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Tony Tony Chopper

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Everything posted by Tony Tony Chopper

  1. I hope this is somewhat usable in Linux? Would want to try that out.
  2. Don't bother, OP hasn't visited this forum for nearly 2 years.
  3. Really, I don't think so. It probably wouldn't have changed much on the baseline - not as much as leaving out downward compatibility, imo. It would probably have been a better place to start with the years of development it would have taken anyway. Old hardware needs to be replaced sooner or later, that's a given point. Why this burden? What did it cost even? I miss the dev skills, but that's what I think.
  4. So, I doubt this is a automatic working feature of Steam and I want to read some Opinions. The depots heavily changed by removing various dev-branches from Steam: https://steamdb.info/app/954850/history/ . Also a private depot got added to it too. Will something happening over the next few days?
  5. You have no imagination how much I appreciate your analysis. This opens a better insight of general developing to me which I can translate to other software topics now - at least to some degree. The copy paste argument is basically a insult to the developers now. Why did no one do this before? Was it difficult to do so? I didn't really know this kind of analysis is possible, but there are so many people in the community stating they are developers for themself you could think that at least one of them would have done this long time ago. Thank you!
  6. It's said better late than never. I think you should appreciate it in that sentence. That said, there was no 'need' at all as it is as meaningless as any other piece of NDA restricted wording - let alone how difficult it is to pass through that NDA anyway. It's a bare emotion containing message a passionated member of the community just want to treat their hurt feelings. Time shouldn't matter for human feelings.
  7. Well, wouldn't Paradox Interactive had to be successful first then?
  8. Very happy to read this. Can someone help me digging my hope out? It's buried so deep.
  9. There is no stuff to talk, so no. There is no further news, no hints, no clues, no anything. This thread is in fact old and speculation isn't interesting as of now. Everything thought is said. But feel assured, if I stumble on some news humble me would post it.
  10. Great, does it mean I can take my shovel and dig my hope out of the grave again? It's lot of work considering how deep I had to dig the hole after all.
  11. Steam forums are full of trolls, don't trust it too much. There were always these hand full of users provoking the readers throughout the entire development time with just 1-3 empty sentences, trying to get points. Palworld forums is similar ("game dead", "Pokemon rip off, you get sued"), only difference the game generally received way more positive reviews. Might also be interesting, but don't bother looking for something clear:
  12. Hack like fixes will never be better than actual fixes, but will always appear to be better for any layman. Alone the fact that KSP2 uses more cores makes it a way better base to build on, yes. Although, potential became useless in the very moment when development dropped. Enough said.
  13. Just that picture: https://imgur.com/a/ohTaS5l
  14. The economical reality, the legal reality or the gamer reality? Steam is in a good position to not care and they additionally profit from that. In legal terms, you just lack of clear enough evidence. Nothing will happen for now. This remembers me more on the ludicrous Reddit drama rather than the Helldivers success. Companies go where money is. Simple. Regardless of mismanagement, if T2 would have got to reach their revenue goal they probably would have developed it a little bit further at least.
  15. That's just doomscrolling at this point. I know it, you know it, everybody else knows it. Steam won't take the game off without good economical or legal reasons as they benefit very big from every single sale. Also, KSP2 reviews are bad enough to act as a red flag by now and every new buyer has his rights on refunds. Go into the Steam forum once and you're informed. Fair enough.
  16. Because they probably weren't really lying when they claimed "The label continues to make updates to Kerbal Space Program 2" after all. Unfortunately, the community can only rely on their own perception thus making their own conclusion despite having half the picture - and their wording just made it worse to interpret what they said. Some of us here are developer for themself and that might give us a very accurate picture what could be, but we still don't know the exact situation in the background. Remember when Micheal stated: "I am still working until late June to ensure all my work is left in good hands. "? Given that there is a support group too, the most accurate positive conclusion now is that we might get the support team to make the main work in snail speed work after June with additional little growth in dev count. Maybe that's what it turns out to be by end of June. Or they just bet for it at least.
  17. Excuse me, but ripping all the hacks off and actual fixing the old bugs is a lot of brutal work that isn't visible right away. We have no idea how much focus was in there. That's a mere assumption.
  18. Yeah, but if there is an end on a certain date (and be it for a smaller part of the NDA) it would most likely include the last day in month, meaning you should add +1 day to that. I get that it's probably not happening anyway, but it makes more logical sense regards to any kind of contracts. I have yet to met the first person preferring binary date formats.
  19. I would rather take 01.07.2024. Chances are the NDA includes the last day in month, but I think 'never' is actually more likely. The only information I do need however is whether we get an game update after June or not or if the IP get sold to another company. That will lead to usable results eventually, even though I prefer more dense text regards to this drama.
  20. I wasn't well aware of the difference between faith and belief in the English language it seems - replace 'belief' with 'faith' in both of my posts in this case. I certainly didn't mean it in 'conviction' terms, if that's a right synonym.
  21. Bugfix/support team which were not working at IG. That's how I understood it.
  22. So, does disbelief in climate change make you more scientific? Absolutely not. Believing in facts is a necessary. You would end up in conspiracy theory territory otherwise. Obviously that misconception is the reason why conspiracy theorists are somewhat successful. They think because of their disbelief they are right, just no one understand them. But that's plain wrong. Belief doesn't generally exclude being skeptical.
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