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    Armchair Armstrong

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  1. Well I did use the word 'might', not 'would'. You can technically screw up anything, so there's no guarantee. Even so, failed refurbishing with 2 years of development vs failed new game with 7+ years of development... You get the point.
  2. I am assuming you are taking SZ video as info source. Original plan was a refurbished KSP1. When asked for more time to include more features in the game, a simple NO would put an end to those plans, and we might be in better position than we are today.
  3. We add beef salad sometimes. Though I doubt the rest of the world would call that mixture a salad. Bom apetite I guess xD
  4. Out of curiosity, which toppings added on the pizza are considered criminal by you?
  5. No. Each player would have a bubble. You can time warp independently from other player, until two vessels meet. Then reconciliation happens. This has several problems. How DO vessels meet, if they're on different timelines? If you're the one lagging behind, and reconciliation starts unfolding, your timeline speeds up, potentially crashing other vessels to planets/moons. At least, this is what I gather from Nate's talk. I will try to find the source. If this is the case, then it's crazy.
  6. Art style and technical inefficiencies are two different things. Edit: Take Dishonored 2 for example. At launch, it was an unoptimized mess and resource hog. Over time, they patched things up. The art-style remained the same (duh), but game started performing better. Was it the art-style issue? No. The game was unoptimized. I have a few issues with KSP 2 art-style, sure (fonts & other minor things), but KSP 2 still is (a very bad) EA. Thus, unfinished, unoptimized, with lots of room for improvement. But overall, it's art-style is fine for me.
  7. Unless someone already replied, everyone had their own timeline, until two vessels meet. Then there's a time difference reconciliation. Which is crazy, if you ask me.
  8. But it's still an EA. Blah blah, badly handled, blah blah price. Still an EA. Officially unfinished product.
  9. Multiplayer is fine in its simplest form. Time syncing they were planning was... Uhm... Impossible? Convoluted? PS, that LS draft was really, really good.
  10. Plus, realistic graphics don't age well. I can still play Neverhood and ignore 30 years of progress in the rendering department.
  11. Indeed. On a more serious note, regarding the overarching vision of the game as @Vl3d put it, we still have no idea what that was/is. Grab graphical and audio assets & move on.
  12. Remarks are inherently personal, no? I knew this forum is an incarnation of Orwell's 1984. As Mel Gibson once yelled... FREEEEDOOOOOOM!!!
  13. @never_do ChatGpt came out 2 years ago. Ksp2 was in development for 7 (?) years. Thus, I doubt it.
  14. Those who lie 'cause they're incompetent to provide any value in any other way... and swim perfectly fine due to system which probably arose through them... Yes, I am going to hate the players. Otherwise, the future isn't very bright.
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