stations), Colonies, Debdeb, Tutorials, Performance, and the new UI!
  17. I'm really glad that y'all are clearing up this drama around the specs. I'm getting a new system that meets most of the requirements for Reccomended in 3 days but ill still play the game on my current potato. I'm used to low framerates, so I would say that no matter what, these specs are good.
  18. I still don't get why everyone's so mad about the specs. Like come on! It's an EARLY ACCESS game! They'll improve it over time! Sheesh, so many people think "EA" just means "Early Release" these days... Like I have a RX 550 GPU and I ain't cryin since I'll just keep playing KSP1 until I get my new PC (in about a week after release)
  19. Hey so I was wondering if you could support Universal Storage in the next update? I really like to use their cores with Kerbalism but since they are unpassable it makes moving through the craft in IVA impossible.
  20. Actually it seems to be caused by Spectra and not scatterer, since without Spectra it loads fine. The log shows Scatterer not being able to locate files even though I installed Spectra via CKAN. Edit: It turns out I just have to wait a decent time after the game music ends. It also works with loading the space center scene now. Time to try it with my 10.618x rescale. Edit 2: so the rescale works fine with loading the main menu, but loading a space center scene is where it crashes. for context I'm using Rescale continued. Edit 3: Finally found out that if I just switch to the og Rescale, everything works fine. yay! Only issue is that since the sun is larger the sunflare is tiny.
  21. I tried deleteing the Scatterer cache since reinstalling the mods didn't work but now it just crashes on main menu load. (for context, it plays the entire main menu music without ever loading, then once the menu music ends it juts crashes) Edit: I'm going to just try and uninstall all of my visual mod and visual-related mods and install them again, in case it's some random thing causing it to crash. Edit 2: Reinstalling visual mods didn't work either. I genuinley don't know whats causing this. Edit 3: Removing my rescale got it to render the first frame of the title screen, but then it crashed. The log shows that for some reason Scatterer can't find a lot of files, even though I have Spectra installed. Edit4: After updating Kopernicus and adding KSP Community Fixes it boots. First time I uninstalled Spectra and it worked, but when I add spectra it crashes again. Note: no scatterer or eve effects are displayed in the first case.
  22. Hi! So I've been getting crashes on loading into a space center game and the log spits out this error: I can send the modlist if needed.
  23. Alrighty thanks. Currently having an issue with loading into my save games so haven't been playing much KSP but thanks
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