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Everything posted by AstroWolfie

  1. The pen wins, because there are millions, possibly billions of them. @TwoCalories wins. Rock-paper-scissors-shoot, anything you wanna do!
  2. POSITIVE STRIKE TEAM @TwoCalories @dsplaisted @Kerb24 @Kimera Industries let's go gang! P13
  3. You used ten words, fifteen vowels, twenty-four consonants, two capital letters, two punctuation-related characters, one use of red text and italics, and called someone a cheater? that's cheating for sure.
  4. Granted. It's The Rock, and you are forced to be in the state of a perpetual eyebrow raise. Like this: I wish I lived in the Joe Orbital Universe.
  5. I know we had to deal with this type of crap too, but this is just on another level. it's a frickin' cup kids. https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-12986617/Stanley-cup-popular-school-knockoff-bullying.html I agree with this, people will always do this. But, with the news article above, it's getting more stressful for kids these days, with that idea of "oh i need this to be cool", which is what kids back then had too, but now it's more charged, and with the Internet, kids can hide behind a mask and be anonymous with it, and can get away with it easier.
  6. Banned for not explaining what the numbers are
  7. A few months ago, I won AirPods Pro Gen 1 from my ortho. My brother also got some too.
  8. The Third Man Syndrome, aka Third Man factor. Third man factor - Wikipedia
  9. The rules are simple: Attack the person above you via copypasta. That's it. A few more things though: 1. Keep things appropriate. 2. No copypasta images, just text. I'll start, copypasta in bold: "Who’s joe?" a distant voice asks. Instantly everyone nearby hears the sound of 1,000s of bricks rapidly shuffling towards his location. The earth itself seemed to cry out in agony, until finally the ground itself split open and a horrific creature crawled from the ground, covered in mucus and tar. ”Joe Momma…” the creature whispered. The man cried out in pain as he disintegrated into dust, and the whole world fell silent in fear. "I did a little trolling." the wretched creature remarked before burrowing back into the earth.
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