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Everything posted by Nicrose

  1. So I am curious about the opposite end of the spectrum. I have a Threadripper 5975wx and am wondering if because it's a $3k cpu that I could have potentially more issues due to the expense of testing on it? As for bug reporting, this really helps us understand the complexity of the issues and was a really great read! One thing I'd like to point out is that I tend not to submit bug reports anymore due to the amount of time it takes to get everything together. I feel like it would be an improvement to allow each user to create a profile of their machine once and then submit bugs below or in that thread so that we don't have to assemble all the same information every time. Additionally, I could just be ignorant but for me, I find it difficult to add screenshots since I have to upload them somewhere else and link them rather than just drag them in here. I know that's probably a harder problem as you'd need more server space but just thought I'd add my reasoning in here. Definitely interested in joining the team though! Thanks again for the great write up! I think that because it's a mod, it will exclude anyone who doesn't feel like having a modded KSP2. Personally I think what you did is awesome and I applaud you for your effort but I have no interest in modding at the moment. Between downloading and installing something to install the mods to uninstalling or updating mods every update, I just don't want to deal with it while I have to already deal with an incredibly buggy game. I think it would have been appropriate for them to reach out to you but I also see why they wanted to make a post about how to help with just the base game <3
  2. I respectfully disagree with almost every part of this. Ultimately I see this being a whole lot more work than you are mentioning and thus not worth it for a single planet. Especially needing to create a whole new part (a balloon) that may or may not even work with the current physics system and which would then need to be tested to be working perfectly for all planets with an atmosphere and that just seems sort of pointless in the entire game. Personally I wouldn't appreciate if they even spent time considering this while the game is in the state that it's in due to how niche of a part it would be. However I do want to point out that yes, it would be cool if there was infinite money and infinite time to develop the game.
  3. Thanks everyone for the kind and constructive advice!! I greatly appreciate it! I made a very small rover with the standard small rover body and then attached the 3 small rover wheels and did not adjust anything with suspension before hand, only turning and breaking. I also put a beam on the side and made sure to snap-attach all of the wheels in the center. But somehow my craft kept teetering on the middle wheel as if the front and back tires were shorter. I think my final conclusion after reading everything is that I don't have enough patience to deal with all the lost hours of fighting the game and that while there are work arounds for many of the issues, remembering them in order to just play the game is just a bit too much for me. I am really looking forward to when the game is more fleshed out but I think it's time to shelve it, for myself anyways, and move on to something else. Thanks again for everyone's kind advice and I hope those of you enjoying the game keep doing so! <3
  4. So let's just say for sake of arguing that this is minor and common rendering artifact actually due to negligence: these issues are NOT pressing compared to the current issues plaguing actual gameplay. As someone mentioned, nothing seems to be an acceptable answer for you so I'll save my time but honestly, this is the LAST thing on my list of wanting to see fixed.
  5. Yeah, this is what I was afraid of.... big sad
  6. This seems a bit contradictory. When people switch from KSP1 to KSP2 it will show in the numbers, thus indicating that it's actually at a playable state. But because players tend to prefer the previous installment, it indicates that the game is not as good as the previous and it's not worth playing according to a large percentage of players who purchased it (on steam). Otherwise why wouldn't people be playing the new one while owning both? It just doesn't makes sense. While true, it does help the lawyers of the defendant claim that it was (to their knowledge) acceptable, especially when pointing out that EULA's are rarely read in it's entirety despite the disclaimers and that Nate is viewed as the face of the company. However I do agree, it's not ultimately up to him and that could get messy
  7. I feel like I can't do anything in KSP2. Is it just me or does anyone else have so many game breaking problems that almost any mission is unattainable? I just tried going to Jool and my entire orbital path just disappeared. I also tried making a simple plane at Kerbin but all of my controls stopped working unless I restarted the game but then I only had a save of me in mid air and I couldn't revert to launch. I tried strutting my rocket (for the second time because half of them disappeared) and both times if I used an upside down tank (like one to convert from one size to another but upside fown) it made it impossible to strut to. All of my struts would go through the entire ship and wouldn't work. Fairings are the hardest thing for me to work with. I can't ever get them to connect to the craft OR they are constantly "colliding" with something on the craft. If I hit the eye icon on the fairing, it just spazzes out and flickers between being on and being off at hundreds of times per second and this is impossible to avoid. (I've seen youtuber's being able to use the eye icon on the fairings without issues so maybe it's that I'm playing at 4k or it has to do with my system) Adding a stabilizer makes my rocket bend way more than without (unless it was the struts that disappeared randomly). Windowed mode doesn't work so switching between screens requires you to alt tab (admittedly not as important as anything else). Any time I exit the map I am instantly teleported to the center of my craft, clipping through all the parts and requiring me to zoom out and reposition the camera EVERY TIME. If you place 3 sets of wheels only the middle seems to make contact? Loading will sometimes send my ship in an unrecoverable spiral. I'm not quite sure whether com network actually works or not, along with the electricity system. Adding an empty stage somehow changes your delta v. Removing engines somehow increases thrust to weight ratio. Sometimes I can't delete fairings because when you pick it up the wrench icon is in the center of the piece but so is your cursor so when you hover over the trashcan, it just keeps hitting the wrench and makes it impossible to delete the fairing. Also when using fairings or procedural parts in general the gear or eye icon will duplicate and remain in screen space forever. Or the center of gravity, lift, and other marker will always end up on the floor of the VAB until used and then disappear somewhere else after. The camera constantly choosing orbital mode three times EVERY launch and forcing the camera to clip inside the craft seems like an odd choice, unless that's a bug and not a feature. I hear random extra beeps in the VAB that makes me think I just did something wrong. I also don't understand why they completely removed the docking visualizer. I thought it was incredibly handy and now I can't even figure out how to use monopropellant. Every single time my rocket just forgets any directionality I put on it as if it's just not programmed. Okay, that was a lot, I know. But mind you, this all happened within a 2 hour play session after I haven't touched the game for weeks. At this rate, I don't think I'm going to be playing KSP2 anymore. The hype was real but this is so disheartening that I can't even participate in the weekly challenges and they tend to just bum me out, forcing me to wish that I could actually accomplish what the actual dev's are telling me is supposedly possible. I was really optimistic but I don't think the game will be playable for another year at this rate, especially after announcing that bug fixes are no longer a priority. Anyways, really hope I'm not the only one. EDIT: I know this is a pretty negative post but I guess I don't know where else to vent my frustration. Sorry if this comes off as raging, I'm just sad.
  8. Yeah, here in the states it just draws attention to the word, essentially emphasizing it. We will put !'s to indicate yelling, and usually some curse words lol but here caps doesn't automatically mean yelling. I think it's just a geological difference.
  9. Just because of the winds, gravity, and air resistance that would cause them to fall down and make orbit impossible <3 and if it's just floating then I see no challenge either. Just get there and deploy. No landing, orbiting, etc. I see many logistical and unrealistic problems with the entire process of doing what you're talking about. How can you orbit a planet and simultaneously deploy a hot air balloon? The drag and physics wouldn't make any sense unless you make some really complicated systems that are only applicable for your exact scenario for only Jool and that's a looooot of resources to put into something super specific. Would it be cool? Sure, but not kerbal to me. "It is cool" is not really a great way to think of gameplay loops and mechanics. Orbital stations are real (ihe ISS is a great example) and expanding that idea to colonies would be the next logical step in a society. On top of that, it's also integral to the gameplay loop of resource gathering and surveying/science so it aids in the gameplay. "It is cool" does nothing but let you achieve something and look at it and say "wow" and then what? Perhaps you can tell me how a floating colony would add anything to the gameplay? How do you propose rewriting the game to get rid of orbital mechanics as they are and allow for ships to stop in the middle of an atmosphere to land on a floating and stationary ship? Is it really worth it to put all those resources into changing the game for "it is cool"? I personally don't think so and I know that anyone in charge of managing man hours and funds would also agree.
  10. Just because you feel it is impolite doesn't mean it inherently is and considering I've never heard that in 20 years of being on the internet, I will take it with a grain of salt. Sorry you feel that way though! <3
  11. Not to be negative or anything but this isn't exactly the news I was hoping for and I'm conflicted on how I feel. Currently I have two main gripes: the current mechanics in the game facilitates a horrible experience where I am fighting the game nearly every step of the way to do basic tasks and the other being that there currently isn't much to have fun with. After too many attempts at simple things (like making a simple 10 part plane) I get frustrated and close the game. But even if I manage to get a successful goal (like launching a suuuuper simple rocket and landing on kerbin or the mun), then I feel like I have done everything that's possible in the game. The steam charts have been declining at a rapid rate and every update sees a small surge that quickly declines. And while I know the importance of communities I also feel it looks very disingenuous to see all of the social media posts acting as if the game is playable. I get that the weekly challenges are supposed to take the place of any in game goals at the moment but the memes and positivity seems like it's being done way too early to where it gives me a bad taste. It's like I'm constantly being reminded of things I WANT to do in the game but just can't. I also wish communication was better. Looking at Satisfactory as an example, they have been EXTREMELY upfront with development issues and does a great job of conveying to the community the struggles they are having and how they plan to approach a solution. But here I feel we are just getting a lot of PR responses. Overall, I'm very jealous of anyone who manages to have a good experience in the game and hope to one day join the fun.
  12. New players are EXTREMELY important for the funding and longevity of any franchise/game I’m sorry if you don’t like that but it was and still is a core focus of KSP 2 as mentioned by the devs many times. Luckily the devs are very welcoming of mods so I’m sure a mod will come out for the exact niche situation that you are mentioning! It just takes some time. And if it doesn’t, perhaps you can enter the modding community and change the game with your idea! That’s how a lot of some of the best mods were created
  13. While I can see this being a niche use for it, I feel like the changes they made are a lot better for newer/most players and will eliminate a lot of confusion towards people who aren’t as well versed in missions and ksp in general. I think the intended way to deal with the situation you’re talking about is trial and error and to make some mistakes along the way Perhaps adding a setting to toggle the behaviors would be the best way to make all parties happy but I do understand where their thinking is
  14. Ohhhhh I respectfully disagree with that, it just doesn't feel very kerbal imo
  15. I'm pretty sure this is already planned. In the most recent AMA they mentioned something about orbital colonies so just park the colony in an orbit of Jool and you're good
  16. Yes! I think either letting us move the docked/persistent markers in the map or add some code to make them move out of the way from the maneuver or other docked/persistent windows would help!!
  17. All I have to say is that they could have a working build with everything in it that runs at 5fps, but that by no means guarantees we will even get to see those changes ever. It's common in game dev to develop now, optimize later so while it may be being worked on, it probably isn't close to being released. I am hopefully but so far, I feel really burned by the company and the decisions, as well as the communication. Everything they say seems like a pr bandaid right now.
  18. When placing the metal ladder spokes along a surface, my kerbol can only move on one single ladder. My interpretation was that it was a permanent modular ladder as it was in KSP1 but it seems I can only use a single 4 spoke latter at a time. This could be intended but I really hope it isn't.
  19. Scrolling through the parts manager, resource manager, or any other pop up window will zoom the camera. One should be in control at a time. Side note: Please bring back single part windows. They could work hand in hand, there doesn't need to be ONLY the parts manager.
  20. Another possible solution is to make sure you are controlling the craft from the desired cockpit. You can right click and click "control from here" on any piece and it will align the trackball to that piece's "up" direction.
  21. I think it would be a lot more user friendly if the maneuver node was visible through planets. It is very frustrating to be looking at the opposite side of a planetary orbit that you're adjusting. When burning at the apoapsis to adjust the periapsis or vise versa, you can't see what you're doing while you adjust it causing this game of "adjust in small increments and then rotate the entire camera to see what you did" over and over again. This would be easily mitigated by letting us see and use the maneuver node through the planet. I understand this could be problematic as seeing the orbit through the planet would become confusing but I don't think it needs to be visible through the planet and as long as the maneuver manipulator is visible while editing, that's plenty. We could move the maneuver node using the center still but it would be blindly. This wouldn't be a problem to me personally as I am only doing very small correctional directional burns rather than moving the whole maneuver at that point. It's a very small tweak but I think the uses far outweigh any confusion it could cause (which personally I don't really see any other than not seeing the orbit). And to that end, MAYBE a dotted line orbit through the planet only while editing a maneuver node would be a possible solution to that problem, though I think no visualization of the orbit through the planet and having less noise on screen would be preferred by most experienced players.
  22. CPU: Threadripper Pro 5975wx GPU: TUFF RTX 4090 KSP2 I think? (the first update) Monitor (for what it's worth): Gigabyte 4k 144hz Every few minutes my monitor will go black for a moment just to turn back on saying what resolution I'm at. It seems like it is constantly switching between windowed fullscreen and fullscreen mode as sometimes I can move my cursor off my main monitor and over to another window like Chrome and other times I'm stuck in my same monitor. It's INCREDIBLY frustrating when you destroy a craft while docking because your screen went black or your screen comes back on and you realize you're flipping uncontrollably. On that note, it would be really useful to be able to leave my game window up while I'm in a browser or something like most other applications and games. I never fully understood why some games minimize to taskbar whenever focus is lost but I imagine it's just an oversight as many Unity games implement this into their games. Personally I thought it was a difference between fullscreen and windowed fullscreen but it doesn't seem to work with either of them...
  23. I should also note it's a totally random Kerbal that isn't the one inside the craft, Jeb is still safe and sound
  24. Every time I enter a craft in this session a wild Kerbal will appear floating in space. If I move away from it, he will rubberband back to that location before I zoom away from him at higher and higher speeds. Tried taking away his snacks, didn't seem to stop him.
  25. The long narrow RCS thruster that has the most power didn't seem to work at all for me. I had some small monopropellant tanks on the side of my lander with some thrusters on all sides and none of them would fire, even when trying to use throttle as input.
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