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Everything posted by Tazooka

  1. Jool had a surface in KSP 1 originally. But it was patched out I'm assuming the same will happen here with KSP 2
  2. I'm one of the people who dropped off. I want to play KSP 2, but its so damn frustrating and annoying to play. My friends who play also are doing the same. Every ship launch is almost impossible to complete without something major breaking. I don't have the patients anymore, not until its patched anyway
  3. Its also cool to see debris flying around the system and occasionally hitting the orbits of far away planet/moons!
  4. Yes, that'd be amazing and fun Also you have a type in your signature February
  5. True. I hope its like KSP 1 but better. Maybe a few more types, like rovers and transportation and science/fuel/crew stations I forgot about that as I haven't played for a few days. It's very annoying to have 4 "Default-Name" flying around as I don't know which is what Maybe we'll see the naming and type added in April!
  6. I noticed this too but for Kerbin and the Mun. Obviously the change wasn't as much compared to Minmus or Gilly, but it did change by a significant amount that you wouldn't expect
  7. I guess for Utility parts in KSP 2 that were in the first game, there'd be a combination of KSP categories
  8. For me, I can get them out in EVA when the vessel has landed. In orbit my ships blows up or frenzy spins
  9. Oh I haven't seen this till now. Summer seems okay for Science to be added, especially with time for all the bug and performance fixes Awesome!
  10. I saw this post. Both this one and the one OP mentioned are interesting to read
  11. No rush, we have plenty of time Especially if the updates are coming in "weeks"
  12. I'd love this idea! I often made 'telescopes' in KSP 1 just for fun. But it would make sense to have this as part of the Interstellar or Colonies update
  13. This will probably be added when Science is added... which I assume is months away
  14. I look forward to seeing more!
  15. I think they know this, as most of the reviews, bug reports and YouTube videos are regarding performance. It however it not their main priority But as I said in my tweet reply to KSP, I'd rather that game breaking bugs get fixed before the performance related issues. Having a playable unoptimised FPS-game is more fun than an unplayable optimised FPS game
  16. Wow! You've had some great past-experience for gaming and CM I think they're changing it, as in instead of funds its now going to be resource based, like ore
  17. I'm going to guess its either: Something to toggle between ships you control and ship that are automated, part of the colonies update (like refuelling or something) or Ships that are not burning and ones that are, for the interstellar update I can't think that F/O would mean, but I like this idea
  18. I personally haven't had this bug, but it is common on this forum, Discord, Twitter and Reddit Sometimes it's a differnet structure following the ship, like a statue or Mun arch
  19. Plus we had the official statement from the KSP Twitter yesterday
  20. I find the throttle for KSP 2 perfect. Its much more controllable than in KSP 1 and having the added mouse clickability for fine-tuning is a great addition
  21. When do you think this will be implemented? It would be nice to select the type of Vessels again, like Probes, Relays, Stations, Rovers, etc I know there is a lot more important features and fixes to be update first though, so maybe a few months?
  22. Wow that's tiny. I thought it was a chat icon or something
  23. In another post it was concluded it may not be the landing gear, as this person didn't have any
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