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  1. Banned for writing in a third-person perspective.
  2. Welcome, please enjoy your stay.
  3. I figured it out, just had to copy and paste the template for SWE's RCS and the rotation, scale, and position values with SWE and Restock Waterfall installed. I had to also delete the Restock Waterfall RCS configs which are the old ones.
  4. How would someone go about using the RCS plume configs from SWE and changing it so it can work with the Restock RCS thrusters? Do I need to change some of the part names in the config file?
  5. Awesome! I was just looking for a config! o7
  6. Well o7 everyone. It’s been good. Thank you mod team for always keeping this place in check. Long live Kerbal Space Program.
  7. I didn’t even know that KSP 2 would shut down when I wrote this post. I thought at least I could wait and see, but I guess not
  8. I don't think we'll be waiting on anything now, considering the recent rumors.
  9. As I’ve said in other posts, KSP 2’s lack of communication (weekly updates on development, dev chats, etc..) was the true problem with this project. I’m sure they had some stuff that they have been doing behind closed doors, but just didn’t share it due to either them not being able to, or simply just not doing so. That made people lose interest because we didn’t know what the hell was going on. If you look at another game that gets a lot of criticism about its slow development process, Star Citizen, you can see that every week or so, they have a post talking about what they did in the past few weeks. Just today, they released their post and it has a load of details about what progress they’ve made and what’s to come. I think that is what the true problem with KSP 2 along with the absolutely uncountable other problems.
  10. Hopefully these rumors aren’t true, but based on the evidence, it seems that possibly KSP 2 has fully died… I miss the excitement. For context, check out this post:
  11. Time to turn back to Star Citizen. Recent news and updates over there make Star Citizen look like Red Dead Redemption 2 in comparison to recent KSP 2 news. the only thing left to do is to make KSP live on in KSP 1.
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