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Everything posted by PicoSpace

  1. Reported Version: v0.1.5 (latest) | Mods: none | Can replicate without mods? Yes OS: Windows 10 Professional | CPU: AMD 5800x | GPU: Zotec 3070 with improved fans. | RAM: 64GB CL14 Rocket started to rotate on ascent through Kerbin Atmosphere but when it reached space it went crazy eventually tearing several parts apart (they are side mounted, no radial detachment) at that point I paused the game to record the screen as I've had this kind of thing happen before. As you can see from the video it just got worse until finally staged the rocket to just the capsule and then the SAS seemed to actually do something. Rocket was made using ONLY the parts that the initial "For Science" Tier would have as I was trying to land on Mun with just those parts for a fun challenge video. Included Attachments: .ipsImage { width: 900px !important; }
  2. For #1, what additional things would you like tested or stats you need? I get it often enough I hopefully can provide some additional data for a fix as its quite annoying. #8 the save and reload (or quit game and come back) solution works, not ideal but a work around none the less.
  3. I'm not a fan of "interception and docking" as much as I should be... so as far as stations go this one is my most complex. Biggest challenge was docking without hitting the solar panels on some stages as some don't have retracting capabilities. From another angle, more technical but less "cool looking".
  4. Fly to [Mun/Duna/Lathe/Tylo?/Eve??], Land, and Return Safely to Kerbin using ONLY Starting Rocketry parts. Keep your Re-Entry Speed under 2000 m/s on all atmospheres or we will assume you burned up (if you are playing pre-0.2.0) Lowest Launch Weight for Each Celestrial Body wins!
  5. I’m just going to leave this right here, as you can guess by the series title why…
  6. Reported Version: v0.1.5 (latest) | Mods: none | Can replicate without mods? Yes OS: Windows 10 Professional | CPU: 5800X With inhouse overclocking | GPU: Zotec 3070 with improved fans. | RAM: 64GB CL14 Not sure this is a "bug" but there is significant lag when I land in the water. .ipsImage { width: 900px !important; }
  7. This happens with the structural tube peices (bottom of the struture build list) even though they are hollow when added after the engines or around them (using the engine plate).
  8. I'll have to check this mod out in more detail soon, but I'm with @theJesuit with simplfying the rescource requirements. I'd also suggest that Oxygen = Ox and try to integrate with the game base 18 supplies as much as possible then start making your own (as air = oxygen + nitrogen sort of idea). That way its more universal across all parts and not KLSS specific parts (and parts made only to support KLSS as people start to roll out their own life support mods).
  9. Along a similar line I'm hopeful we will be able to make new suits (or have mix-match suit parts and helmets etc).
  10. Here is my SpaceX Starship IFT-2 Video. I dropped them in the ocean as that is what the actual test plan is, I’ll see about attempting to land both parts at KSC and post another video if I’m successful.
  11. Reported Version: v0.1.5 (latest) | Mods: none | Can replicate without mods? Yes OS: Win10 | CPU: AMD 5800x | GPU: 3070 | RAM: 64 you can see it in the first few seconds of this video (last jump before the countdown WAS an edit but the rest are due to the game). Once take-off occurs there are additional jumps in the clouds but it’s not as noticeable as your focus is on the rocket. Not sure why this happens but i have cloud graphics set to maximum. note the computer is not overclocked but I’m looking to do some of that next week to see if I can boost performance. Included Attachments: .ipsImage { width: 900px !important; }
  12. Hi All! Decided with the upcoming starship test flight that I’d attempt to recreate it the best I could in KSP2, precursor to what will happen? Let me know if I fumbled something but KSP2 parts are still limited and I think to do it properly XL3? Parts would be require to match up the size better. But it was fun trying to figure out the “hot stage” for the integrated flight test 2.
  13. And to add, of the Mun is able to eclipse Kerbin (and vise versa) than lighten up the night sky and ground should be in there as well! (And vice versa as well).
  14. It should be bright / large enough as it’s comparable to the earth/moon system and at night on a full moon it’s quite bright compared to new moon it’s orders of magnitude brighter (Astrophotographer here).
  15. Wait... I thought that was a feature to avoid accidently hitting the spacebar...! (5800x, 3070, 64GB, Windows 10)
  16. I mean if people are making leeks in KSP2 I should be the first one to know about it, so I can make tongue and cheek videos about it. https://youtu.be/r-ZUfrge5a4
  17. Reported Version: v0.1.5 (latest) | Mods: none | Can replicate without mods? Yes OS: Win10 | CPU: 5800X | GPU: 3070 | RAM: 64 Quite Annoying 99% of the time going from map view to vessel for it to start zoomed in on the COM of the rocket such that its "black or mostly black" and then you have to scroll the camera out. Sometimes depending on center of mass you get a cool shot like this... but the rest of the time its annoying. This mainly occures in Kerbol (the star) SOI space when travelling interplanetary, the alternative is "quirk" is the camera will reset itself to an odd angle where its pointing straight up or down in Kerbol SOI space. It would be nice if the direction of view was either persistant between the two views or matched the camera angles. Included Attachments: .ipsImage { width: 900px !important; }
  18. Reported Version: v0.1.5 (latest) | Mods: none | Can replicate without mods? Yes OS: Win10 | CPU: 5800X | GPU: 3070 | RAM: 64 Landing gear is registering as "blocked" on the largest lander can even though they are not. Typical 4R arrangement. Included Attachments: .ipsImage { width: 900px !important; }
  19. Would not surprise me if science stations are a colony part (orbit on on the ground) for scientific study off-Kerbin. if not people better start practicing their payload return rockets.
  20. Can’t be that hard, they have KSP1 and CRT as examples… ”landing pod” ”decent parts” ”lander tech” etc
  21. Given it’s the can and landing gear, I’m thinking it’s more “here is what you need to land on the Mun “properly””
  22. Return from Eve before you go Interstellar… Deb Deb would never be explored. I guess, it’s just “odd” that one science mode is an action when the rest are not.
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