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Everything posted by PicoSpace

  1. Some Smaller Objects in MPE etc are HourGlass Shaped Might also consider Volcanic Icon (Planet with a Volcano on the top).
  2. Thats some serious upgrades! Hopefully this comes out soon, if you need a tester... let me know!
  3. Suggestion: Since we are looking at a PBR solution, is there a way to have parts change their settings mod-flight? im thinking burn marks (darkening) or roughness shift (wear) when parts get heated through decent re-entry (or various damage mods… stretch goal?). That way it visually shows flight tested equipment, and if it can work with scrapyard it would make reusing parts more authentic.
  4. Suggestion: make an array of LARGE satellite dishes between Kerbal and the mountains i know another KSC mod does this as well, but it looks good and gives you some large objects to test fly around when testing aircraft.
  5. Now that I've played this enough I have 2 suggestions: 1. In red-out and black-out have a transparency slider (where you adjust how much of the effect you get, mainly as going 100% red/black can be a bit off-putting when flying planes etc.) 2. Consider a saturation shift instead of complete overlay. Basically when you red-out your saturation of your screen goes red, when you black out - it goes grayscale. For those who don't want 100% hardcore, or at least not a screen "flash" which can happen in KSP when flying planes etc.
  6. The effects are insane! Really glad I was able to help test this mod out on my +314 mod build to find isses (oh vapor cones... I almost missed that one!)
  7. Forums are back and more parts are done in the recolour, @MrShelter I'm assured will update you as to the current count as we work on getting closer to 50% coverage.
  8. Not a GitHub Wizard, so I hope I did it correctly with a fork and pull request (if not I added the pacthes in the issues list as a backup).
  9. I had been working on LS patches and what not to add compatibility to all the latest mods etc. and I had fixed up the airlock issue (which I'm assuming you fixed). I was hoping to tag team with another modder who does IVAs to make a custom one as well but given you took over that all stopped but i can see what you have done with the parts and go from there.
  10. You have a 0.1.1 release 10 hours ago, and then a v.1.0.0a3 release 4 hours ago, minor issue but thought I'd mention it here. I could send you what I had been tweaking before you took over the mod, you can take it from there (or not). Your call I guess.
  11. When I get faster internet it would be interesting to stream a real time all the way through mission (to the mun and then Minmus, that's crazy enough).
  12. This mod needs a companion mod, like Kerbal Alarm Clock Extended or something that will send your alarms to an external program or claendar so you know when you need to get bakc online for various manuevers.
  13. Very cool, would be nice to have a multi-generational ship do a OPM/OPX/KSE mission in a single go with some ISRU tossed in. is it parallax continued or 2.0 supported?
  14. Great Work! How well does it handle water landings/take-offs which I'm assuming the bowed front is ideal for?
  15. Okay, I'm going to try to give it a go. Can you overlap the flow/temp/pressure maps etc (example have a static map based on the planet for windspeeds, but then have an another map for windspeeds that slowly rotates where the speed is based on the combination of the two?)
  16. Am I right in understanding there are currently no stock configs?
  17. Would be nice if you could set the resolution for various screens (maybe this should be an anyres thing?) Playing in 4K is nice, except when in the VAB I'd like 1080 as there are less "issues"
  18. Works a lot better now, although I still think the G-Effects controls need to be simplified and tied into stock so its easier to understand at what g-force a kerbal will black/red out, and at what G-force they will die (or sustained g-force for X seconds or cumlative Second of Gees over their threshold = death). PS. The Shuttle (using MechJeb2) made it to space! The crew... not so much.
  19. This is a neat mod, but when you are floating around you can't quit without reverting to last save. Or is there a workaround for this as I'd like to leave some ballons with relays floating around in high altmosphere.
  20. Hey Everyone, I'm hosting another annual "modding" competition this year (it happens ever August). This year the focus is on KSP2 KSP1 Mods and the theme is PLANETS! Note: You DO NOT need to make a Planet, it can be "Planet" related like landers, or colonies, or whatever you think of that would be more useful on a planet then in space... in theory. Introductionary Video: Sign-up and Submission Page: https://itch.io/jam/picos-planetary-mod-jam-for-ksp
  21. Would be nice if the Planet temperature or wind speed were multiplied by the distance to the Star (the idea being is if you have an eccentric orbit, the base values are for your average orbit distance if eccentricy was 1). So closer to the planet wind/temps increase and farther they decreased. I guess if someone timed it correctly it could be manually inputted to ensure the weather pattern cycles matched with the orbits?
  22. Yes, just a config where there is the radiation belts and science parts to detect those parts (but regular science, not the Kerbalism delayed science) would be nice. That way I can play stock science with more science parts that don't have kerbalism support, but also have the radiation belts which can tie into other mods (like kerbal health).
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