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Everything posted by cocoscacao

  1. That's a feature. Part of a Kessler syndrome awareness program...
  2. Someone posted Shadowzone's interview with Nate here on the forum (or you can search YouTube). I think he mentioned there that part manager is still a debatable topic. If I understood correctly, we're the testing ground whether it will stay or not. But if that is the case, I guess enough people has to up-vote such opinion. We need a poll. For me, it's fine as long as they refine it a little. For starters, make it disappear when right-clicking into nothing, and make it focus + expand on the part I'm right-clicking on. Edit: Also, now that the resources are displayed in a different section, fuel tanks are basically "dead dropdown" clutter.
  3. I'm not even sure if this is worth investigating. Also, totally uninformative title... I made original two structure parts and copied them like so: When original parts and copies are in contact And you use WSAD or EQ to rotate copied parts Then their structure changes unexpectedly Bug Effect:
  4. How do you live with YouTube but without ad blocker?
  5. What I am sorely missing is the ability to fine tune maneuver while the view is focused on something else entirely. I hope they'll bring that back.
  6. After everything written in this thread, I can safely say you're responding to impatient brick walls that simply skim over all counter args, and continue to complain... I'm happy devs aren't taking fast patch path for the reasons you've mentioned. Plus that approach always ends up with sneaking a little hack here and there, eventually ending up with a non-deterministic magic blob that no sane person can comprehend. And when that happens the only solution is the big rewrite, which never comes to pass...
  7. @J.Random If you really want to investigate, I just checked a video from SWDennis on youtube. It doesn't have a version attached, but build number is 20069, and changelist 184782 (not sure what changelist is). Anyway, patience is a virtue. I suspect it will be a 3 week update cycle, and that's not a big gap.
  8. Amateur project means that you can do whatever you like, whenever you like. Having more people developing something also requires time to organise. They're not moving boxes around, they're developing a piece of software. In that regard, one major patch developed in an orchestrated manner brings more fixes within 2/3 week period than a bunch of isolated tiny fixes. Those can be very error prone.
  9. Don't get me wrong... I don't like my Kerbals dying , but I also don't revert screw ups from my side. It adds a lot of realism to the game, and attaches me to little green adorable creatures even more. The last one I've lost was returning from Eeloo. He burned up in Kerbin's atmosphere due to last resort aerobraking maneuver.
  10. Again if... I guess devs would know best. Fun side note, now that you mentioned stressful maneuvers... I'm hoping that Kerbals will die from over the top G forces in this game, rather than just passing out. Edit: I'd also like to see yet another building at KSC. A memorial center dedicated to all Kerbals who gave their lives in the name of curiosity, science and progress. So just as you can add notes to the flag, you could add tombs with engravings like: "The brave team of Eeloo mission that cannot possibly fail a 3rd time knew that the Kraken may await at the end of the journey. Although they faced that possibility without batting an eye, their eyes are now closed forever. May they rest in pieces"
  11. As a web developer, that part is the worst nightmare. I don't even want to imagine how much that effect is amplified in games industry
  12. If... I mean, this is a very obvious flaw. There's got to be an explanation why they went with it. Does higher rigidity introduces a problem elsewhere, so it's a fair tradeoff? Dunno... I'm just curious.
  13. It must feel amazing to see just how much the players abused your game already with crazy designs. Thanks for the update, and enjoy the weekend
  14. This thread and the fact that we already have mods... before first bloody patch is a strong indicator how awesome the game already is. Let alone how it will be
  15. Haven't tried something like this.... My first guess would be to add a ton of landing gears to support the structure. Cool design btw
  16. Just out of curiosity... what exactly causes vehicle wobbliness? I made a very long plane with 10 crew parts in a single line, so no decouplers which usually are the main suspects, and it... moved like a snake through the air.
  17. I've already mentioned above... but... You're comparing games with very different scopes.
  18. I get the feeling that people who complain about the state of the game and compare development time / team size with KSP 1 completely misunderstood how bigger the scope of KSP 2 is. They just want the original with better graphics.
  19. You can put them anywhere... but preferably where the center of mass is, for maximum impact.
  20. I don't get what the fuss is all about. You don't like it? There's a refund option. Fair trial. Take it or leave it, but for the love of God, stop whining about it. "The food I ate was so bad that even my dog wouldn't touch it"
  21. Well, I postponed visiting other bodies since... kraken... but decided to go for Minmus anyway. Man, the music in this f***g game. I've ditched the headphones immediately, and blasted in-game sounds on all of my speakers. Approach and landing felt so goddamn epic
  22. When looking at the information about a planet or a moon in Tracking Center, every body has a temperature range property set to 123 celsius. I suspect that's a "bug"?
  23. Hmmm, nice. Though I still need a decoupler underneath it. Oh well. It is an improvement overall
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