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Everything posted by AstroWolfie

  1. Floor 4792: an infinite hobby gaming store. Various people/entities are playing games such as 40k, Star Wars Legion, Pokémon, and more. You buy a few Star Wars Legion sets and are now $15000 in debt.
  2. Banned for using the suffix -tastically.
  3. Well, I was mostly thinking things like construction (putting up stuff for a base, cleaning off solar panels, etc.) and exploration (cave/mountain ops, more manuverable [in some ways] than a rover, etc.)
  4. So I was looking at my Star Wars Legion list building website, and I saw an ad for a new LEGO set releasing May 1st. I'm considering getting it, cause I love to build that type of stuff and modify it, but I noticed something: It has a mech suit. Now, I know that something like a Gundam from well, Gundam or a Titan from Titanfall is in NO WAY viable in combat, but what about a mech for space exploration?
  5. I signed up for a miniature painting contest on Saturday, Star Wars Legion to be specific. I’m kitbashing some clone troopers to make a commander.
  6. I wanted to make a 3d printing thread! Anyways, here's a vid on a 3d-printed board game! Post your printer pics and ideas for others to print!
  7. https://futurism.com/the-byte/experts-90-online-content-ai-generated This is kinda sad ngl. I'd hate it for almost all the content I consume online to be AI. I already mistrust AI a bit, why should it be taking up 90% of the internet? That one dead internet theory is gonna come true.
  8. orang. why does the empire have a weakness in the Death Star? Are they stupid?
  9. Because “quick” is better than “quix”. how do space marines sleep? Do they sleep?
  10. context: I have an extension on my laptop that lets me get random, wacky news from around the world, in no particular order. This was one that showed up this week.
  11. This was 2 years ago, but still. It's crazy! reminds me of BDArmory.
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