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Everything posted by AstroWolfie

  1. I've been playing lots of Warhammer, and I have a few gripes: GAMES WORKSHOP STOP RAISING PRICES, I DON'T WANT TO SPEND $62.50 ON ONE SQUAD OF FIVE GUYS. okie I'm done here :3
  2. My friend's dog turned on his stove. they're all fine, thankfully.
  3. Made this account a few years ago, let it sit around for a while, and just decided to open it back up about a year or two later. Been having fun ever since.
  4. The IT guys blocked a bunch of extensions on school-issued chromebooks due to some students downloading games and stuff. They do this every so often, but they hit my ad blockers this time. every. single. blocker.
  5. We should see if we can buy back the ksp licensing to make it KSP…3?
  6. Warhammer Community's website was like this when I checked in this morning. Any website folks know about the problem?
  7. I’m also considering picking up a few 40k books. Anyone got any good ones for players of space wolves?
  8. @AlamoVampire, use this as a way to get stronger, but first give yourself time to grieve. I am very sorry for your loss.
  9. Wow. That's...probably a major copyright violation. and the chance is very likely for you to also get banned from any GW store too.
  10. *throws toaster on the ground* "alright skitties, come and get it."
  11. another one by Oink is Deep Sea Adventure. Short and chaotic.
  12. The high school tabletop I volunteer at got a Warhammer Alliance box.
  13. The saga of Joe Orbital just look up Joe Orbital gif. or go to the Joe Orbital Lore wiki.
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