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Delta 86

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18 Good
  1. Is anyone else experiencing log spam? The forward fuselage spams "b5-1" & "b5-2", while both the forward and main gear spam null references. This happens both in the hangar and in-flight.
  2. @MashAndBangers How did you get the mod to accept the docking port as an effector? When I attempt to change it from the LEE to the port, the arm becomes invalid.
  3. Is the RD-58 going to get revamped? If so, can it get a bare variant? That would be perfect for use with the Buran Orbiter Construction Kit.
  4. It worked like a charm, many thanks! At some point I grew desperate and just edited the parts themselves. Now I can adapt this to patch other parts.
  5. So I've found a patch to try and change a fuel cell from LF/OX to CRP's Hydrogen and Oxygen. But for whatever reason, the only thing that changes is that the water output gets added, while neither the resources or ratios of the converter get changed.
  6. I concur, it worked like a charm. Thanks for the fix @linuxgurugamer! And thanks @JadeOfMaar for the clarifications, I'm sorry I wasn't more specific.
  7. I'm not entirely sure why, but this mod doesn't affect some parts completely. SOCK's Vertical Stabilizer for instance has one of its rudders suppressed, but not the other. I suspect the reason is that if a single part has more than one control surface, the mod doesn't target them.
  8. I'm also working on adding a USI-LS patch for the upcoming Haven parts. I am wondering how long supplies and habitation should last. According to what I read, VAST-1 will only last 30 days, but I'm balancing for around 45. Will that be enough?
  9. I noticed that the USI-LS patch wasn't working properly, so I made some edits that fixed the problem and made a pull request. Hope this helps.
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