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    Armchair Armstrong

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  1. Those who lie 'cause they're incompetent to provide any value in any other way... and swim perfectly fine due to system which probably arose through them... Yes, I am going to hate the players. Otherwise, the future isn't very bright.
  2. That's why I'm more of a torch person in the rabble. Zero maintenance.
  3. If I recall correctly, SZ mentioned they were unable to correspond with original KSP 1 devs. Just a bunch of junior/medior devs were around that weren't familiar with the original game. Over ambitious pitch or not, that sounds like trouble from the get-go.
  4. And now... The hunt begins... KSP was a groundbraker, but it's old now. I doubt even the original plan of just polished graphics of Ksp2 would be enough. We need another groundbraker. Clones will probably fail. Even if they are better in some areas.
  5. @PDCWolf That's fair. One last question. Now that the IP is in the hands of others, will (can) they remove previously imposed NDA, so we can at least get some closure on what KSP 2 was supposed to be. I'd be interested to see what was developed thus far. Even in terms of graphical assets, parts, etc. They stopped short just a few months away from probably buggy colony update. The biggest next step.
  6. Why? I mean, the forum already went through this discussion. There are no obligations for anything when it comes to EA (according to steam). I'd happy if the new owners produced a new (good) game, rather than hold them at gun point for the failed project they bought alongside. It enabled them to do something.
  7. Assuming KSP 3 turns out to be a good game (no EA), why not? Different developer/publisher/whatever. The game is what's important.
  8. @chefsbrian maybe the code is crap, but graphical assets are there too, plus the overall idea of what was planned. Except the multiplayer part I'm sure some of those things could be reused for the new game. IF anyone decides to make one.
  9. Wait... If someone buys a copy of KSP 1 now, who gets the sweet, juicy ca$$$h from that sale?
  10. Ehr, according to SZ video, quite the opposite is true.
  11. I still don't get why anyone takes Elon's statements so seriously. He is just his own propaganda machine. Also,"kerbal like" doesn't necessarily mean space travel sim. Kithack is also kerbal-like game...
  12. Not necessarily all. Socialism was relatively kind to us.
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