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Everything posted by Tazooka

  1. Looking at the video, it looks like you're time warping and the SAS isn't locked onto the Apoapsis Then when your plane hits a high altitude, it doesn't air enough air to keep going, so your start descending and stall
  2. Yup. For the same vessel I quick loaded at different times to the same point One time it wasn't draining the upper stage fuel The next it was. Then it was again. Then it wasn't Seems random No pattern
  3. Same. I prefer the old system a lot more. Especially as it works, accurate and doesn't bug out
  4. Can confirm You just have to be careful not to knock it over from EVA
  5. The kraken appears to like playing with ships in water
  6. Game devs these days either do small updates/patches regular and often Or, what appears to be our case, larger and incrementally I guess it depends on the studio and publisher
  7. Deserved? Not at all Avoided? Definitely Better in the future? We can only hope
  8. The trailers are amazing and I rewatch them regularly. I just feel like these trailers should have been released when the future features are part of the game. It shows a lot of stuff that probably won't be in the game for years at this rate
  9. We can hope! I'd rather the bugs get fixed before aero effects, reentry and autostrut though. It's game breaking sometimes
  10. I had this yesterday when deorbiting to Kerbin However I didn't stage, my ship just randomly split up and did this weird camera bug
  11. I usually press F12 at the start of launch and then move the window out in of the corners where it isn't visible. Then after that (unless I quick load) it's not in the way when I press it Hopefully it can be rebinded in the future as I've been using F12 for Steam screenshots for years
  12. My landing on the Mun almost ended in disaster when I was able to clip through the ground while using a ladder
  13. Yes, it looks like magnetic boots are for any surface. Walking on low gravity bodies looks really ridged
  14. Same issue. Had to keep using the resource manager Good find, but very weird!
  15. Maybe a future update, like when colonies is added? Even if its just 2-3 city areas that'd be cool Maybe that'll be 'our job' to expand over Kerbin or something
  16. As its Early Access, I imagine it will be improved in the future, this is version 0.1 after all The new effects are good, but I get what you mean, especially the with rocket exhausts as they are a bit short (KSP 1 had longer ones) The launch plumes need to stay there longer and be bigger, I agree
  17. +1 I find the movement on other moons/planets very ridged and I miss the sense of different gravity like on the Mun and Minmus when walking around. For EVA on ships mag boots are a great feature. But I don't get how a dusty/icey moon makes your boots stick
  18. The idle animations and IVA screens for me are very Kerbal and I enjoy watching them. But the walking movements I find very ridged, especially on low gravity bodies like the Mun where it seems they move too fast. I too find it is harder to make them ragdoll and wish that aspect was more like KSP 1, but the controls in KSP 2 are good
  19. Agreed, its more a habit really. The amount of times I've pressed ESC and then realise I need to press the Pause button or "<" is stacking up quite a bit
  20. I noticed this too. I haven't been able to recover Jeb yet and Bob is now missing after my latest mission RIP
  21. I didn't have this. I had to keep re-fuelling as every time I used my engines it used the upper stage fuel too I never docked in this vessel, but good to know I didn't have this, but maybe I didn't allow enough time? Either way the only way to check my orbit was from the ship view under the navball
  22. Same issue. Just be sure to quick save a lot It took me till the 3rd attempt until my probes were not destroyed from undocking. However parts still got destroyed
  23. If you have the game on Steam, try verifying the game files? Maybe something wasn't installed correctly Right click the KSP 2 game from Steam From the drop down menu, select. Properties Select the. Local Files Wail for the files to verify and relaunch the game to see if it helps
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